Would you be happy for your son to say that he admires and looks up to him?
In all honest Yas Forums, is Trump a good Male role model for boys?
>being "needy, whiny, defensive, scared" are women traits.
based be he should be careful, saying things like this could end his career prematurely.
Hard to believe a guy who was accused of taking orders from Putin one minute and starting WW3 the next minute would feel the need to defend himself from conspiracy theorists in the press corp.
whoa a neo-con never trumper said this? that really makes me reconsider how i think of the president. tom nichols is also the guy that left the republican party because they confirmed kavanaugh. he legitimately thought that a woman with no evidence, clearly making up a story, meant someone shouldn't be a justice.
In their wacky world of redefinitions, a manly man is a man who acts subservient to women and minorities.
Never once as a boy did I look at a sitting president and thing "Yeah that's who I want to be like when I grow up." You get that from your father.
Cats are adorable though
Total inversion. Amazing
Trump is patient and tactical and calls people out on their shit. He is ten steps ahead of his enemies. He sets blatant traps for them which they all swarm to. He left his business life behind to help the American people. I shit on Trump a lot and truthfully, I don't know the hurdles he goes through. I'm sure it's a very difficult job to be the president of the USA and have every single thing you say and do for as long as you ever lived be looked at through a microscope and broadcast for the world to see and weigh judgment on you.
I think few men could endure what he's going through. So yes, I'd say he's overall a good role model. The best? No. But we all are flawed and imperfect
hes like 80 years fucking old idiot lmao
I'd be more happy then if he said his hero was some bitch
The level of projection is unbelievable
Trump is a faggot but he makes people all ass blasted which is why I voted for him, if bootyjej had actually made it further I would have voted for him this election, it’s all for the keks at this point
Trump is alpha as fuck compared to most politicians.
>forces deadbeats to pay child support with stimulus
>tells illegals to fuck off
Absolutely. The amount of salt on deadbeat Twitter alone is enough to secure my 2020 vote.
Trump appeals to the whiny, low testosterone cuckservatives that front a tough, real manly man demeanour but turn into screeching little bitches worse than Antifa the moment something doesn't go their way.
>Twump suppowtews awe wowse than tewwowists waaah
>Pays deadbeats child support for them using taxpayer money
>Mexicans are still flowing into the country but he's also expanded H1B work visas from India EVERY YEAR
Ok Drumphlet
I said they're often times just as whiny as their Antifag counterparts.
in one breath this, in the next they are harcore terrorists and we must take their guns....consistency is the glue that adds value to notions, tis why you twits cannot sell yours.
How the is *grab them by the pussy* dude scared of women?
He even got you a job complaining about him all day online. See, everyone wins.
Nah bro, I'm as based centre with a mild left leaning as you can get. Trumpets and Antifaggots are both fucking retarded. Also, guns are good shit.
The dudes head on the right makes me really angry...
And you're still blindly defending him online for free all day.
Nah, just ITT.
Lol rekt
hmm yeah why is he defending himself from the people trying to organize a coup against him... what an effeminate weirdo who does that?
Me too. But one of us can afford eating the good cup noodles tonight under Quarantine. Enjoy your unpaid labor defending a President that has done Literally nothing you defend him for.
Trump is a better role model than most males in TV and entertainment, since those guys are all so effeminate. Turn on your TV, the guy in front of you is soft as shit and very feminine.
Even this tweet is feminine. Attack a man's psychological state and sexuality. Those are chick attacks. This guy has been taught by women for so long, he sounds like one.
>scared of women
How are the commie flaggots STILL leaving out the "they let you do it" part of "When you're rich they let you do it"?
What a sad life.
Billionaire real estate tycoon playboy becomes President of the United States with zero political experience with the might of the American left, media, global powers, and our own American government against him. Nope, that's masculine. That is Ultra Chad 9000 levels of masculine that shouldn't be possible.