
>hated chinks


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>Hated Hitler
>Was pro german sterilisation
>Helped americans create weapon of masse destruction.
>Was a marxist

He burns in hell. Forever he burns.

He was actually pro-Hitler and all his work was plagiarised.

Fuck off jew, fucking anglo shithead, go hang yourself

>all his work was plagiarised
from whom?

By no one, this jew is lying as usual, brother.

E = mc2 was stolen from a british scientist named Samuel Tolver Preston who discovered it in 1875. Einstein, Marx and Freud were all plagiarists who stole all their ideas from relatively unknown goyim and then had them boosted by the jew newspapers.

you are both kikes

How the fuck was he pro-Hitler?

Both were zionists.

he was a popularizer he vulgarized the work of Henry Poincaré anyone saying otherwize is a turkroach history theft apologist

relativity? the photoelectric effect? the brownian motion? the spontaneous emission? the statistics? the general relativity? all stolen?
so many geniuses cheated

Jew liar, it was stolen from De Pretto.

half of it never worked and were proved wrong you mean?

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half of them we are using just to keep this conversation


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>wrote a letter to FDR saying they should Nuke Europe asap if any evidence came to light that the Germans were close to getting the nuke themselves

>magnificent mathematical garb
poor tesla, couldnt master arithmetic

Based Tesla. One of the greatest men who ever lived.

Plagiarized all his work LOL

>half of them we are using just to keep this conversation
thanks Tesla
Indeed the last free genius.

>should Nuke Europe
wonderful people those pacifists right?
in the advisory commission about dropping the bombs, out of six members the five scientists voted yes! yesyesyesyesyes drop 'em
the only one expressing concern was the only military representative

Why the fuck would being “pro-incest” make him /ourguy/?

>pro Hitler
Source for this. And even then, cringe
>pro segregation
Against who? Himself? He was a kike
>pro incest
Fucking denegerate
>hated the chinks
Everyone hates the chinks. Big deal


>>pro segregation
>Against who? Himself? He was a kike
this one is pretty accurate
he really believed in eugenics and all that crap and the preservation of the master race
he partially used that to justify himself for locking his son on a madhouse and throwing the key
perhaps surprisingly, it was a rather common belief among some kikes (a famous mathematician killed his brother and aunt for that reason)

He was a literal insane zionist who fucked his own sister and tried to fuck his daughter to preserve the chosen race. He took it father than most.

to be precise: non sister but cousin, not daughter but step daughter
but in general yes, he slept with basically anyone with skirt. most of them pretty hot btw. he was unironically a sex symbol.

I suspect you might be right
why do you think they do this?