Explain this to me like I’m 8

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I'm 7

the electric car is dead.

contracts expiring, means nothing, in a few days itll be back up to normal when mays pricing is less foggy

If I had anywhere to go I’d be happy.

Oilfield workers are out of work. Thats one of the shitty things about cheap oil and low gas prices

More supply than demand for oil due to the dumbass virus.

All the big oil people are dumping as quickly as possible, other oil people see that and dump too. Probably some huge geopolitical moves being played today but I'd have to guess on that

>means nothing
Uh, good luck with that.
Looks more like those that were left holding the bags just murdered each other to salvage something, anything.

It means that there are going to be oil shortages and rationing for a while. This will keep the price high enough for companies to rob us for a few months.

We have two options.

1) War.

2) Or we ban all foreign oil imports immediately.

(Pro tip: it won't be #2)

Why doesn't Jeff Bezos buy 1 billion barrels of oil at $1 each and sell them in a month at $30 each?

entire oil industry is based off artificial scarcity and the goodwill of a bunch of camel fuckers

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War with who? What will it accomplish? I don't get it

imagine thinking this is anything related to covid-19

>Explain this to me like I’m 8


War to restore economy like with WW2

Money is based on the price of oil for most developed countries. Money is quickly becoming worthless.

It's partly related because there is currently no demand for oil, and SA is ramping up the offer to kill American shale oil.


Not a bad strategy. Why don’t you buy some first?

Didn't the cartels agree to cut productions to keep the price high?
Also price of oil going down is a good thing faggots. This is why they want to keep it high.

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This. Oil isn't an economic indicator. It ebbs and flows by demand. Right now with travel limited demand is low so companies are holding reserves for when demand increases and they can actually make money off it again.

This will not affect the price of gas in your region positively or negatively.

Storage space for that much oil is hard to come by.

War against whatever random country our intelligence apparatus can justify it.

It won't help in any way other than to keep our country from utterly collapsing.

Because he is unironically a brainlet. All these "entrepreneurs" are just fronts for powerful Jewish cabals and alphabet agencies.

The petrol dollar is finally dead.
Eat shit Jewburgers.

You need a lot of oil for all those cargo planes, trucks, supply lines, tanks, etc...

China and Russia

>Explain this to me like I’m 8

When mommy's only income is from daddy, and daddy doesn't want to pay mommy anymore because she stopped giving blowjobs, mommy is going to throw a fit and threaten daddy with divorce.

Oil stockpiles nearing capacity, oil nations keep producing. Price drop.
America fucked. Shale oil too expensive to produce.

>Explain this to me like I’m
Fuckoff back to plebbit ELI5 cancerous newfag bitch

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Checking myself

>imagine thinking this is anything related to covid-19
It is just part of it, Russia has been driving the prices down for months

gas is below $3 in SoCal what caused the price to drop?

This. He’s an actor. Was even thanked at the Oscars for being such a good actor.

Same for Musk, Zuckerburg, etc. duh, they’re not even great actors

The US is allied with the Arab states because they have all the oil. The arabs are Sunni Muslim and their rivals are Shia Muslim (Iran, Iraq). US foreign policy is mostly aligned to Arab interests. We “liberate” Shia nations by weakening them and empower Saudi Arabia, and in exchange we acquire oil.

That's a funny way of saying last minute discount.

This. Just look at the $22 June contracts.


>we are all going to die
>free energy exists and the power plants already exist and are easily

Considering the big-boys are still valued at over 20 times as much as the little guys I’m thinking this is just more totalitarian hellscape playing out before our eyes.

there are demons trying to ruin your future so they can turn the world into a shithole more suitable to their tastes and inclinations


Raw crude sounds like it would be a hell of a general purpose lubricant.
Where do I buy a barrel of it?

I think you've misread what is really going on. There are many countries that depend on oil for their GDP, such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. With oil this low or negative, they are going to suffer big time. What's left of OPEC may try to staunch this bleed, but Mexico isn't playing ball. This isn't about the US this time.

This. The electric car will forever be rich boys toys.

Oil makes countries rich
Countries like being rich
All countries produce as much oil as possible
Suddenly no-one wants oil
Countries are used to being rich, don't know how to be poor
Those countries are in serious trouble

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also this
OP is a re*ditor cock sucker