
was this peak human civilization?

if not, what was?

Attached: roma.jpg (550x778, 162.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Roman_wars

yes because they fucked many traps

Latins and Basques are the true Ubermensch

it was cool, but the government's corruption was inevitable and doomed rome.

for me, it's Aventine Hill

Early Imperial Rome definitely. Roma Eterna. The only thing that could stop them was their own faggotry. That level of tech and organisation wasn't seen again for another 1000 years. They had mechanical computers and central heating and shit. We still haven't figured out their concrete, at least officially.

one for our boys anons

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Ancient India, Ancient China, and the Aztecs were pretty cool too.

rome was the worst civilization to have ever existed.
modern day america is the height.

>what was?
The British Empire

t. ???

>worst civilization to have ever existed
you are literally typing in their alphabet monkey. if you are going to make such a negative claim i hope you've brought some reasoning along with it.


You are typing on a gadget invented by Northern European civilisations. Most inventions are Northern European in origin.

>modern day america is the height.
You got to be kidding me.

Shut the fuck up gypsy

Britain and the US are just lousy brownpilled knockoffs

>modern day america is the height
user, I...

that is only after the complete collapse of southern European society into muttfest barbarity. N. Europe were the only ones left European enough to pick up the technological and cultural fragments the corpse of Rome left and make something of them. The middle ages were objectively worse than before in every measurable way, we do not have a good perspective on the level of technological, cultural, and population decline that occurred post 3rd century. Northern Europe was just able to recover better than the OG med


>you will never join the legions to bring civilization to barbarian lands
>you will never take part in the siege of Jerusalem and kill many jews
>you will never follow Caesar in battle
>you will never see the rise of Augustus with your own eyes
Why live?

>The middle ages were objectively worse than before in every measurable way
that is objectively not true


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No, 1/3rd of the Populus were slaves.

>Most inventions are Northern European in origin.

and most modern day Northern European nations were barbarians and would have might have remained so without the Romans conquering and "civilizing" them

Attached: fan_art___barbarian_by_aobtd88-d7a035e.jpg (1107x1600, 145.29K)

Ancient India? The "ancient indians" were either the Indus River Valley Civilization, which were shit tier, or the Persians.

there is always hope as long as we remember her, frater. the day will come.


The high middle ages (1300-1500) were peak civ.
>degeneracy not tolerated
>equitable and sustainable economies
>gigantic advances in engineering, farming, metalworking
>a *mostly* peaceful Europe (fighting confined to a small segment of the population, ie; nibles and mercenaries)
>long distance trade for unavailable goods, everything else produced locally
>jews constantly getting btfo-everyone woke on the JQ
The high middle ages were comfy as fuck

The literal satanic child eating barbarians? You mean those guys? Cortez did nothing wrong

Byzantium was better and cooler too.

They managed to conquer and hold a lot of land for a really long time but they didn't do much in terms of innovation. I'd say the leap forward from the European revolution did more for humanity than the Roman empire ever did.


We are the peak of degeneracy and cultural pollution, that's about it.

Yes he is


enjoy wiping your arse with a communal sponge

>famous for smelling like a literal open sewer
lol no
>what was?
late 20th century Japan

That's every government. Every single government ever made has decayed and died. It's the cycle of humanity. It would have happened to Hitler's reich which is why he predicted if they were successful it would result in a thousand year empire. The US government will decay and die. The British government will decay and die. Everything will decay and die. Rome lasted for ~400-500 years at its height. If we're talking Byzantium then it goes all the way up to the 1400s (1,000 years) and if we're talking Roman Kingdom, Republic, Empire, Eastern Empire to complete death then it was 753 BC to 1461 AD or 2,214 years. It was a pretty good one.


>if not, what was?
Macedonia before it was better.
It stands to reason by biblical precedence that Medo-Persia before it was better, and that Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon before it was better.
Then it further stands to reason that ANCIENT Israel was probably the peak under Solomon, but when they fucked up, God had to raise up a more base but stronger civilization to supercede the former.
Rome, being "iron", is not as valuable as brass, silver, and gold respectively, and therefore only served God's purposes to destroy a crumbling civilization that attained greater civilizational achievements than the former.

AS IF any christcucks were btfoing any jews lmao. they were in full control. you can't cuck over jews while simultaneously worshiping their shit-tier desert tribe theology. Rome btfod jews harder than anyone in recorded history by far.–Roman_wars

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Rome was literally overtaken by christcucks so what you posted is irrelevant. jews won in the end

Seriously if you were like me, your world history education barely brushed over the Eastern Roman Empire, but the History of Byzantium podcast has really made me love those wacky Greeks and their constant wars.
Did you know that the original Antioch was destroyed by a Zoroastrian Persian general named Khosrow? And that he built a city he named Khosrow’s Better Antioch a few miles away that he forced them to move to?

>biblical precedence
you've already lost, user. that desert tribe book shit isn't gonna cut it when it comes to an objective historical discussion. the bible is not a work of historians, but fanatic religious theologists.

yeah they were, and that's when everything went down the toilet. even the mightiest beast can fall to the deceit and subversion of centuries of relentless jewry. Europe and the Americas are still jewcucked to this very fucking day unfortunately. the bible reads like a bad fanfic, but clearly its still good enough to satisfy most brickheads.

literally all you have to do to win against jews is say no, you should even make it the law to say no to jews. That's why we had ghettos.

heres a beautiful depiction of Roman Antiochia for you, user. Salve.

Attached: turquie-antiochae-antioche-vue-generale-jc-golvin (1).jpg (1000x658, 259.5K)

Well it's the height if you're a Jew or Elite