Is Conor McGregor right saying that TRUMP fucked up Corona Virus response

Here is a timeline what Donald Trump did when Corona Virus was killing Americans.
Mostly playing golf.
Conor McGregor who is seeking political office in Ireland himself might have a point here dumping on American President and his incompetence.
Americans are you proud of you President?

Attached: Trump & CoronaVirus timeline::..jpg (1112x1130, 242.98K)

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It’s literally just the flu

after the Chinks locked down and sealed Wuhan, Trump was allowing direct flights into the USA without any testing.

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Why should I care about what a useless circus monkey thinks?

well he's the president of the united states he's somewhat relevant

meme fag

It's actually SARS spliced with tuberculosis and HIV -- courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID (a CIA front organization), and the collaborative effort of certain Chinese researchers in China (muh Wuhan).

Lol, nice meme.

I'm talking about the boxing fag, but I guess they both are circus monkeys

Yes they are!

thats harsh but honestly they need to put his time tweeting and watching fox & friends in there for a fuller picture

>Is Conor McGregor right saying that TRUMP fucked up Corona Virus response


Trump had a three-month head start. He could have had a stimulus plan ready to go, factories could already be pumping out ventilators and masks, testing could be in place.

Instead, he kept giving Pollyanna press conferences where he insisted that everything was fine.

Now he's saying it's better that people die than the stock market take another hit.

POTUS is a penis.

Attached: POTUS.jpg (510x498, 111.38K)

Pelosi literally trued to introduce a bill to block his border controls in Feb.
Schumer called his blocking of border with China racist.
WHO on 1/24 parroted Chinas contention that human to human transmission was not happening.
The US is actually doing better than Europe per capita dealing with this.
And at worst the actual death rate is below 0.58%
>inb4 confirmed cases
Anyone using confirmed cases to estimate lethality is a unironic brainlet.

Fuck Jews and fuck chinks

>POTUS is a penis.
Looks more like a pussy to me... lol

Attached: Trump is transitioning.jpg (1936x1936, 269.44K)

>Trump had a three-month head start.
Is it possible that Trump delayed reacting to Corona Virus on purpose?

Conor McGregor is a braindead idiot. Too many hits to the head to be a world leader.

McGregor never dumped on him you fucking faggot

States declare emergency, not Fed.

Holy shit he fired mulvaney

He's had too many taps to the head that numpty, doubt he can spell his own name nevermind a full blown response to an emergency

Besides people are waking up

No, Trump is just retarded.

Would desu lads

I'm proud of him. I'll say it for the glows out there. Fuck you, the cities are finally going to be American again.

>golfs on weekend, pretty much just like every pres before him
Give it a rest, fags. No one cares.

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>implying many rural areas aren't getting hit hard right now

why are trumpies so fucking uninformed?

Rurals have the least to worry about. When you live miles apart no one gives a shit about the chaos of city life. You've evidently never known life outside of suburbia.

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here we go again with the TDS
US pop 360 million deaths 41,000 deaths/million 113
EU pop 460 million deaths 99.000 death/million 215

of the Western countries, President Trump and America is rocking their response
Why the failure of muh socialist healthcare?
Where is the unity of EU nations helping their own?
Attack the bad orange man. Thats all you have.

Attached: EU04202020.png (749x895, 46.93K)

Trump ordered the flights stopped. Leftist agents in the State department intentionally continued until weeks later.

China continued to allow flights from Wuhan to places outside of China, dipshit.

Trump is doing great.
Why the fuck would you listen to what a fucking boxer has to say about it.
I dont know why I bother

Why do the red hats trigger you so badly?
Like lol its just a hat retard