>Livestream #1:
>Livestream #2:
HAPPENING: #ReOpenPA Protest - HUGE Rally at State Capitol
stupid fucking boomers
>t. tranny
368 confirmed cases probably more.
They have the right to protest but it is damned stupid I tell ya what.
Dauphlin county I mean.
If you asked me how many flu cases in that county right now I would guess... 3-400. Who fucking cares?
Bumpy. First livestream starts in 38 minutes. Also that tranny is going to hell.
Cringe and suicidepilled
>Why Contain It
Is Pennsylvania open carry?
Retards retarding retards retarding retards retarding...
Isn’t it funny that in SK where the people took this seriously, they're now able to begin reopening safely with relatively minimal economic impact? Yes goyim, get back to work! The health of shlomo shekelstein’s investment portfolio is more important than the health of you, your parents and your children
You wish Ching Chong.
In two weeks those 380 cases will exponentially increase to 6 billion & they'll all die. Basically, you're gonna die in two weeks & this could've been avoided if those people just stayed home & obeyed like the slaves they are.
Yes. Zero licensing required. Conceal carry just requires filling out a form at your local sheriff's office, too.
Wasted digits if I ever saw it
You can open carry without a permit in PA, but the state has weird laws regarding guns in vehicles. Even on a motorcycle, open carrying a gun is legally 'concealed carry', which you need a permit for.
Permits are shall issue and super easy to get, so you might as well get one.
Digits confirm; OP is a useful goyim brainlet
'Rona virus cases about to SKYROCKET
Are you upset that kek has validated your status as a suicidal boomer-tier niggerbrained fool?
>state of independence
>locked down
LoL, we also have some churkas protesting the virus today. Literally nigger hivemind.
As more people protest, the narrative will fall apart. How can it continue when millions of people are marching together, but there is no corresponding increase in deaths? The ‘positive case’ numbers, even hospitalization numbers can be made up. But there are only so many people who die everyday from stroke, heart attack, etc that you can blame on COVID-19. Globohomo is terrified of people ignoring government orders and congregating in the streets. That will be their end.
I live in Dauphin County like 10 minutes from there. Dumb ass people as usual.
This guy fucks...
People can't hide in a cave and wait this out. .... unless you enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling of perpetual debt.
Be forewarned, the boss man is going to be in his corner office. The family men will be in their cubicles. YOU will be out there knocking on doors and waiting tables.
Think about it.
Yeah, if you don’t have a cc permit lock that shit in a case in your trunk with ammo separated otherwise you’ll get a charge. It so fucking dumb. Bought a gun looked up the laws and went to get a cc permit the next week just to be safe because they are so fucking weird about transporting a gun.
Checked. This ends now
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you whining about hierarchies in the workplace?
Why do boomers think we accept them here?
Get the fuck off Yas Forums, you will never be our ally. We despise you and wish you the worse in your life
Stop protesting you fucking retards. Why do you want to force me to go back to my shit job when I’m making twice as much on unemployment? Just enjoy your four month vacation. What is wrong with you? Why are you so obsessed with working?
Easy there, son. Cut my yard and I'll give you a shiny nickel.
which are all closed thanks to coronavirus, and also if you carry your gun in your car it's considered conceal carry (what the fuck is wrong with you, PA?)
Essential workers can eat a dick. Imagine getting upset because you found out being a doctor and a nurse is hard.
Yup. Went to a local park yesterday and I saw more people there than ever before. People probably re-discovering the lesser known places while the beaches and bigger spots are closed.