I poured water on my computer. Power supply made sound like cooked bacon and wont turn on. /g/ won't help. How to fix

I poured water on my computer. Power supply made sound like cooked bacon and wont turn on. /g/ won't help. How to fix

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its fried sorry bud

You don’t, you replace the part you broke and don’t drown your PC next time

Get a new power supply retard.

you have to pull the trigger

get a new computer. Your fucked.
t. got rain on my computer, thankfully the 1080ti was okay, but all 32gb of ram and my mobo got fucked

Is it a desktop or a laptop?

Fuck. Thanks guys I knew you'd be there for me in my darkest hour.

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Spilt a cup of tea on mine a few years back. Had to replace the graphics card only, thankfully.

if your computer broke how are you posting here?

you need a new motherboard and power supply

Scrub everything that got wet with moonshine and a toothbrush

Whats a phone for 500 alex

Yeah so what if I'm a retard
Debating if I want to spend 600 on a new computer or fresh and cool new gun to end my life
That sucks. Hope you find a home soon.
Desktop. I keep it on a plank of wood. On the floor.

>get blow dryer
>shove it up your ass

Install Gentoo.

Where did you spill the water at on it?

Actually my main phone broke so I'm using an old smartphone. Also my headphones broke.

Pouring a 40oz for your loss right now.

The first step to fixing anything is to realize that the jews are behind the reason why it broke.

make sure to attach magnets to your harddrive, could save your data.

Until there's evidence jews weren't involved it must be assumed they were behind it.

You need to put it in a tumble dryer .

You need to microwave your CPU for a few minutes. That should fix it.

>I poured water on my computer.

New power supply required. Part is pretty cheap and buying a used one or ripping one out of an old junk computer will work. That is as long as it provides the same amount your current fried one did. Inspect motherboard carefully for rust and pray it didn't splash their to badly.

Curious, why did you come to us after /g/ failed to answer your dumb question?

Like this

Attached: MS20200420-111618.png (1080x1920, 175.97K)


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg (918x904, 174.43K)

Just bypass the power supply. Your motherboard has several full bridge rectifiers and can handle 120 volt AC pretty much no problem. Find the red and black power wires coming from the PS to MB and replace them with the white and black from the wall

it's easy don't worry, happens to me all the time

fucking retard

Also check graphics card for rust too. Its good if you have a magnifying glass for this task. You see even the slightest rust that means shit got everywhere and you might as well build a new PC. CPU, ram. And hard drive are most likely safe.

You need sacrifice your family to please ghost of machine

absolutely genius

Pre heat oven to 450°
Place on center rack
Bake between 30 to 40 minutes

People like you are the reason Apple is so big.

It's okay /g/'s helping me out now. I'm going to turn the computer off and on.