Pitbulls and white women

What is up with liberal white women and their obsession with Pitbulls? I've never seen so much advocacy and love over a single dog breed like this before. Women are willing to whore themselves out for this ugly ass breed too. Is it because thse dogs remind them of black people? Degeneracy? What is it?

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Idk but about two years ago a ghetto hoodass nigger moved next door to me and had a Pitbull mixed with something else. The dog was bulky as fuck and aggressive. I have a young son and the dog would constantly come into my property and skulk around and shit in my yard. Eventually I got tired of it and walked over to the neighbor. I ask him politely to please keep his dog on his property and naturally he gets upity with me and says his dog won’t hurt anybody and he is “just a dog.” I smile and tell him to have a nice day. The dog continued to come into my property and shit all over my wife’s flowers. I befriend this dog and it comes to trust me; I feed it treats and rub it’s belly. One day, after a sizeable shit in my yard, I feed the dog hamburgers laced with engine coolant. I never saw the dog again and my neighbor moved away shortly after.

Why does my phone keep buzzing ?

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So you poisoned his dog cause the master was retarded? The dog had to pay with it's life cause the people were stupid.

I have a large dog myself. But my yard is fenced and even if I know for sure he wouldn't attack anyone, I still wouldn't leave him to run around freely around kids and small animals. But I'd let him eat your face, you poisoning piece of shit.


Wtf is your problem. The man has a greater duty to protect his family from some wild animal than to protect your faggot dog. I wouldn't even have given you the nice poison death if it were me I would have smashed your dog over the head as hard as possible with a shovel and then buried him in the woods. Learn how to manage your fucking pets or someone else will.

>So you poisoned his dog
> The dog had to pay with it's life cause the people were stupid.

My dog is only outside when I am and always on a leash if her herding instincts would likely go off. People that let their dogs out by themselves are bad owners.

It’s a contrarian thing. Most people acknowledge pit bulls are violent dogs but women think they know better or can change them.

Because they think shit bulls are just poor abandoned puppy wuppies stuck in shelters without realizing they were bred to fight and kill. Then because they have no fucking clue how to train them the behavior gets worse.

Postmodern mentality. Everything we know from common sense, observation and experimentation is a lie by the powerful and must be subverted.
It's contrarianism for contrarianism's sake as an all-encompassing ideology, these people are unable to function because they keep second-guessing evrything.

Shitbulls are cheap or free and liberal women are poor

I'm a dog guy myself, but when it comes to my son's safety I would have killed the dog too. I don't have any reason to trust a nigger and their nigger dog. Even if the dog is well behaved at the end of the day it's still an animal.

They do the same with suitors of a certain persuasion too...

Explains a lot about the world actually.

This is how they signal for BBC

Fucking faggot.

First of all its a fucking piece of shit animal owned by another animal. He was fully justified in doing what he did. I wosh it were like china where we could all run around crossbowing shitbulls until they're finally eradicated. Only people that own shits are niggers and white trash.

Look at this butthurt little bitch. Probably a furry faggot mad his shitty little fur friend met a painful and justified death.

lol if your son got taken out by a dog that’s Darwin’s theory at work

Do you believe everything you read?

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So fucking true. I can't wait until society collapses.

Funny pasta, but its a bit stale.

Women are attracted to violence.
Pitbulls are violent beasts and every male that ever gets a pitbull should be shot and every female buried alive.

The actual animal should be peacefully euthanized, I don't hate animals. I hate their owners.

Its the same way they view niggers

His only mistake was not poisoning the nigger owner as well.

You must be Canadian, because I'm pretty sure you let your dog fuck you.

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I’d hold you down while my pit ravages your throat and tears off your appendages. Never thought I’d see white men get jealous of the attention a women shows to an animal, that’s what it is isn’t it? Hold you the fuck down lol.

women are niggers of gender
niggers like other niggers and those who do nigger things

>laced with engine coolant
Surely a dog can eat a bit of engine coolant and be fine?

i have neighbors with three shitbulls and they always fight and cause chaos biting each other i live on the third floor i can see it they live on the first. sometimes their doors are left open with the pitbulls roaming the halls of the building.

how can i kill these dogs? i have an airgun but that ain't gonna do shit to pits. i have sleep meds maybe i can dissolve them and give it to them to drink?

same reason they like niggers and Arab rapists. because they destroyed the manliness of the white man and they are now looking for a replacement.