Good morning roos. I haven't seen one of these threads in a while, so now would be a good time to discuss how we will go about undoing the damage the abos did to the Australian outback by terraforming the continent to something more habitable. Does anybody have any plan, or understanding of the technology that will be required? Post your thoughts and insights

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Imagine how many fucking crocodiles would be in that ocean. Scary stuff

Not as scary as the giant lizards that once roamed the continent.

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Australias desert outback is beautiful. Why would you want to destroy it?

Daily reminder we need a nuclear desalination program

What damage did the abos do to the outback? Need a quick rundown.

The funny thing is abbos disprove the lefty notion that natives are for nature and the environment when all abbos do is burn and destroy everything in site. Ecofascism for Australia
>Australia for white Europeans
>No more Chinks
>No more kikes
>No more Abbos
>No more non-whites
>Australia restored to what it was more than eons ago
>Get rid of invasive species
>Australia is a paradise and more habital
Eco-fascism when? Chinks could care less about the environment and kill anything if they think it makes their dick bigger and abbo niggers burn everything in sight permanently keeping Australia a hostile desert.

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They figured out they wouldn't need to hunt if they just set forests ablaze and then ate the roasted carcasses of animals that couldn't escape.

They have a 'tradition', where they burn down entire forests so they can have easy hunting/ food and they did this all over the continent for thousands of years. The worst part is, lefties in Australia enable this sorta behavior because 'it's their culture'. Fossilized remains prove Australia was lush and tropical more like Indonesia.


Is the mainland central Australia several hundreds meters lower than sea level? how is it possible otherwise to make an ocean

Fuck that. Dig a bunch of massive rivers instead.

The Nile turned what would be the shithole that is Egypt into a breadbasket.

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How’s do you think rivers work?

For posterity. DIOS MIO!

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Wouldn't these rivers be saltwater? You'd need desalination on a massive scale to make this suitable for farming

>How’s do you think rivers work?
I leave that up to the nerds in Washington to figure out. I'm an idea man.
Every entrance will have some sort of massive chips factory where they use the salt to provide us all with tasty delicious crunchy chips and leave the water desalted as it flows further inland.


We already have the fuckin nile and it's freshwater too, it's just hidden underground. How do you cunts think we manage to produce so much food in the fuckin middle of a desert?

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Dig a trench South west to let the clouds pass inland.

Aye user your correct that it would require many desalination procedures to do this.. ironically it would be more feasible for them to literally lower then inland desert and import ice from antartica thats free floating. This could also help prevent water levels rising. Course thats a massive enterprise and who would? Still maybe a project for after revolution one way or another.

all the new land china would be able to build their ocean front cities on

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Any Aussie anons chime in
How is the hunting scene in your country? How is life in the outskirts/outback in your country like?


has anyone ever.... explored inside that?

Should be easy enough to build large lakes in the TTS and LEB basins.
Get nuke powered desalination plants to pump water via pipeline.
I wouldn't ruin the aquifer well if I didn't have to bro.

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Australia's already in the middle of the ocean but can't into rain because there aren't any mountains and the tradewinds don't bring moisture. What good would another ocean do?

I haven't been hunting in quite a while, but it's alright, lots of pigs. You're best going up northern territory to hunt, that's generally where the weird shit is.

As for outback, cunts are generally more polite and useful the further you are from the city. If you're looking to go woop-woop, take fuck tons of water and supplies because if you breakdown, you're going to spending quite a bit of time getting acquainted with fuckin sand.

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Based on pic related, only a small part is below sea level, the part could form the basis of a body of water that the higher surrounding land would hold like a bowl, the problem is getting sufficient water there

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Yeah, I was thinking about maybe doing a safari hunting op there; or some kind of wild life job
Either there or Alaska- still haven't made my mind up yet. Alaska allows guns and weed, aus sound kinda liberal and white knighty but the beachs and outback not being cold as hell sound cool

You'd find aqua abbos
An even bigger drain on the countries petrol reserves than the land variety

I'd move to Straya if that happened. Seems cool.