How come you still follow Christianity?

How can one religion be so deformed? shouldn't a sacred text be error free and intelligent?
How come Islam is so perfect yet you guys are so blind to see it?

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Christianity is a religion to save Jews from themselves. They're a sinister race and only Jesus can save them.

Daily reminder that the church is the single entity that helped humanity more than ANYTHING in all of HUMAN HISTORY

>how many hospitals did the church built?
>how many school did the church built?
>how many homeless shelters did the church built?
>how many universities did the church built?
>how many orphanages did the church built?
>how many people did they feed and saved during war times?
>how many people did they save in times of plague and disease?
>how many books were saved by monks that dedicated their entire lifes to copy and save knowledge from barbarian vikings?

For every life they took another million was saved.

you people like to shit talk the church but you wont even lift your fat ass out of the bed to help you mother with the dishes.

Islam is a seriously misunderstood religion. If anyone here research it they will find its true beauty.

Islam is the way to live, convert now or Allah peace be upon him will kill your mother in her sleep tonight.

Listening to muslim scholars is like watching pilpul but for retards. They argue endlessly over the slightest thing.

why do muslim converts always have the faggiest beards?

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He is a native Egyptian he studied Talmud Torah Bible, he know Hebrew Latin and other multiple languages.

Who is this nigger?

Pro-tip to anyone looking to convert to Islam.



Show flag Jew.

Of course christianity isn't a religion of peace. Christians just need to remember that. Remember how fun it is to exterminate vile desert scum, to trample their disgusting inbred offsprings with their horses, to rape a wife on the still twitching corpse of her goatfucker husband. Damn, i miss Crusades.

La ilahah ilallah Muhammadur Rasoolallah.

Not a jew. I only share truth.

[Quran 6:114] Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.

>La ilahah ilallah Muhammadur Rasoolallah.
That doesn't prove anything.

Also tell me where in the Quran does it instruct people on how to pray? where in the Quran says the pillars of Islam? you are not a Muslim if you don't believe in Hadith.

Cool story bro

>Claimed it was about love and peace
>But he doesn't let us invade, rape and kill him
>Hypocrisy much?
*Jihad intensifies*

Christiniasm is faggot religion based on slave morals but Islam, oh fuck, while it could be good for wars is just trash and doesn't make any sense, Islam is the reason the Middle East countries became the shit holes that they are today, it's a poor religion with no values, Christianism at least has values and made faggots who did great things in the love of Moshe, but you fuckers simply create braindead soldiers.

Doesn't the Muslim Quran say that Jesus will return to defeat the anti-Christ?
and you ask why we're Christians instead of believing in Mohammad who indulged in sexual immorality and got beat up in a cave?

>islam is perfect
>ignores the inbreeding depression that it allows its adherents to do to themselves

>don't read hadith
isn't that where the entire religion is formed?

>that doesn't prove anything
Absolutely fucking based

someone hasnt read it

Yeah clearly you mutt.

why do you believe mohammed?
He was a retarded pedophile thief.
There is nothing good about him and nothing good in the quran. It's shit.
The Bible is divinely inspired, the word of god. The quran is the ramblings of a madman that have no consistence, no meaning, and no truth. Islam is a step down from christianity in every single way.

Inbred pedo worshipper. Mohammed fucked pigs.

I hear whatchu sayin'
But your logic is flawed
So I won't be prayin'
To your pedophile's "god"

Daily reminders

>Mohammed was not a prophet

>Mohammed was a pedophile

>Muslims are Heathens and Idolaters

>Muslims are going to hell

>Muslims are inbred

>Christ is your only salvation

Why don't you worship Ra anymore?

>this level of ignorance

Yeshua bar Yosef is your salvation
I don't know dude, trust a sandnigger who was considered crazy by his uncle or a Jew
I'll wait the for the religion created by whites, Sol Invictus could have been it.

>I'll wait the for the religion created by whites, Sol Invictus could have been it.
this is gay. Jesus was a Roman subject who started his church and spread it through the empire.
>My god has pink nipples

I'd have a lot more respect for Egyptians if you crowned a new Pharaoh, and returned to your ancient pagan religion.
But instead you're worshiping a false god, that a false pedophile profit brought to you. At least the ancient pagan religion of Egypt had you building megalithic structures that lasted thousands of years to stand as a memory. Islam would have you give up your culture and tear those pyramids down. Is there anything more cucked than Egyptians worshiping the god of their conquerors?
You're pathetic. A Christian would rather die than be forced to worship another god.

Because it's true. See: textual criticism, a concept foreign to mudslimes.

>Islam perfect
You dont know what the word perfect mean

I heard he was Roman too, Yeshua Bar Yosef doesn't sound Roman at first sight but now that you say it I don't know anymore Flavius isn't that different.
You think I just found the faith?