You have to shut down the economy or everyone will die!

>You have to shut down the economy or everyone will die!
Sweden is proving you wrong.

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what's their test rate?


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>Using it as a positive example of anything

Fuck off upside down Poland.

Tests per million 7387

lmao we're pimping sweden out

What happened? Why is Sweden the only country not acting like a giant sissy? Strange times we live in.

Brazil is also doing well.

It's ironic. They always talk about Sweden when they say communism works.

Corporations and people run the United States, politicians forget whose tax money they live off of, it’s a cycle so longer it’s shut down less tax for them. It’ll be open regardless, capitalism/black markets always win. Doesn’t matter.

Half of Swedish households are single persons.
They also have the largest population of telecommuters in all of Europe.
They were socially distant before the pandemic.

This isn't about cases, it's about deaths. This whole thing was a nothingburger, only Sweden realized.

they did no lockdowns in an attempt to desteoy themselves so the mudlsimes could take over but they just exposed the Certificate Of Vaccination ID narrative lmfao

only the strong survive

do people there are self quarentining or something?

Now compare Sweden with Norway and Finland. Finland hasn't even had 100 deaths yet. Sweden has twice the cases and 10 times the deaths as Norway.


Attached: swecope.png (1032x1280, 446.88K)

yea Mr. Shekelberg cannot afford a new sailboat this year, oy vey

Yet they have over 10 times as many deaths per capita then any other Nordic country

I think it's just their virus guy is a Big Dick Energy chad that called it correctly. Meanwhile, in leafistan, our diversity crew is saying this shit is going on until 2021.

Nah, just doing what we're best at.. Social Distancing.

Isn't that number outdated?

>launching yourself into major economic depression to save a few hundred literal 80 year olds

Keep in mind, most of them would die within a few years anyway.

Their case fatality rate is literally triple that of countries that locked down

Outdated and cherry-picked.

They also have more deaths per capita than the USA, by objective standards they are not doing a good job. The media is fucking trash.

Nooooooooo not the hecken linearino!!!!!!!

it's from 4 days ago. Swedish reported casualties are notoriously unstable, certain days they had +100 casualties in a day. average is they have much more than any other Nordic country

Don't trust those numbers. They are as we say, incomplete.
With that said, only boomers and older need to be locked up

How can the death rate be so low when it's 10% of all cases

Notice it's all the boomers who want to keep shit shut down. They're going to retire, they couldn't fucking care less if there's a depression. The same "I got mine" assholes are the reason politicians can push through fun control

yea if there's one thing I know is that most journalists are liberal homos, and liberals love sucking the cock of Swedish government

The yid banking cartel will do well regardless of how many goys are unemployed, retard

Because the reason cases are under reported is that those cases are mild or asymptomatic.

Less than 1600 dead. 40 today and 20 something yesterday. It's fucking nothing.

In Canada we've been in strict lockdown for well over a month, and this faggot virus is still spreading. Lockdowns don't do shit. Everyone that is going to catch it is going to catch it regardless. Thank your local CCP representative for doing this to us, bury your dead, and move on.

That's nearly half our total deaths in 1 day from a country half our size. Swedes are fucking insane.

>swedish public official
it is entirely more likely they "fell" (read, participated in the exercise) for the known faulty data and though it would help them reach their endgame by letting it spread.
of course, since the whole thing is fake, they'd have blown the whole plan if msm conviniently didnt cover up the greatest development in the whole exercise

MSM are desperate to spin this as a success story. because Sweden was the only country to behave like this, and now they look like idiots

>posers don't want the lockdown
>never volunteer to refuse relevant health care if needed

You're a lunatic if you think the MSM isn't supportive of massive lockdowns.

I appreciate you, tho I doubt the youthful lad that has no idea how the system works.
First by inflation then by deflation...

It really is the final fuck you. When they were parents ‘kids are meant to be seen and not heard’ now the goal posts have been moved to ‘I don’t wanna die so pay attn to me so I don’t have to face my inner self’ sad