Would more Mexicans in the USA really be such a huge problem?

Latina girls are pretty hot and the culture is pretty festive and chill. I'm not saying it would be an upgrade but I'm not going to stay up at night worried about qt Latina girls flooding over the border.

inb4 >muh gang violence
Irrelevant because it's due to the drug trade retards, not the people and culture in general.

inb4 >poverty and shanty towns
Uhhh...have you seen the ghettos in the USA? It's not a very different situation here.

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Why do you make this thread everyday asking the same question?

Agreed, wouldn’t mind at all a couple million of those storming the border.

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Because you are low end shit people that drag down everywhere you dwell.


You're either a spic or live in an all-white town Montana. I lived in California for years, and I can tell you that the mexcrements jumping the border aren't castizas and Spaniards; they're ugly, brown goblins that bring nothing of value.

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yeah except thats not the females you get, you get carmen who weighs 200 pounds and sells burritos

You do realize that breeding with those women will create castizas, right?

You do realize that you have to be some shit goblin to even want to breed with those things right?

This, I'm a Californian (nuke us please) and the vast majority of latinas are fat and obnoxious with at least 12 layers of makeup caked on at all times.

Ladies and gentelmen, behold: The eternal mutt.

Can confirm. I've been to California and these are the women that served me in the hotel while speaking incomprehensible English.

If they weren’t fat, you can tell they’d be cute. Probably were very cute at 19. And you just know there are incels here who would be happy enough with that. They’d make good wives, and be less of a fuss than white women.

Yes, they would.

Attached: Spics.png (510x565, 199.84K)

This girl looks like my cousin.

Pic related is probably 5% of "Latinas"

I’m just saying, he’s talking about how castizas are fine; well then let’s create more, they don’t drop out of the sky.

Stop pretending that these invading spics have anything to do with us.

More cushion for the pushion.
>sells burritos
I'd buy that for a dollar.

Nope, more like 25%.

Because if you let too much enter at the same time they don't assimilate to the country and embrace the American culture/language/history etc. Not that I'm saying that the American culture is superior, it just deserve as much to survive than the Mexican culture.

Now why would it be such a good thing?
>inb4 poor Mexicans deserve a better life
Immigration don't solve poverty, has the wealth gap between the US and Mexico diminished since the 70's?
>inb4 muh diversity
You've got enough of it already, a big chunk of your voting age people even think you have too much
>inb4 muh hot latinas
Odds are they will not give a fuck about you
>inb4 they do the job we are not willing to do
Stop being hypocrites and bring back slavery if you are not willing to pay decent wages for hard jobs

I would love more, I am down with the brown!

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LOL it is more like 2% you in denial spic.

>Odds are they will not give a fuck about you
That’s why we let em all in. Some are bound to.

Yay more poverty and ghettos for us! More subhuman trash! More gang-related violence! More non-gang-related violence! Fuck off spic


I’m not a spic, I’m just not ignorant.

I like your style. But seriously, just go there, marry one and bring her back, that will be less expensive for you and your country.

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>something something stop becoming mexico north
Too late now.

I could do that too. I just think it would be beneficial to all the incels of this country.

1. I'm not Mexican. 2. Mexicans are (generally) both more religious, traditional and familial than many Americans. 3. Your response is extremely low IQ.
I'm a white person from NYC. And posting images of cherry picked out of shape hispanic women doesn't prove shit about anything anymore than someone posting an image of fat white women shopping at walmart.


Are you the representative of every incel in the US? That's quite impressive.

It's never too late faggot.

Ok then go get some fat goblina wife and report back to us after a while.

What incel wouldn’t be happy to suddenly have spicy Latinas flooding his country?

Who said she has to be fat roastie?

>I'm not Mexican.
>spews disproven myths about how based mexicans are
At least if you were mexican you would be shilling for your people instead of being a race traitor.

>Irrelevant because it's due to the drug trade retards, not the people and culture in general.
It's nothing to do with the drug trade. I never heard of Al Capone or the like flaying someone's face off.
>Uhhh...have you seen the ghettos in the USA? It's not a very different situation here.
And they're filled with niggers and spics.

It's funny you never see white people immigrating to Brazil or Mexico, and you never see any of them moving back. Complain all you want about the drug trade ,but that's not the cause of South/Central America's woes.

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If true, all incels would be voting left.