Hello I am new here and I am asexual...

Hello I am new here and I am asexual. I want to get Congress create a law that will refer people like me as ze or za instead of he/she, I understand this is a political board and you guys have power. How can you guys help me?

Attached: Asexual-Post.jpg (861x576, 248.25K)

Stupid autocorrect. I meant ze or zir.

Tits and gtfo

>I am asexual
not possible.

Attached: asexual_david_jay.jpg (1280x959, 328.3K)

How so?

Why do all asexuals look autistic

>a girl SO ugly, she pretends to not be into sex

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No I just feel like I don't belong to any group

No wonder nobody wants to fuck you titlet.

How rude.

where's the timestamp retard

Mix ammonia and bleach together that should help

>Asexuals party hardest
>Asexuals are the biggest degenerates

Like this?

Attached: 20200420_101022.jpg (2698x2698, 3.28M)

It's almost like they are all autists and so are people who have gender identity issues, almost like is all made up.


hello faggot
you'll be asked to kys and show tits, please dont

I used to think this but my buddy is like that. Absolutely no interest in sex. He'll have it once in a while but only because he feels like he should rather than wanting to

dude, that was disgusting

Sex is not gender

The asexual I know irl has aspergers

all you get is the rope

Have sex

Sexual preference is not a gender. Shut the fuck up, grow up and get a on with life.

I am an Asexual and what do I think of this, you may ask?
I think you should be sucking on my dick. I would celebrate THAT very much.

That is not what asexual means. Learn to read before lobbying Congress.

Asexuality isn’t a gender.
I know this is a joke but why do people who maintain these beliefs always have such a shitty understanding of definitions and get so buttblasted when they don’t conform to their twisted version of reality

I don't want sex. I don't have the urge.

instead, you should consider drinking bleach and hanging yourself, kike faggot.

>create a law
>ze or za instead of he/she
Hello kike. The oven is in the other direction.

You seriously gonna make a party just for that? Or are you just trying to scam some donations out of SJWs?

who said anything about sex??

Well I do. Don't oppress me, bigot.

asexuals are not the same as trans. they just don't want or pursue sex.

Is this punitive? So can I get in trouble if I call you he because I refuse to play your new age verbal fuck fuck games?


You are not asexual you can not breed with yourself.

No I just want recognition

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Holy melanoma.

hi i need special attention because being a regular faggot is not faggot enough.

My skin was white when I was a kid but then I went out into the sun and everything changed after that.

For? What have you done that’s worthy?

As a physician I'm currently monitoring this. But it can take 10-20 years for melanoma to become malignant.

>I want to get Congress create a law

How about you suck on a shotgun


I used to think I was asexual till the ripe age of 23 when I had a woman suck the cum out of my penis and keep on slurping. Never went back and decided to stop being a little bitch and fix myself to get pussy.

Existence doesn’t merit recognition, accomplishments do