Fake and gay
Covid19 has a weird way of spreading in a fashion that reinforces pro-lockdown narratives.
Almost like it’s a bioweapon! But of course it isn’t!
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. The city people voted for Hillary.
>its just a flu
natural selection
don't waste your icu rooms and ventilators on those subhumans
just americans being dumb, not a surprise
Enjoy your lung herpes
the propaganda machine doesn't get shut down for the virus.
think hard about that one, anons.
theyve created plagues for thousands of years.
Oh look, JEW MEDIA trying to Jew a virus. I'm shocked.
One thing has nothing to do with the other
>americans being dumb
imagine being so dumb you think that staying inside will make a virus magically disappear from the genome.
>controlled media moves to control debate after successful civil unrest
I'd be terrified if they sided with the American people, quite frankly, it would mean it was all a ruse.
Leftists don't understand the difference between relative and absolute values. It's why these retard journalists think a 3% relative risk increase is newsworthy.
Kentucky has almost no covid victims so pretty much any increase will look huge in relative terms but will be tiny in NY terms. Rural America in general has handled things much better and is much better governed than the cities which are utterly degenerate. The same is true here. Covid is basically a big city issue only.
It takes two weeks for Covid to gestate in your body. I guess Kentuckyeans are in a hurry compared to the rest of the world.
I believe this
No one thinks that staying inside will remove the virus from the genome you fucking retard. It’s about keeping it from spreading even more while they work on a vaccine.
I remember growing up when Newsweek was laughed at as a stupid tabloid.
Here we are in 2020 with shitlibs treating it like gospel.
As much as I think Covid 19 is over hyped, I do not understand why these rednecks are protesting. Literally just one more week and we will be over the curve.
If you can’t live one month without a job, you messed up. Especially with all the free shit you’re getting
>highest increase
Reminds me of doomsday AIDS reportage of mid 90s.
>last year: one woman died of AIDS
>current year: two women died of AIDS
>headline: Alarming 100% increase of AIDS deaths among women
Cept the suburbs vote Democrat now. See 2018 midterms and google suburban women voters and see who they are voting for.
A vaccine is two years away IF they can even make one. The country can’t stay locked down indefinitely.
>Conservative retards protest to reopen during a pandemic
>Get infected
America is on the verge of a famine right now. But of course insulated lefties think that things can be locked down for two years.
>a bio weapon has been unleashed
>quick fellow goys, lets go exposed ourselves to it in order to defend our rights.
Some people have a vested interest in keeping lockdowns forever. They will find ways to say that we’re not over the curve.
The reaction from people once they realize that covid19 could be spread by spraying down commonly touched surfaces would not be a “let’s go hide” reaction
It mutates too fast for a vaccine to ever work.
The timeline that is actually important here is the time it takes for us to set up local medical production to produce enough medication to treat the ill we have and then have the disease die off. The problem is that dipshit democrats are going full despot and causing people to revolt while the neocons want to just ignore it so that everyone can go suffer and die as wage slaves for their retirement funds and sacred GDP.
Nobody seems interested in actually working out a proper response, they want to either ignore the problem or just go full soviet.
Beginning to agree with him. I’m ashamed to be a Republican right now. The party is literally dumbasses who are defying stay at home orders FOR THEIR OWN HEALTH and retarded christcuck theocrats who make people lose brain cells every time they open their mouths.
5-14 day incubation period followed by mild symptoms then severe symptoms. Yeah that shit fake as fuck, liberal shit media.
ky bro hear, i died of corona 6 times last week, least this time i respawned with a bbc instead of a lil yellow wang
Give that incubation period is 2-14 days, it’s unlikely protests are directly related.
If the incubation period is 14 days, no one at the protests should be showing symptoms unless they caught it beforehand.
Almost as if you csn spread it easily before you get sick even.
>democrats are going full despot
You mean all those republican governers and their stay at home orders?
It probably will disappear once it runs out of human hosts to spread to.
fake news
KY already had a low rate so this would have happened anyway
The incubation period is up to 14 days, not always 14 days dipshit.
Take your meds, holy hell.
What a pathetic coward. I laugh at you. A yellow streak as wide as the China flu.
Newsweek is very fake news.
I live there. Our peak is farther off than a lot of other states’ peaks. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. I don’t want me and mine to be sacrificial lambs for the stonks.
Average is 3-7 days, outliers 14 days, extreme cases is 24 days. 2 weeks is a meme born from the early days due to media blackouts and Chinkland being Chinkland.
No, I mean the dipshits banning the sale of guns, seeds, and anything else they decree to be non-essential.
