Why do people call the USSR jewish, when it was inherently anti-jewish and American jews did their all to destroy it?
Why do people call the USSR jewish, when it was inherently anti-jewish and American jews did their all to destroy it?
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Bolshevicks were 90% jewish, they immediately started slaughtering slavs when they got in power.
Bald and bankrupt nice
What a cool Soviet sign
Bald is literally jewish if you didnt know.
early Bolsheviks was extremely jewish.
>Why do people call the USSR jewish
Beat's me, Chan.
It was jewish as were the vast majority of Soviet spies the US government caught. The USSR being 'anti-jewish' is literal propaganda thought up by the head of Soviet propaganda, the jew Ilya Ehrenberg, specifically to try and prevent westerners from realizing the truth and becoming real antisemites.
Interesting. I've never seen this faggot before last weekend, when he started showing up in my JewTube feed. And at almost the same time he gets posted on Yas Forums too. Weird.
OP, did you also recently recieve his channel in your recommended videos?
I've known about him for months, but only last week did I have time to marathon his vids.
also relevant:
Churchill's article Zionism versus Bolshevism,
describing the schism in the International jewish community
but remember the jews will always support one another in the struggle against the gentile world, see WWII
It was more of a Jew vs Jew case. Who do you think invented gas vans?
What? I thought he was half Polish half English.
Mr. Simons. The latest startling information, given me by someone who says that there is good authority for it — and I am to be given the exact figures later on and have them checked up properly the proper authorities — is this, that in December, 1918. in the northern community of Petrograd, so-called — that is what they call that section of the Soviet regime under the presidency of the man known as Mr. Apfelbaum — out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, and all the rest Jews, with the exception possibly of one man, who is a negro from America, who calls himself Prof. Gordon, and 265 of the members of this northern commune government, that is sitting in the old Smolny Institute, came from the lower East Side of New York — 265 of them. If that is true, and they are going to check it up for me.
- Bolshevik Propaganda, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter, Pursuant to S. Res. 439 and 469. February 11, 1919, to March 10, 1919
Zionists vs Bolsheviks
Half (((Polish))).
Because Yas Forums is retarded.
They think a few jews makes everything a zionist conspiracy
>possibly of one man, who is a negro from America, who calls himself Prof. Gordon
What the absolute fuck!
Kek hes a fuckin idiot and a sex pest kike
because they're too simpleminded to understand that pre-1925 USSR isn't quite the same thing as post-1940 USSR.
It's rooted in their dna. If they're atheist or religious or not is irrelevant.
Oh so you’re just a retard. There are non Jewish Poles, you know. Bald looks pretty Slavic and nothing like an Ashkenazi.
pic related
The only thing a Jew hates more than goyim is another Jew
He's admitted to having Jewish ancestry plenty of times.
In the past, Poland had the biggest Jewish population in the world.
Reasonable to put two and two together and assume his "Polish" ancestors were Jews.
Yas Forums does not say and never has said Marxism is a Zionist conspiracy, they are simply both jewish
>He's admitted to having Jewish ancestry plenty of times
Source? I have never seen nor heard this once.
It is a filthy jew who needs zyklon b.
anybody can tranlate that please?
OP pic also Juden
>Bald looks pretty Slavic
He's a kike.
>In the past, Poland had the biggest Jewish population in the world.
Right now, England still has a sizable population. He's a filthy jew, as evidenced by his behavior.
Fake news and/or retarded.
I don't know man it's a mystery
Gotta have a Solzehnitsyn poster.
There was a controversy last year when it was discovered he used to post on Roosh V's forums and in some of the posts he talks about his Jewish heritage. It shouldn't be difficult to find.
Where did you hear he was half-Polish?
Concentration camps and gas chambers and chemical warfare against your own people were all invented in the USSR.
Hitler was just a humble follower of Lenin's gangs' methods.
The USSR was a golem founded by Jews, then later hijacked by people who didn't tolerate their antics.
A sizeable population of Jews? There was never a big Jewish population here in the past. 99% of them came from Eastern Europe as refugees in WWII.
Great Marshal Stalin knew what to do with the (((rootless cosmopolitan)))
> see goyim, they were born in Ukraine to Jewish families, therefore they were ukranians, not Jews. checkmate, bigots
low effort
> How they introduce themselves
> and how they are among themselves
Ruskies please chime in if I got it wrong.
Second behind France...
>international congress of press at Bordeaux(?)
>how people imagine it
>how it is in reality
Punish criticism of them with death?
everyone knows the jews play all sides you dumb kikel
Yeah, because a load of them came here during WWII. Before that we barely had any.
thank you bros
peter santenello is the superior bald vlogger with an eastern european slag gf
He’s full jew
>Rosa Luxemburg
>Goverment Official
he seems like a pretty good guy desu, genuinely interested in the places he visits and is knowledgeable about Soviet history in those areas.
Wtf does that matter? Does he look like he even lived during the war?
>Churchill's article Zionism versus Bolshevism,
its a bs article, churchill was a cocksucker