OIL -73%


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Bro if you actually take this shitime espoused on Yas Forums srsly you have real issues. 95% of posters on here have jew friends irl. Bro I just hung out with a jew whose a manual laborer blue collar salt of the earth guy. They aren't all in finance or trying to scheme bro. Real nazis are stormfags. I've got a few black friends one was extra based veitnam vet. Ive got two friends that are gay as they come and theyre the funniest guys i know bro. I know some cool Mexicans (fuck central americans though for real) and I love the nips. Don't like chinks though except HKers. Russians are awesome, euros can be cool irl once they get passed the fear of small talk and talking to irl total strangers bro ... etc etc

Bro If your the kind of person I can sit down and have a beer with you're alright with me. If your in my country illegally or if your here but not even making an effort to speak my language you need to bounce bro.

You gotta realize shit on here is banter bro and if you've been here since the beginning you should know that. I've seen posters here say "I'm married to a kike so I can usually tell them apart or I'm engaged to a gook that's why I speak the language"

Separate the two everything here is taken to the extreme it's not real life for most of us.

Will it really prompt war? How?

>oil is too low, we have to go to war!
That's not how it works memeflag

just look at venezuela don't act like i never told you

Russia isn't budgeted for sub $40 oil for an extended period of time, also destabilizes Saudi Arabia and other oil producers. Add in how screwed up China is in terms of intl relations and things are definitely not stable.

-73% as of 24 hours, a month or what?

There's no 'war' the tho.

upward the cost of bread gallops as the war inflation sets in

5 hours nigger

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how cheap will prostitutes and street whores be in the coming depression?

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how the fuck did this happen??


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>b but i thought they reached an agreement


loading up on options with a strike date a year or so out

As much as it costs to rape

>nobody is drooving
>oil is dumping
i must droov


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>tanking diesel for 99 cent
Best timeline

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-86% 2.50$ a barell, looks like Oil will go negative today boys.

Anybody know what will happen to the Oil ETFs? Will they fail, once it goes negative? I don't think they can handle this. Otherwise I would say buybuybuy! Somebody surely will find storage at these prices.

This guy is correct. Buy option on oil for 12-24 months in the future and make some gainz

Everyone is waiting until it hits zero so they can buy all the oil for nothing

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it could go negative.


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I'm pretty sure the fracking industry in the USA is in much bigger trouble. They were already near bankruptcy. I doubt they can bridge this period of ultra low oil prices.

better be, i wanna see normalfags cry and die in war
t. edgelord deluxe

Ive got 10 rolls of toiletpaper bring it on

But Drumpf promised JOBS JOBS JOBS

Stop posting this gay shit everywhere.
I'm not larping when I say None-whites, including Kikes need to be gassed.

Still I dont think cheap oil starts a war. And itll go back up when the economy restarts.

How has trump not tweeted about this? Jesus it’s fucking OVER

get a load of this retard

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>near bankruptcy
lol u lying sack of shit

JIDF pasta


I will be paying 10 bucks to fill up my gas tank when I travel for work.

it's going negative for sure, let me tell ya

a caffeinated beverage costs more than a barrel of oil in May

Just called the dollar store, they didn't have any crude oil in stock :(

they will be paying you

why to pay? when shit hits the fan you grab the one you like and do whatever you want. bitches realise soon their lefty faggots and soi bois can not privide safety and we're fine again. it's RAPE TIME!

On the Ludlow massacre anniversary

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>about to end a trading cycle
>about to force whoever actually has ownership to take delivery of a bunch of crude oil
no shit it's crashing retard, commodities trading is musical chairs with money

High oil price leads to war as it suggests not enough available oil to meet demand, meaning you need to take it from somewhere else

Low oil price means too much oil is produced and not enough demand (especially after lockdown), so oil companies go bankrupt but that doesn't mean countries will go to war with each other. What it does mean though is regimes reliant on oil gibs to keep the populatio happy will struggle, leading to increased chance of CIVIL war in those countries internally (Saudi, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, Angola), so more happenings in shitholes. US fracking will go out of business but oil doesn't matter in a lockdown anyway and the oil regimes will be practically giving away oil after the chimpouts to make up the losses

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All the holdings should be in the next month. It's just the front month falling like this, it expires tomorrow I think.

How the fuck can a ressource have a negative value

literally nothing
these whores are gonna get shot in the face in any case, you can't trust on anyone begging on the streets
selfstocking might lead to shortages, thus hoarding

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hey faggot, nice line. how about your own shithole? still seething looser in a history's trashcan?

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The value is dependent on the future contracts that end in May. So this basically means, that nobody wants any oil right now, because it will only cost them to storage it. Or they don't even have any storage left. Futures for June are still looking better, but I'm pretty sure they will soon drop as well. Nobody wants it right now. Even if it might sound silly. This never happened before as far as I know, so now idea what will happen from here. But it can't be good.


Oil producers produced excessive oil that they can't store, so they pay other nations to take it off their hands rather than dumping it in the sea or something?

this picture is fake as hell and was debunked about three million times. you better read this, son

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tell no body you faggot. let them bankrupt and then we'll buy everything

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I’m legitimately scared, bros
Not memeing at all.

The world is either ending or the schizo NESERA LARP was real, and it’s way more likely the world is ending.

>crude starts selling for negative dollars
>the entire world buys in
>everyone becomes millionaires
>world hunger and poverty cured overnight

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Now we have too much oil wtf. They have been telling us for decades that oil will soon be depleted in in the first half of this century.

Lol you’ll be the first!

Why is WTI in the gutter but Bent is mostly fine? I don't understand.

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Shuttup and keep investing in green energy. Buy chink made windmills.

They're complaining about not having enough space to store it. So, leave it in the ground! It's being stored there just fine.

Saudi, Iran and Russia have about 50 years left of oil at pre-lockdown production rates. In the past couple of years, they've been producing at even higher rates than needed for demand on top of US fracking which flooded the market with oil to artificially lower the price. Then the lockdown happened and now noone even needs oil cause we're stuck indoors. Peak oil is still a thing but that's over 50 years with Boomer lifestyles, right now oil is cheap cause there's too much at once and noone needs it.

because brent gets put on ships where there is storage, there is nowhere to store texas oil.

Trump isn't Bush. He doesn't care about states that overwhelmingly voted for him that are too reliant on oil sales.

artificial scarcity

>America destroys multiple countries in pursuit of oil
>They realize they can convert shale to oil and that they're sitting on the largest shale deposit in the world
>They immediately leave every country they just raped for oil lying in the dust

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I wouldn't call -7% mostly fine, sure compared to almost 100% it kinda looks ok. I suppose it's because Brent has much more storage facilities because it is responsible for much more oil around the world. Crude was for a long time US only and is much smaller. You might ask now, why isn't simply the Crude crew buying Brent, but I guess it's not so easy. It's probably much the same reason, why you can't order a couple of barrels home. I guess if you are not a major player in these games, you have no way of actually participating.

Eventually the cost of storage is greater than the trade price. If I charge you $1 to store your barrel of oil and you can only get $0.99 for that barrel....also the actual trading price of buying physical is way below the market price. It was $2 when it was $10 so now probably already negative in real life.

Yeah. Most of those middle eastern regimes need oil as does russia.
Thats a bad combo.