So, Yas Forums, if whites really are superior

Then why are the countries in dark green basically Mexico in terms of wealth? (not all of them, some are literally uganda-tier)

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Because the glorious goths and slavs were replaced by shitty hunnic, iranic, mongol and arab tribes. Northern Europe should rule the world

there be subhumans, not whites

but arent most of these countries 99% slavic?

Ex soviet union countries have had about 30 years to build their economy.

are you literally a fucking idiot?
Why are you so fucking stupid?

Find a job you pathetic little cuck.

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Communism and mongolian genes

>Then why are the countries in dark green basically Mexico in terms of wealth? (not all of them, some are literally uganda-tier)

They don't need extra money because they live rent free in your brain.



No, it's literally your retarded management for the past seventy years, fortunately you're gone so we're steadily raising our economies again. No war for 20 years and Eastern Europe might raise again to interbellic status. The flu might even help us by getting rid of Western influence for a while.

Implying spics work as hard as Estonians or other ex-bloc people.

pic related
this animal will share bed with your sister, poke her fat and leave.

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Why? Even east Germany has a shit GDP per capita.

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weak bait, this is the only part of europe that will survive when the eu inevitably collapses

Half a century of Russian occupation ....

Covid-19? Russia is ten times worse every year.

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are you westerners actually retarded?have you even thought of how hard it is to transition from a closed autarchic economy to a free market,and on top of that you have a completely decentralized government to the point where in the rural areas some families and mobs had more control than the state,civil wars and massive protests,a lot of corruption because law enforcement and judicial system is paid jack shit also because politicians were greedy fucks,and a lot of other factors?

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They were heavily muttified by the invading Soviet army in 1945



>mongolian genes
Mongols are smart and strong as fuck. I d rather 10% mongol( wich I actually am) compared to your red skin genes

OP's intelligence seems to be Uganda-tier

Pyotr I’m sorry that your sister had to turn to prostitution and you have to clean toilets for a living after your family moved to Britain. But atleast its better than Poland, right?

In terms of wealth maybe but in every other aspect I'd much rather live in those countries than Mexico. At least I'd feel safe in eastern Europe

Historically the eastern part of Europe was less developed than the west even before communism. Communism actually helped Eastern Europe become more developed if anything.

russia is an abomination and the others are subhumans

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id like to have you and your faggot dutch people work for 13 hours a day on a shitty factory or on the fields just to get 2 kg of meat,5 kg of rice,10 kg of flour per month and then come to talk about genes faggot.

Most of Eastern European cities have much better living standards than Southern Europe, and diverse West European cities.

Most Eastern European capitals have better living standards than Lisbon or Porto (not all, but most), you can do the math yourself, I have used statistics from both official sources like the European Union and the IMF, and cross checked it with user imputed cost of living standards in public platforms.

They took a long while to develop, but a skilled person lives a better live in Eastern Europe than the USA. Mainly due to cost of living and homogeneity.

All those poor Eastern Europeans that left to the West? They are unskilled, and unskilled labor is still slightly better paid than the west, due to the unintended effect of the westerners not wanting niggers who were too dumb for file for welfare to starve. A fresh university graduate in Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, or Czechia will have better economic standards than a fresh Portuguese or Spanish graduate.

That would usually be very good for Europeans, the thing is that their new found wealth is starting to attract non-Europeans, and they will begin to suffer the curse of the gibseeker.

Hungarians aren’t Slavs

what is wealth?

if you go to some of those places they live well, have low crime, lots of the people aren't fat and disgusting looking and they have some beautiful buildings and culture.

That's lviv in one of the poorest countries in Europe. Uganda doesn't have anything like that, meanwhile more than 2 million Americans are living without access to clean water

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In what kind of shithole forest are you living at?

>They are unskilled, and unskilled labor is still slightly better paid IN the west
Needed to fix that, otherwise it wouldn't make sense

You can thank communism for that chang..just like wet markets are the result of food shortages...yes the chinese didnt always eat like this..the chicken came from asia after all.

you only allowed this because of your shitty genes. Kind of similiar to niggers, you know?

We have been the enemies of those who controll the money from our first days, we destroyed khazazria after all
We will never be wealthy until we destroy kikes and their western slaves


wow youre actually fucking braindead,you know some people called partisans uprised against nazi occupation?and you just because of the british and american intervention got saved from them otherwise you would have been a peoples republic?

>living without access to clean water
>2 million
So less than 1%. And do you wonder why that is? A gym membership will run you about $40 a month. Even less if you go to dumb gyms like planet fitness. They all have showers. They all have clean water. In most places, planet fitness is $10-$20 /month. Those 2 million Americans dont have $10 a month to have a gym membership and clean water. Now, you look at this and think "oh no theres no possible way for them to get $10 in a month". And I say "you can make $10 in 5 minutes. Begging on the street. You can make $10 cutting someones grass. You can make $10 asking a church to help feed you." You look at the worst people and see them as an example of the entire country, while ignoring the best and the average.

>Czech Republic
>Baltic states
All of these have a better GDP per capita than Mexico, some of them are basically no different to a typical first world country. None of those in dark green are even close to as bad as Uganda. If you're asking why there are poor to Western Europe its mostly communism and historically poorer land.

pse sishin kshu vitet 80?kur dhe dy dele qe kishim ne fshat na i mori xhaxhi qe mutin ja befsha?

Yeah and this is Nigeria.
All countries have their polished spots

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how do western slaves make the average Russian poor?
you should be really rich with all the resources you have

slavs aren't white

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It's a kike, user.
Only kikes, shitlibs, and niggers spend all day screaming about Poland. They resent the fact that Poland takes gibs designated for Israel and shitskins and instead spends it on White children.

You believe in all of that?

By reading that example, I knew you were a nigger.

After seeing the picture, which is only a shithole with polished colors, instead of the Lviv one which has vintage European classic style buildings in good shape I knew you were beyond a nigger.

Are bright colors enough to fool your attention? Either you are a toddler with ADHD or an actual nigger.

>we're steadily raising our economies again.
Lmaooooo. You are just a gibsmedat useless slav(e)shit just like you were during socialist regime

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