Why do (((they))) lie about him?

131 years after the day of his Birth (April 20, 1889) Jews are still claiming a fucking veterinarian war hero who liked puppies, painting and healthy white families is the "most evil man to ever live" and also a Drug addicted pedophilic trans sexual homosexual who had contact with ancient allies and completed demonic blood rituals while to kill all non-blonde haired blue eyed people (despite the fact the man didnt have blonde hair and blue eyes himself)
When will the kike lies end Yas Forums?
And will the public ever grow the nuttsack to publicly question the ((((Narrative))) on Hitler??

Attached: hitlerwojack.png (680x680, 154.31K)

Because he was so right that it's scary. Read mein kampf.

He liked animals, but I doubt he ever went to vet school.

>Read mein kampf.

Yes but read the original version not the (((modern))) one.

Their lies are so outrageous that you'd have to be insane yourself to believe them. But colour me surprised, most people do.

Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald Battle of the Teutoburg Forest Markomannenkriege Marcomannic War Plünderung Roms (410) Sack of Rome (410) Ebstorfer Märtyrer Martyrs of Ebsdorf Disputation zur Klärung der Kraft der Ablässe 95 Thesis Dreißigjähriger Krieg Thirty Years War Erster Weltkrieg WWI Schändung von Belgien Rape of Belgium Spartakusaufstand Spartacist Uprising Zweiter Weltkrieg WWII SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger Dirlewanger Brigade Bauhaus Currywurst

I think he meant vegetarian

Look this, they are obsessed.

Attached: dddjendjbj.png (1349x5561, 3.22M)

Which editions are best? I can read a little German but not enough to enjoy a book like that..

any link for it ?

The reason the public is the public is because they have never had the nutsack and will never have the nutsack to question the (((narrative.))) If we took power tomorrow normies would be application jamming RWDS with requests to join and fit in with their new society. This would happen within 20 years. Same if communists took over, or classical liberals did, or if demonratic socialists did

Just gotta learn German and fork out hundreds for a first edition

Hitler was the most Jewish Gentile to ever live.

He was obsessed with Jews and Jewish superiority, just like Jews are.
His head was full of Jews and his writing was all about Jews.
He thought about Jews so much that he even killed them when it harmed his military campaigns, even when Germany was lost.
He thought Jews and Gentiles could never get along, just like Jews do.
He tried to send all the Jews to Israel.
He agreed it was better to kill half the Jews in the world, just like David Ben Gurion did.
Hitler was responsible for founding the State of Israel and for making Jews absolutely untouchable in western politics.
Hitler is the principal figure in the current Jewish religion of Holocaust worship.

Jews should praise Hitler every year on his birthday. They should put up statues of him.

It's impressive when you see that all together, but the most impressive is how most people will believe it

>When will the kike lies end Yas Forums?
Never, they'll lies till the end of times because they're kikes, it's what they do.
>Pic very much related, they'll continue to lie about the blood libel things because they don't want to have a bad rep.

>When will the kike lies end Yas Forums?
Never, they'll lies till the end of times because they're kikes, it's what they do.
>Pic very much related, they'll continue to lie about the blood libel things because they don't want to have a bad rep.

Attached: The story Of Simon Of Trent , The martyr - Jewish Blood Sacrifice.png (1892x3040, 966.55K)


jewish lies, again
you're the same jew always using the ancap flag, it's funny

131 years
That's nothing.

It's been 105 years since the hanging of Leo Frank and the immediate creation of the ADL and jews are still race baiting because of it.

Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.

And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.


This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.

Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.

They have not forgotten, and neither should you.

Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.

One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.

Look at his piss saturated pants, OP.
Man, aren't you glad we strung up that motherfucker for great justice?

Of course the jews then took over 80 years with multiple appeals to finally clear him legally.
But, he still paid for the crime he committed, the rest is just indignant jews seething, being unable to cope that no matter how many wedges they try to drive between us, Leo Frank of Bnai Brith, will never come back to life.

Attached: lynch.jpg (537x826, 144.19K)

Fun note:
You know the "reaction" gifs you can use in Facebook and Whatsapp? Search for Stalin and find adorable and cool gifs with him. Same with Lenin, Mao and even Mussolini.
Now search "Hitler".
>nO rEsuLtS

Because they aren't lying and your just a gullible retard that fell for 70 year old propaganda by a defunct police state

>130 years
There’s literally no way he’d be alive today even if he won the war

The jews hate the truth... and Hitler was the truth on steroids

>veterinarian war hero
Why are mutts so bad at spelling? he was a veteran and a vegetarian, but no veterinarian.
>Drug addicted pedophilic trans sexual homosexual
It's a fact that he was both drug addicted (though that was his doctor's fault for overmedicating) and homosexual. Why do you think most of his "old friends" in the SA were homos and paedos?

he meant vegetarian

Attached: 1585049449965.jpg (746x500, 102.42K)

Where do you find it?
I can only find the one with added commentary.

Ironically they didn't censor Yuri beznovs love letter to America, protocols of Zion, Toronto protocols, The Worlds foremost problem, or rivers flowing eastward

What happens in Germany on the 20th of April?


The Elite actually fear him because he's proof that the common man can break their chains.

The Nazis were basically zoomers of old, who grew up with faggotry and cross dressing, so of course a lot of them do the same.
THOSE people (a bunch of homos)
are capable of uniting against the true enemy AND turn the economy around in one fell swoop, freaks the ruling class out.

That's why he's demonized so much (and they altered history).
The Jewish part of the elite are also mad at being called out as jews

Does that change the fact that he was born on this day????

This. People now are so scared of being called a nazi that they'll let their entire identity and culture be shat upon and thrown in the incinerator.

jews have to demonize hitler and whites. while actively stealing white genes and claim it as their own

much like niggers really

>are allowed to celebrate that killer (Mohammed) but not this killer

They need something to partialy pacify their bioweapon.

Either the ford version or the stalag version (authorized by the NSDAP)
The others are kike translations