>worst management of the virus outbreak worldwide
>worst economic shitstorm the country has ever witnessed
>EU doesn't want to help because they're tired of supporting our ass
>vicepresident promises an "emergency UBI" starting in May, despite heading to insolvency
>socialist-communist leaders abusing the state of emergency to break constitutional rights
>government reports the opposition for "spreading misinformation"
>televisions keep pushing the state's agenda, 15€ million paid to private entities to keep their mouths shut
>use of bots to favor the state exposed on social media
>leader of the Guardia Civil (police agency) exposed for censoring comments against the state


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>worst management of the virus outbreak worldwide
are you talking about Belgium?

>97.3% support the measures taken by the government

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once the panic of the epidemic is over and the economic devastation takes place PSOE and the communists will be dragged out of office like it was 1936, just you watch. Vox & PP have done an excellent job distancing themselves entirely from the governments horrible mishandling

El feminismo cuesta mucho

So... when can we expect the first riots?

>t. Guardia Civil

Y los catalanes son unos hijos de puta golpistas.

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you had to mess it up fucker

Empire of Dirt*

Wtfs a empire of just?

Miss me yet?

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>mfw anons don't get it

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I had to listen to it again now I'm sad. Are you happy?

Fucking kek where are you guys going to get the money for ubi? Wasn't unemployment around 20% before all of this? But hey, at least the women's march went on as planned

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>EU doesn't want to help because they're tired of supporting our ass
Our government is made up of EU and other supranational organization's puppets. They are crippling us more than helping.

Make it more tiny, you dimwit.

>9 de cada 10 dentistas recomiendan OralB

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Too much, Excelencia

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>Wasn't unemployment around 20% before all of this?
It was 14-15%, some estimations say that now it will grow to 20-21%, but i believe that we can reach 28%, commies are in power and they want to destroy the economy as much as they can

Stop depressing me more, joder...

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2nd Spanish Civil War when?

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mil besos para mis amigos de espana

me encantaria comprarte tu casa en la costa del sol muy barata

hasta pronto Raul

Nice try Ivan you ain't fool anyone with you shitty google translate.

>worst management of the virus outbreak worldwide
isnt that burgerland?


ask Real Madrid and Barcelona. That's where all the money is.

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I m ready to burn the strets down just waiting something to trick or to justfy the take in action

Tump did a good job, he was the first(and oonly leader if i am not mistaken) that stop flights with China, and after that with Europe.

Mongolia to

my empire of dirt