Why do beautiful girls get cosmetic surgery just to end up looking like freaks?

Why do beautiful girls get cosmetic surgery just to end up looking like freaks?

Attached: Sahar Tabar.jpg (640x336, 34.81K)

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decadence must always exteriorize itself

women are retarded


criticism from other girls

this is a walking suicide

These are rare


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my friend did this. she used to be one of those blonde lululemon thots circa 2009. she didnt have a mans when her career took off so she had a ton of disposable income and blew it all on plastic surgery. she looks completely unrecognizable now and if she doesn't take photos at precisely the right angle for instagram with two hours spent on makeup she looks like an alien freak. my dick literally can't decide if I want to fuck her or not and it's the most bizarre thing ever.

Attached: lulu6.jpg (1280x1759, 1.37M)


I really never understood how you can be friends with a woman.

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That’s makeup...

I don't put much stock in myers briggs tests but INTJ women are basically men and the easiest to get along with provided you arent sleeping with them.

Female brain cant take social media

That's makeup and Iran jailed her. Then she died from coronavirus.

That's body dismorphic mental illness.

Mental illness, pic related is a real bad case.
You can see less severe cases of this when women color their hair flashy colors like pink or blue and think it makes them look good.


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Looks better on the right


is that thing on the right even human?

Not real, it is shopped, relax you stupid little man.

>what are you lookin' at, smoothskin?

Attached: ghoul.jpg (800x572, 129.41K)

fucking based

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Hard to tell these days. The Bog brothers exist.

He was pretty hot. Ironically enough looked kinda like my sister.

Is this thing real ? Please post more pics.

bimbos are not rare. Most just wont' go that far. But usually after 2nd or 3rd operation, they're not improving their looks, but deteriorating it.
t. plastic surgeon expert from watching youtube

Its literally makeup


she had cosmetic surgery in the left photo as well, most Iranian women get nose jobs

They have a genetic deformity and used surgeries to try and salvage what they could.

WHAT ON HOLY GOD'S EARTH IS THAT THING ON THE RIGHT? Is this real? Please tell this i a fucking photoshop or a plastic doll.

women don't do anything logically, that's why you shouldn't listen to them nor care about their opinions

Wrong INTP are

just be a low test simp of a "man"

No it is 100% real. There is a ghoul cult that try and make themselves look like the undead and eat the foreskins of little boys. Michael Jackson was another high profile member. Remember to chop your foreskin off of the ghouls will come for you in the night!

Who is this? She looks exactly like Angelina Jolie.

it is fake. She is still the "before" pic, but in prison for blasphemy in Iran.

>That's makeup and Iran jailed her. Then she died from coronavirus.
I thought you were joking, but she's actually under respirator, so she doesn't have huge chance for survival.
She was freaking cute too, pre op. I have a soft spot for white middle eastern women.

built for big smoothskin cock

KEK so true.



ever been with a ghoul before smoothskin?

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i'd bang the chick on the right if she could say things like "yes! more power! more power!" or "i AM the undead! fuck me!" etc.

Incel post

I think it was something like encouraging degeneracy.

that's a shoop not just plastic surgery

Me neither. All my friends are cute boys, women are gross and always cause problems.

Holy shit it's real

>Why fo Iranians get plastic surgery?
That’s the question you should be asking.

I google searched it and it's appearing to be real

Media and cuckboies want to push the look of young male kids onto women and society. Look at every common model "the ones who are pushed the most". They are skinny with no tits, man shoulders and no ass. In nature these girls wont go a week without major health problems if they didnt have their meds that keep them looking like that.
But, this will keep happening because media and paycucks see these women as "hot" and in yet they have never fucked a women that looks like that. They are horrible to fuck.

You're going to have to help me with that.

Retarded medias reported this "story" last year as if she had some terrifying plastic surgeries while anyone with an IQ over 80 could tell the photos were shopped.

Well, Michael Jackson was real so.... hard to know. Also, why are Muslims so fucking ridiculous.

>Puerto ricans
Try again you inside out nigger.

They want to look like the demon that lurks within them.


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Search more, the woman in the picture shopped photos and put out the story that she wanted to look like Angelina Jolie, to see if people would believe something with no evidence other than some mental looking pictures.

This entire thread is basically a massive bait to prove that Yas Forums is full of gullible idiots who can't do any research for themselves.

this was a fake hoax btw

Only real photo of her after her surgery, which seems to be just a nose job on top of anorexia.

Attached: Sahar-Tabar-11.jpg (771x771, 54.03K)

>Why do beautiful girls get cosmetic surgery just to end up looking like freaks?
Because faggot cucks like you are too big a pussies to approach them and ask them out so they think they're ugly because this generation is full of weak faggot spermless males.

Why is OP always a lying faggot?

nah, she shooped every pic she put out
you can literally see the stretched pixels

mental illness

That's shopped as well, she didn't have any surgeries at all, she was the one who fabricated it.

mental illness is believing a shoop as fact

I’m INTJ. I have a husband and get along totally fine with guys.

It's not shopped you stupid nigger

Puerto Ricans are the cutest in the world.