Welcome to the Trump economy

Welcome to the Trump economy

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Here spergs

The economy was fine until we started treated the Chinese like actual humans. Remember to spit at and assault Chinese people in the streets....in Minecraft

And all it took was the world's largest manufacturing company shutting down and a global pandemic.

Welcome to your country on socialism

You realize this includes people who are filing for just cut hours, correct?


>virus breaks out in a pretend developed, communist country
>They lie like every commie government and tried to cover it up, allowing it it become a global crisis
>>Wow drumpf how could you do this CCP number one
Eat shit commie scum

>lol, Venezuela failed because of socialism, even though it was doing absolutely fine before the CIA sabotaged it
Lmao at your life/cope

>They're not unemployed, they just don't get enough hours to survive libtard
Dang, totally destroyed me there

Venezuela wasn’t doing completely fine. Are you really this retarded.

>zero cases in China despite being first hit and having no warning
>most cases in America despite ample warning and time to prepare
Ok so China is superior, your point?

Brought to you by China and their DNC friends.

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This is literally commong knowledge

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Well then call off the quarantine and open the economy up

>capitalism didn't fail because it is a broken system like literally every philosopher says, it was gubment's fault
>true capitalism has never been tried

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Whatever helps you sleep at night

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>like literally every philosopher says

You mean the
>China economy

Nuke Beijing

Fuck this orange asshole. I'm with her now!

Read a book :^)

Welcome to this Jew thread lmao

Jew polls

If he's smart he'll chose her as his VP, or better yet just drop out and let her take his place

Imagine thinking that the senile creep has ANY chance at all, Donald will eat him alive, spit him out and ask for more.


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You meant suicidal.

>implying it isn't the jews


You need to go back.

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>Brought to you by China and their DNC friends.
And if I had a dollar for every time Trump praised
China I'd have thousands of dollars.

My point is just because the DNC hates us, doesn't mean that the RNC doesn't too.

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>hurr hurr epstien didnt kill himself hurr hurr am I funny yet?

The absolute state of the DNC.

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slide thread

>If he's smart he'll chose her as his VP, or better yet just drop out and let her take his place
Are you talking about Ivanka?

No you are pathetic.

Reddit is far smarter and funnier than this shithole baka, just wanted some nazi scalps ;)

Did Trump create the Coronavirus?
Did he make the Governors shut down their states?

ok hurry up and leave

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>no I don't read lol

Bucko you would not be able to fight your way out of a wet paper bag, just quit before we eat your soul.

that bitch was lucky the dude cucked out and didnt swing at her too

Growth in America means non white growth
Before February 2019 - August 2019
Central American surge
After Surge
> U.S. authorities apprehended 29,200 people at the border in January, an 11 percent decrease from December, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers obtained by The Hill.

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Pol will never address this

haha le epic troll bro
put me in le screencap so i can be le reddit le famous

le cool bro

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When's the impeachment? I thought Hilliary was guaranteed to win?

Who the fuck even answers these BS polls? Whenever I get a phone call asking to take part in a poll, I just hang up. Think about it, nobody has time for that shit, not real people anyways.

>lawful permanent resident status is usually given to people who’ve been here more then 5 years not new arrivals
> WASHINGTON — President Trump’s immigration policies — from travel bans and visa restrictions to refugee caps and asylum changes — have begun to deliver on a longstanding goal: Legal immigration has fallen more than 11 percent and a steeper drop is looming.
> The number of people who obtained lawful permanent residence, besides refugees who entered the United States in previous years, declined to 940,877 in the 2018 fiscal year from 1,063,289 in the 2016 fiscal year, according to an analysis of government data by the National Foundation for American Policy. Four years ago, legal immigration was at its highest level since 2006, when 1,266,129 people obtained lawful permanent residence in the United States.
> And immigration experts say new policies will accelerate the trend. A report released on Monday by the foundation projected a 30 percent plunge in legal immigration by 2021 and a 35 percent dip in average annual growth of the U.S. labor force.
>but 270,000 have come in from those banned countries
No TRS is referencing an article from 2017 that states that since 2007 the US admitted 270,000. In short they’re lying to you.
And immigration experts say new policies will accelerate the trend. A report released on Monday by the foundation projected a 30 percent plunge in legal immigration by 2021 and a 35 percent dip in average annual growth of the U.S. labor force.

> Polls
> 2020

Pick one.

>Lost amid the Covid-19 cacophony: Finally, thanks to his (relatively) hard line on immigration, Donald Trump now presides over a labor market where native-born American job growth during his tenure exceeds that of immigrants. From January 2017 through March 2020 native-born American workers gained 3.096 million jobs, an increase of 2.5%, while immigrants gained 595,000 jobs, a 2.3% rise.

Bernie bros on welfare have all the time in the world.

Your desperation is hilarious

>all the polls are super rigged bro
>but russia didnt hack the election, pinkey promise

>But you said he was impeached

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Most are simply just layoffs, not cut hours and not furloughs. Don't be willfully ignorant. Even if it were only a fraction of that 22 million figure that were layoffs it'd still mean we're collapsing since there haven't been anywhere close to even 1 million layoffs all at once going all the way back to the 60s when the unemployment tracking began.
Millions unemployed = Many more millions of lost customers and lost revenue for everyone else's businesses = even more layoffs, and the death spiral compounds from there.

its the governors fault. the mayors. tRump isnt a king. and why would the governors of new york and cali would follow the lead of someone they despise, someone they think is an idiot? why didnt they shut it down when china started welding people inside apartments?
nigger please.

Most are furloughs not lay-offs.

I really can’t wait to suckle the tears from your eyes. Again.

Except he's literally the most powerful man in the world

How is he desperate by acknowledging how fucked everyone is? Forget about Donald Trump and left vs. right. This goes way deeper than partisan politics.

>Leftcucks literally need a pandemic to stop Trump


This. How's everyone enjoy their free trial of socialism? Feeling the Bern yet? ;^)

>T-trump will win this time, I-I swear
See ya election night, sweety ;^)

You’re right. At the heart of it all it’s China that fucked the world, yet again, by eating weird fucking animals from weird fucking shady as shit markets, then trying to shift the blame onto America for their fucked up “traditions” and way of life

>From January 2017 through March 2020 native-born American workers gained 3.096 million jobs, an increase of 2.5%, while immigrants gained 595,000 jobs, a 2.3% rise.
Sounds like MIGA 2020