Stop saying the K-word

Stop saying the K-word

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trolling used to be the thrill of the hunt, trying to bait someone into getting mad at some dumb shit you said

now you can't fucking scratch your chin without someone becoming violently offended by it and making a blog post about the ordeal. it's just no fun anymore

ok Karen

this is fucking genius

Imagine paying attention to the kikes and niggers who use such terms.

Guess what, world Jewry? Everybody knows all your tricks now.

>Nooooooooo niggers and white women have to get along!!!!!


Fuck you kigger


that's bait

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>”OK Karen”
>”OK Shawniqua”

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Don't give up the hunt, brother! Just hunt for greater game. Deluded self-embarassment is a greater trophy.

They should stop saying it because it came from black twitter. Just call them Tyrones and Laquishas in turn.

10/10 bait

it came from stupid fucking reddit

wut up my Karras

Oh, I was getting worried "Kike" was in danger. Nothingburger

We need to come up with a slur for people who want to police language.

This is good. They need to know what they have done. Imagine being able to scream "YOU DID THIS” to a white woman being bullied by third worlders in her own country.


Its the system of thought control imposed on the individual by society, especially silicon valley and the media.

So like you can say

Ok PureThinker
What are you the Thought Police?
PureThink, or else
PureThink, its the silicon valley way.
Dont forget to practice PureThink, its the law.
Mandatory PureThink.

Karen is a good meme though.

Karen economics are great? Why are millinials making avacodo toast instead of real jobs? Karen economics.

Karen controls 80% of all household income, and therefore Karen dictates the economy. Thats why you work as a barrista.

Karen supports china. She cant live without her nick nacks and high heels from chinese sweat shops.


Can I still use the word "kike"?

just call them niggers, maximum effect

Fat chance

For the love of GOD somebody caller her a nigger

Thought crime is a crime; PureThink

PureThink or youre fired.

Karen is a term used to describe self-centered and insanely entitled white women who think the whole world revolves around them. Comparing “the K word” to “nigger” is probably one of the most Karen things one can do.


ok karen

" it's all your fault Karen."
"but i am not karen"
"No your definately a Karen.. You voted for a nigger."

this is how the redpilling of white women can begin.