>Salvini (Kinda) Agreed on the Regularization of Illegals
>Regularization of 600k Illegals Will Kickstart Italy's Economy
>Italy Needs Immigrants
>You Should Thanks Immigrants for Your Food
>Salvini (Kinda) Agreed on the Regularization of Illegals
>Regularization of 600k Illegals Will Kickstart Italy's Economy
>Italy Needs Immigrants
>You Should Thanks Immigrants for Your Food
continuiamo a parlare del piano emigratorio.
Why user? Why?
I genuinely feel for you guys.
I genuinely doubt they'll vote for it since it's political suicide (especially for salvini, even if a temporary permit for 3 months) but if they do I'm gonna close business and emigrate to somewhere. Fuck getting bled to death to feed these leeches for even a single day
die scum
>600k rapefugees
>60M population
It's the 1%. The 1 God damn % of Italy's population. It's not that small. 1% here, 1% there, and the last thing you know is that you no longer live in Italy.
We are fucking done anons.
Go out protest PROTEST PROTEST
Italy doesnt need "muh immigrants" italy needs jobs.
Italy doesn't even provide enough jobs for all italians.
Dio con noi!
Oh wait, article is 4 days old, more recent ones say salvini said no.
Not that it matters, since they already have the numbers with pentanegroidi
>Italy Needs Immigrants
>Go out protest PROTEST PROTEST
You get arrested for going out. These fuckers ate picking this time to do it on purpose, because aside from getting covered by insults on social media, radio shows, etc. no meaningful resistance can be put up. They will lose next elections either way, might as well try to inject more voters to recover the losses
Hi Elon! I'll welcome boers tbqh.
Funny coming from you when you voted Merkel for 20 years and she invited all of them in Europe
It's more than the entire population of Venice. If they actually go through with it, politicians need to get gambizzati again
Maybe. Is there any way of onlinepetition?
And don't you have a right to hold a rally under some safety aspects, such as everyone got to wear masks/keep their distance or something?
I really dont know how italy works...
Go back to your Synagogue and spread your discord there.
Sorry forgot source
At least salvini didn't do a complete 180
Good,... that is what you got for being a fucking anti-diaspora and a swartoids wannabe nords.
eat nigger dick faggots.
: )
Yes but online petitions mean less than used toilet paper. And we have no right to assembly.
Best we can hope for is that they don't go through with it because government is still made up in majority by 5star and even if they halved their voter base an amnesty risks costing them even more votes, without getting any in exchange, since pro amnesty people vote straight left already.
That or opposition calls for a referendum on it (which would very likely make the proposal not pass, but there are technical times to do referendums and it's not clear what would happen due to the lockdown)
Italians are not white
I'd rather take 600k illegals than diaspora desu. No offence, but you guys are the worst leftists. At least niggas don't bother voting
The vibrants coming for your girls now fags.
Good look For the weak, skinny , soft , feminine, little italians gays. to fight against wild savage niggers with knifes.
haha,.. you lose giusseppe giovanni faggini.
: D
>i cittadini hanno diritto di associarsi liberamente senza autorizzazione, per fini che non sono vietati ai singoli dalla legge penale
>you can assemble as long as we allow you to do so
What a banana republic we are
siamo fottuti
>I'd rather take 600k illegals
Dont worrie,.. you gonna have far more than that number.
( we talking about millions )
and you gonna have argentinians too.
but no any diaspora,... just the camoranesi ones.
because italy is rich the mutts with some italian grand grand grand father gonna still move to your land and committing crime.. (or living from welfare)
your italofags backstabbers are paying already for your treason
enjoy your nigs, indians and gypsies fagy.
Shhh... Don't tell leftists. We are the most beautiful country in the world, with the best constitution, and everything is fine and dandy, and immigrants are welcomed. Jammejamme!
You germans are the biggest jews of the world
Non siamo fottuti, ma ci fottono. In inglese useresti il simple present.
non importa, la speranza non c'è più per chi ha occhi da vedere.
She was a slut anyway.
more and more of this come for the italians CIV-NATS
wewuz equal opportunity standard of migration for everyone in muh migration system.
we not discriminate here,..race is just skin color and shieet!
and da diaspora and terroni are worst and shieet!
jamal and banana bububobo gonna take care of your peoples.
(especially your family femoids)
; )
Era per dire che veniamo continuamente fottuti, ma nulla cambia.
only swarthy med girls are attractive
Why is this ogro de las americas so mad lmao
You despite what you cannot have or cannot be.
desirée was drugged ,raped and killed,..
"possible with much desiree too"
but at least the black gentleman are not the dirty diaspora and shieet.
gang gang
i am whiter than you kiddo.
and i whiter than the 99% percent of the italian people.
"and taller too btw"
; )
Fck immigration.
Europe for europeans
A europe of the nations instead a nation of europe!
envy of what.
i literally have the same DNA than any italian but i just more paler and taller.
anyway,.. i losing my time here. bye bye
PD: she was nice legs btw.
skinny, cute and long.
i not pedo btw, but she was fine.
He's mad because me along with tons of other posters have been telling him for months that diasporoids are genuinely worse than regular immigrants (which is 100% true coming from someone that interacts with both). He also has a grudge with lombardi for some reason (I think because a guy called him terrone which, again, he likely is)
Passa il tempo
come l'acqua sotto il ponte
di tanto in tanto
Gli argentini dato che sono andati in bancarotta mille volte ormai non hanno piú un cazzo da fare se non shit posting su Yas Forums
>be mad at someone for calling you a stupid name
what a pussy!
father arrested for drug trafficking
you are not even fucking italian.
you are fucking albanian
Niggers are worse than anyone else we all know it. everyone know it.