Will he make CERB permanent? Gib me UBI please

Will he make CERB permanent? Gib me UBI please.

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I’ve gotten two payments of 2k cad already, only thing that worries me is that they came a week apart. I thought it was monthly? But fuck it, Trudeau pulled through this time, I’ll be the first to say it.

I want my Justinbux!!

I make more than $1000 a month so I'm not eligible for CERB right now :.( and I'm in tears

a lot of people double applied/were double paid and actually have to give that back. you may have done this and should double check. you'll at least have to pay it back next year at tax time not a big deal

>Being this greedy


They didn't start taking applications til April 6, but we're paid retroactively to March 15

bros it says my EI payment has been issued but I dont have any NEETBUX in my neetbux account, what's going on?

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check again

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I am living on $1300/month right now - it isn't great. I lost one part time job but kept the other so I fall a bit between the cerb regulations and EI

Because the first one was a back payment, good from sometime in March until April 11. Don't listen to this retard

are you on EI and getting CERB?

try for both

I fucking hope not.

They already take more than 20% off my paycheques every month and I can justify it with public services. I want everyone to be OK but if you fuck yourself who do you really have to blame? I'm not footing your bill.

Giving anyone money while we run on a deficit is fucking moronic. We're forced to right now but I goddamn hope it doesn't get people thinking this is a necessity. For the most part people need to just quit their problem behaviour (and surpriiiiise my tax dollars fund programs for that too) and get their heads on straight.

If you're a fucking boozehound or methhead you're on your own unless you don't want to be anymore. Canada has had this mostly right for a long time - we shouldn't fuck it up here.

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Yeah, I applied on the 8th and got my bux for late March through early April, then I had to apply again a few days later for the April through May bux

lmao dude for the longest time I lived on scavenging from dumpsters and well under minimum wage until my life massively improved when I got the $300 a month basic necessities pay when someone finally realized I had no clue about welfare and helped me out

yeah it's CERB since I applied after march 15th, just wondering because it simply says 2k ISSUED with no other updates with deposit times or shit. im getting ants in my pants!!

I didn't even have to apply again they just put it into my account

Deficits don't really mean anything b/c the government can keep printing money. Harper always ran a deficit of about $50bn, and it was helpful during the 2008 crash. Bloomberg said it is a recession now, so this is going to be the usual for the next year user.

Aren't you just getting unemployment or is this ontop of that?

What I'm trying to say is any UBI should be based on surplus. Anything else is a pipedream or we privatize the social services we currently subsidize or control.

One can only dream OP. Imagine permanent CERB payments :P

That's fine I guess.. but I have rent and bills due as well. I could get free food and it wouldnt solve it.

we'd have to wildly raise taxes then constantly at each recession or change in spending, or each natural disaster like those forest fires in alberta or the flooding around winnipeg would need a sudden tax increase. It's not a good idea to do that kinda thing imo

>That's fine I guess.. but I have rent and bills due as well. I could get free food and it wouldnt solve it.

That's because you're used to living in a home. Just live under an overhang.

I could! it is summer soon. I'll probably have no choice but to rent strike next month and just see what happens lol

Or you only dole out your budget surplus. Let that flux instead of taxes. It'd push citizens to make the government more fiscally responsible.

>other people are sitting on their ass and getting more money than you
>being upset about this is greedy
I'm making more than 2k but still tempted to apply and see if they notice next year

it would push the government to raise taxes to hand out gibs
10% of people pay half the taxes, they will always get outvoted by lazy assholes

Am I eligible? I'm still working right now but I am working less shifts than previously. I want my Trudeau bux too.

Meet you at St. John's Soup Kitchen in Kitchener soon, heh.

What industry are you in user?

UBI is a conservative idea. It would cut down on bloated government bureaucracy, and would arguably make it easier for people who actually want to get ahead to do so, the current welfare trap can be very hard to get out of. Hell it's only recently that the NDP have gotten on board with this, they prefer more bureaucracy, more bloat, lot of unionized government workers administrating an unnecessary patchwork of social programs, people being totally dependent on the state, etc.


Get a fucking job.

If you're laid off right now you might as well kill yourself as you're only here to buff society's nails.