Telling people to stay at home during a quarantine is basic common sense, and if you are out partying in a goddamn pandemic you are an honorary nigger and should be treated as such.
Never going to happen
It’s not always income, it’s about being put into what’s effectively solitary confinement for a month.
I quit being a Democrat because it required buying into too much retarded bullshit. Now I see the Republicans peddling a bunch of retarded bullshit too.
These protests are counter measures by
i am not sure who yet.
But its a darwin strategy.
I wouldnt be suprised if theres antifah, or just all around super assholes that go to places that are still crowded just to spread the disease.
Stay safe out there guys
Doubtful that a few protests can spike infection rates. More likely either this is due to increased testing or general lack of social distancing.
The protestors are right in theory: it makes no fucking sense that we still have to shelter in place when life was already normalish in South Korea a month ago.
But we need about ~million tests a day, smartphone based voluntary contact tracing with high compliance, availability and mass use of respirator masks, and re-working restaurants to mitigate infection (more outdoor seating, etc).
We're not even close to where we should be. It doesn't look like masks and tests were really ramped up even as late as mid-March. We're on a trajectory to have one of the worst possible outcomes because little was done with the time these initial shelter in place orders have us to scale up infrastructure. We will have multiple peaks which overwhelm the healthcare system and the lack of percieved safety and economic certainty will kill demand and strangle the service economy even if social distancing is relaxed.
It can spread easily and not actually do anything to a lot of hosts. But that isn’t terrifying enough so the media buries those stories
The state is just now finally getting tests. A week ago you had to be on deaths door to even receive one. Now this is being used to push a narrative through half truths. We still have counties with zero cases. t. Kentuckyfag
>vaccines save lives
spotted the faggot.
You don’t think media companies have an interest in keeping people home so they can watch more TV?
Protests are a viral vector.
It's like a bioweapon aimed at politically active old people.
>But we need about ~million tests a day
This is not going to happen. The logistics of that are all but insurmountable.
>Chinese insectoids don't value human life and sacrifice the individual for the group
>Burgers value human life but are ready to sacrifice the individual for the NYSE and NASDAQ
The irony is rich
What happened was they don't want to admit Trump made some mistakes handling the pandemic. They're that emotionally invested in the man that to admit the pandemic is serious would be admitting the US hasn't done that well.
So they say that it's actually no big deal.
I also think there's a big element of people being too selfish to change their lifestyle at all for the sake of their countrymen. A lot of people can't bring themselves not to go to the bar during a national emergency so they'll just say 'actually the virus doesn't even exist so why should I care!' or something like that.
What I think is really weird is people can simultaneously rightly point out that the CCP lies about their numbers and downplays the severity of the virus, and then at the same time reinforce that narrative by downplaying it themselves.
"take your meds" NPC alert
I'm sure this has nothing to do with people ignoring the stay at home order for Easter
what happened to the 14 day dormancy before showing symptoms?
Correlation not causation. We are having increases because nursing homes are infected. Some Physical Therapist was positive and is responsible for about 60 cases in two different nursing homes.
Cowardly fuck! They don't want you. An embarrassment, a lightweight, a small timid shadow. Please don't associate yourself with anyone or thing, you disgust us with your craven nature.
Patient zero came from Fort Detrick and allegedly died from uh vaping.
You'd almost think the biparty system is a msathod of control not independent balanced governance.
Kentucky fag here.
Rural KY is full of old ass boomers. The flu kills a bunch of them every season and those numbers come out like a god damn quarterly corporate earnings report. Same shit happened last year...the year before...and the year before. Nothing new here.
>Doubtful that a few protests can spike infection rates
The general lack of accepting that the pandemic is real and serious by conservatives is what has spiked rates in their areas.
This isn't just a fringe group, it's the mainstream opinion of them. Go look on any conservative pundits twitter page and you see this same stupid shit.
For example, one that made the rounds was the story about the aircraft carrier where a lot of sailors got the corona virus and none died. This story was pushed by conservative pundits as if it's rock solid proof that the corona virus is no big deal!
Because clearly a bunch of young military men in peak physical health are representative of America at large...
Imagine how immensely stupid someone has to be to read that story and go 'YUP, NO BIG DEAL'.
>A choice between the lesser of two weasels.
>What I think is really weird is people can simultaneously rightly point out that the CCP lies about their numbers and downplays the severity of the virus
I love this line of reasoning
That they quarantined a city with millions of residents told us all we needed to know. We suspected they were lying the whole time. Therefore we can't use their lies as an excuse for inaction.
Cult 45 just can't admit the truth