Who thought paying a bunch of rednecks without GEDs a six-figure salary was unsustainable? Oh well, boys, time to learn to code.
Those jobs ain't coming back.
Who thought paying a bunch of rednecks without GEDs a six-figure salary was unsustainable? Oh well, boys, time to learn to code.
Those jobs ain't coming back.
so can I take IT course, get a job, and then go back to college to advance in my job?
More suicides incoming.
Fuck America.
Just wait for automation
where we're going, we don't need oil
Should’ve voted for Bernie
>learn to code
The software industry is full of pic related. I know from experience. I'm in a trade now and I couldn't be happier.
Literally just a lagging indicator, the damage has already been done.
You're a fucking retard.
kys commie.
American free enterprise is still the most dominant force for innovation, robust growth, and entrepreneurship. Fracking is how we achieve energy independence from the sandniggers and the manlet who is in charge of Russia.
>I fix drains for a living I'm happy
ok. Be the change you want to see retard. If software industry is filled with onions then start being the alpha.
You may have to take a paycut, lmao.
Time to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and work towards a greener future. Hitler would have wanted it.
Big oil isn't backed by endless amounts of fake fiat money.
Bankers want to create AI to better control and manage us which is why they're blowing trillions at this out of thin air, despite producing almost nothing.
cool story boomer. why don't you just go work in the coal mine and die of lung cancer?
I honestly still can't believe that we destroyed everything over a virus. The economy is just fucked now, no V shaped recovery will happen, these assholes can't even pinpoint a time to return.
I can't even talk to the idiots about this because they say to me, "SO YOU CARE ABOUT MONEY MORE DEN LIVES?! ASSSHOOOOOLE!!!!". Like holy fuck, more people are gonna die from the incoming greatest depression than this meme-virus. I'm not saying the virus is fake but holy shit it's the AIDS panic but literally a billion times more hysterical.
I'm a software engineer. A lot of us are secretly pretty redpilled, and we don't say shit about it public. A lot of us got redpilled through the nootropics subculture.
All part of the plan, Ari. Now that we have the workforce we need trained and equipped to build fluid and fire process control hardware, we can build the most gigantic kike burning oven the world has ever seen. And run it for years. Time to make the holocaust real.
Electric is going to take over. SUVs are going in the crusher to be replaced by cuckmobiles.
Maybe now they can go back and finish their high school diploma lel
>we destroyed everything
Only one person destroyed everything
one person
>Those jobs ain't coming back.
Actually they are as soon as prices recover. The sjw jobs are the ones that produce nothing of value and aren't coming back. Keep seething though chink!
We need full communism now more than ever. It will work this time.
do you want America to be dominated by sandniggers and Russian/Mongol rape babies? Either we frack, or we get raped by Muhammad and Vladimir. I'm not a faggot cuck, so I choose fracking.
>Those jobs ain't coming back.
they will in 6mo-1yr
oil demand is in the shitter because nobody is driving and there is no commercial aviation. whenever that picks up, the oil field jobs will come back.
right now they've stopped all drilling/exploration and are just running skeleton crews to keep shit from falling apart. the guys getting cut are all working on developing new projects (drilling, pipelines, etc)
Nice to see shareblue working hand-in-hand with the chink shills. Normies are noticing too. No idea why the DNC thinks imprisoning and impoverishing the electorate and siding with China is the way to get Biden elected but have fun with that!
I fix electronics faggot. No, I don't want to sit in front of a computer 40hrs a week it's not healthy or natural. I had all kinds of back pain doing that and constantly sore eyes.
Less people died due to the great depression then this virus. Deal with it. Yes, peoples lives will suck, but just what the hell were we building before? We were on a straight path to jewish slave dystopia if not already there. Now there will be a chance to break from that and restart. For real stop thinking about money and how you are going to get your next dopamine rush to consume.
Except all the energy dependent countries and refineries just stacked up enough oil on sale to supply demmand for the next 10 years.
Fucking awesome, I remember when I tried to get into the industry after getting my ChemE degree and these fuckers ghosted me, but fucking Kyle and "pick-up truck" Kevin got right in after dropping out.
Burn in hell, faggots, you deserve it.
>Trump fucked up = siding with china
>Any criticism of trump = you must be a dem
imagine being this fucking retarded
I really don't understand poor people. Just kill yourselves.
if it would be fucking legal, people wanting to go back to work should sign a paper saying they didn't want full resperatory treatment in case
then lets fucking see how may of this fukking soi bois would really put their mouth where their boifrends dick is
Dont worry the Karen Economy is going strong.
E-celebs and youtubers are doing better than ever! Kyle Jenner is a billionaire.
It's hard to believe when govornors had the rights to call the shots that ruined everything. Business executives too. For people who hate Trump it's shocking how few simply tried saying "no this is stupid". They had no problem before.
>You're a fucking retard
That's badass
A load of pissed off blokes with trucks and guns. I wonder.
keep coping chink. We know why you're here and what you're about. You're going to lose massively in November and it will be fucking hilarious.
No, you don't even understand. It's even worse than you think. We're on track to the jewish slave dystopia even more, now it's going to be 100x more painful. I know you've seen what Bill Gates is saying, right? We're getting the mark of the beast while getting lowered standards of living as well. No one will even be allowed to go out unless they prove that their immune or have the chip, whatever the elite decides is best for their cattle I guess.
This isn't a restart, this more like we're the final stages of transforming into a 1984-like hellhole, and people are welcoming it with open arms. The future is one where all of humanity is getting a boot stamped on their faces for eternity, and you're inadvertently supporting it.
>Those jobs aren't coming back
Do people actually believe this? Not only are the jobs coming back, but because US shale is sweet AND cheap, once the economy returns to normal, production will probably go up.
learn to cope
biggest scam in human history
I'm essential, so I work anyway, but if I were put out of work I'd sign that in a heartbet. I don't even really wanna live anymore anyway.
>more people are gonna die from the incoming greatest depression
lol no
>once the economy returns to normal
Lol, I've got some bad news for you user.
fucking this
i swear consoomers are so brainwashed they think this style of life is the best
>"We should shut the border to Iran."
>"No that's racist."
>Patient Zero in New York literally arrived from Iran
Trump tried to stop this, you said no.