Uncle Ted’s Cabin

I always knew he was based, but I’m only recently thinking he was redpilled. I’ve recognized how dependent I am on technology and how much of civilized humanity could be wiped out if there was a real pandemic.

Our technical prowess has caused humanity to forget itself and it’s place; we are more vulnerable to calamity than we have ever been. I’m seriously considering taking the full-on ludditepill, I just need a little push from other anons to tip me over the edge.

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Bro if you actually take this shitime espoused on Yas Forums srsly you have real issues. 95% of posters on here have jew friends irl. Bro I just hung out with a jew whose a manual laborer blue collar salt of the earth guy. They aren't all in finance or trying to scheme bro. Real nazis are stormfags. I've got a few black friends one was extra based veitnam vet. Ive got two friends that are gay as they come and theyre the funniest guys i know bro. I know some cool Mexicans (fuck central americans though for real) and I love the nips. Don't like chinks though except HKers. Russians are awesome, euros can be cool irl once they get passed the fear of small talk and talking to irl total strangers bro ... etc etc

Bro If your the kind of person I can sit down and have a beer with you're alright with me. If your in my country illegally or if your here but not even making an effort to speak my language you need to bounce bro.

You gotta realize shit on here is banter bro and if you've been here since the beginning you should know that. I've seen posters here say "I'm married to a kike so I can usually tell them apart or I'm engaged to a gook that's why I speak the language"

Separate the two everything here is taken to the extreme it's not real life for most of us bro

Interesting responses for the first minute of the thread...

If something in your life is dependent on complicated infrastructure and supply chains, make damn sure you can do without it

Fuck off back to r*ddit nigger loving fag

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great points made in this book, i suggest it to anyone who didn't read it


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>I just need a little push from other anons to tip me over the edge.
get enough money and tools to be independent from the system, go away from the cities if you can and buy a land and try your best to be autonomous

Why do you need a push? Just start working on it you damn homo. You better already have some seeds sowed for the coming summer.

Bump for Uncle Ted.

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Professor Uncle Ted is a prophet and a literal genius.

His manifesto, Industrial Society and it's Future should be taught to school children and discussed on tv.

He's written a bunch of other stuff and he still releases new work from prison today. He even corresponds with people who send him letters.

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I unironically have a good friend who is jewish. Doesn't stop me from hating kikes. Learn to separate the group from the individual

You consider writing a letter to Ted?

We write Uncle Ted a letter with one word at a time. I'll start:



What a fantastic way to ensure you end up on a watch list.

Though i do admit talking with Ted would be amazing.


We are already on watchlists so what’s the harm? Ted is a very well spoken person and he can articulate his points very well.



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Based. FpGp



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I love you OwO

Are you the greek user who made the


I'm pretty sure yeah kek

He was an intelligent man, and it's hard to argue with what he said. People have this impression that because he committed acts of violence, he must have been insane, because acts of violence are never justified, and never sane. That's maybe a lie agreed upon, to help keep things running semi-smooth for another year, but it's still a lie.

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/TKG/ Ted Kaczynski General

2PM EST Every day

Up and running now:

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