We can only hope that he is a rat on burning ship

We can only hope that he is a rat on burning ship.

I'm so tired of being betrayed by our justice system. Spooks and spook affiliates within the FBI orchestrated a revolutionary coup d'etat which involved deceiving a FISA court judge to use the Snowden-level surveillance state apparatus against the Democratic party's political opposition.

Unfortunately, they were betting on finding something so damaging that it would handily topple the Trump candidacy early, allowing the establishment to run Jeb v. Hillary as intended.

Worse, it seems like the people we were counting on for their integrity were subverting federal records keeping requirements, using Android burner phones, lying & misrepresenting the truth, hiding exculpatory evidence, wasting 100s of MILLIONS of dollars, using misdirection and threats, "selective enforcement", acquiring literally HUNDREDS of search warrants on fishing expeditions, to find something, anything, desperately to justify their efforts so far. Rifling through filing cabinets of Trumps' personal attorneys and business connections.

Remember that the senior Special Agent in Charge of the so-called "Midyear Investigation" of the @clintonemail.com fiasco, gave everyone full immunity with NO CONDITIONS (pretty unusual for the prosecution), allowed the evidence under court order to be destroyed without consequence (go ahead and try that, go directly to jail), and then prematurely closed the case with 0 charges. Not only against those who had a legal obligation to protect TS/SCI confidentiality (like maybe the fucking SecState and staff), in a context where people have gone to prison for merely being negligent in their duties.

Recall that this agent, Strzok, is the same one who used his non-FBI phone, where records had to be subpoenaed from the carrier, to text his FBI gf about the "insurance plan" in Jan 2016 to ensure Trump doesn't remain in office.



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I'm so tired of this shit.

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He knew very well.

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I think Trump hit a bulleye.

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you are an incel

Crazy checked

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Trump is going to promise to actually do something about it in this coming cycle, isn't he?

Can we get a sampler please???

Just a few fucking high-profile indictments.

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why are you actively choosing to look at propaganda?

Trumps Russian handlers convince him to spread conspiracy theory's.

have sex virgin. you are postin recycled reddit fucking shit. are you a newfag we already saw this posted months ago

why the fuck is Roger Stone in jail... its insane.

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Clown world to have a president that can't even investigate this but he can have tons of never ending investigations into him.

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Heres my conspiracy theory.
Waaay back in 2016 trump got together with all those leaders for that glowing orb photo-op.
then there is relationship with isreal.
Next the one interpretation that trump is some sort of prophectic figure hearlding the end times.
Really important for millenerian religions, which tgere are many offshoot just in christianity.

Now lets get all this.
And the only thing doesn't really fit is that trump is mainly in real estate. But buisness man he is none the less.
and 90's biotech hits big for investment.

Basically what i am saying is that Trump looks to profit off of this mess, possibly by encouraging infection, so more people he to pay for cure.
Ya know that deus ex kinda stuff.


huh read my other replies fucking faggot. i said this is old info.

Does anyone remember when every dumb asshole and their mother was 100% sure that Russia hacked the election, and if you didn't believe that you were a CONSPIRACY THEORIST??

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I mean havibg any form of belief in a solution you haven't cone up with yourself.
To even entertain the idea that something worthwhile is going to cone out of politics for you, in this current year.
You must be as desperate as you are Retarded.

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can't be hacked, but bots and misinformation can easily change results though nowadays.

Trump is a schizo off his meds!
Take your meds for once schizo!

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What are we going to do my fellow Republibros? This year has been an absolute disaster for Trump, and his slow ineffectual response to Corona after refusing to act because "it's just a hoax" is going to ruin any chances of him getting reelected. How are we going to spin this into a positive bros?

everyone dies so no need

Of course it's old info you fucking NPC, the media machine has long moved past this.


That whole thing about the previous administration, the spying, the lying, the impeachment efforts, the coverups of crimes -- "at this point, what difference does it make"?

ya lol who the hell cares nerd, but did you hear that nigball might be cancelled??? have you played any good nintendo switch games??

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What's infuriating is that the argument against arresting and hanging all these traitors quickly early on was that the effect would be complete social breakdown from people freaking out. Well, its hard to argue that delaying to put all the minute details into place was a good idea now looking at the total breakdown they've foisted on us with this coronahoax. If we had hung a few of them already, this would have never would have had a chance to happen.

It's not that easy. It's hard to jail someone when they have the entire justice system in their pocket.

>NPC Projecting
>Guyszzz I fit in the le secret club in on Yas Forums for posting old news
Fuck off back to normiereddit mother fucker. This stuff is already posted in Trump general thread and multiple times a day.

If he's going to do anything, it will be right before the election for maximum effect. It's basic strategy.

Until then, I will withhold judgement.

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> poorly written russian "bots" on twitter with no engagement
> paid social media likes
> russians pay for $5000 in facebook ads, I spend more every month

compared to

> Google determining search relevance, see their leaks and their promises to work harder to never let this happen again
> Facebook determining what is appropriate to share and say
> Netflix owned by Dems, pumping content directly into people's homes
> Twitter determining real and fake, manipulating Trending and shadowbans
> YouTube demonetization tricks, algorithmic deplatforming (very slowly draining impressions in related/relevance/search to decline audience, which decreases your relevance, spiral of death), Content Guidelines, selective political enforcement, wrongthink
> US Government Intelligence Apparatus (FBI/NSA/CIA), see this thread
> 90% of Corporate Media Assets (WaPo, HuffPost, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC News, etc etc)

Trump is a traitor too bro. If any of shit was real and not just a media circus designed to make trump real, their coup would have been successful and trump found dead via suicide like Epstein

Trump is not arresting anyone, trump is not getting arrested or killed, this is a scam that trump is in on.

I can't tell how you can be this deranged.

I've been here since /new/, and NO, the /ptg/ has always been fucking cancer, they have an attention span similar to yours and have long forgotten about holding anyone accountable.

They will light up again once Trump says "lock her up", but we saw how well that went.

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Take your meds, schizo

I stopped voting when Ron Paul left the scene.

I agree about the complicity, but I think you are walking into an unfalsifiable position.

Trump is now complicit in these deeds because of is inability to hold anyone accountable. He has facilitated their escape from justice and the American people by allowing them to go on.

However, I think it's honestly more likely this is a failure of the administration to affect the momentum of a great and corrupt Machine, rather than evidence that Trump is on their side.

Maybe we should elect Tuck.

You're a faggot that is not human.

KYS chomo.

Trump, for a time, had the large support of the American people. He still has strong support.

You know, I know it, that trump could hold a military inquisition if he wanted to. No one in his base would actually be upset if “people” like Strzok we’re arrested or even executed. He could do that because the resentment is real. Trump is absolutely playing his role, he’s releasing steam from a group that wants change, and he’s not providing it. He is the status quo just as Obama was.

The intelligence agencies need to be dismantled completely, the system completely wiped clean.

Why are you asking for anything from the cunt who worked with Bush Sr to pardon kikes involved in covering up Iran-Contra?
Barr is just as corrupt as the people about whom you're ranting.

Holy shit! I'm not the only one thinking this!