This is how we see you.
This is how we see you
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Do you live on Earth? Libs are the only ones wearing masks and living in fear. KYS
Who is "we"?
This is how we see you
I can't imagine how many violations this would cause
Holy shit he looks so Jewish
wanna know how we see you?
You realize a socialist system relies on the economy too, right? Just because profits become a no-no doesn't mean people stop needing food
Don't be silly, none of you work. You live off the government or your moms, then angrily protest people who live off the government.
why would i care what retards have to say
>actually thinks something like that is real or published
Talk about a low IQ.
You know so very little.
Why would a lib tattoo Trump on their forehead?
Meme this now
I've never met a conservative who either wasn't an uneducated blue-collar schlub, or a fat diabetes-riddled lazy fuck who sits on the porch and smokes and complains about people receiving the same government check they do.
Everyone in my area is wearing masks
If you are a doctor and see people like that then you should probably be unemployed. Odds are you are a stupid nurse high on the smell of your own brand.
>nurses practicing sadism with people they dont like
Wahhh whoa! No way!!! I thought nurses were angels, helping people. I thought they were saints, not petty children
You just did..
You know, a fed once asked me if I was a white nationalist.
It is illegal to lie to feds.
So I did not lie, I told them the truth that I am not a white nationalist.
I am a national socialist.
>I've never met a conservative who either wasn't an uneducated blue-collar schlub, or a fat diabetes-riddled lazy fuck who sits on the porch and smokes and complains about people receiving the same government check they do.
I've never met a leftist who wasnt either a tattooed junkie or an hysterical overwork middle aged wamanz.
Us liberals are SO SMART! Yeah I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!!
I wont take chloroquine if it could save my life. IM WITH SCIENCE! FUCK YES
surprised you can see anything over that huge wall of self important delusion
Black people are voting for Trump in November and I have proof!
same here i told him obviously i was a nigger and that since he was a commie he should suck my cock since he has the ability and i have the need. charge me with lying and i'll kill you faggot, now what booger snot?
>This is how we see you.
In Ontario, Canada it's the libtards that don't wear the masks, gloves, or anything and think racism is the real issue not the virus.
Well this is a National Socialist board not a cuckservative board. You're looking in the wrong place.
>kike in pic
Every. Fucking. Time.
Him and his 2 only friends who are also trannies that don't pass.
>low IQ
Only racists use IQ in their attacks on others, you hateful bigot.
See look at how bigoted you are. You're just a hateful nasty person with nothing better to do that be antisocial on the ass end of the internet. Where did it all go so wrong for you?
citation needed
3rd highest cause of death is medical malpractice. 250000 deaths a year. Coronahoax isn't as deadly as community college nurses
I fucking wish there was a way to reject medical treatment. These fuckers act like Trump supporters wouldn’t be all for not receiving treatment.
Americans’ bodies belong to the government, not themselves. I can’t wait to get (((mandatory))) treatment does Coronavirus because I am a threat to the wellbeing of Americans everywhere.
*for coronavirus
Sorry I’m a phone posting mongol