What your dream job?

ill start: police officer, history teatcher

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Was a cop, it fucking sucks.

Feel free to elaborate

Letting the world know its tome to give it up lol. Your shit. Look at this ugly fat grub. Lol I'd rather ne dead than know a God would ever create such a fuking faggot as you

Shit pay for the work, nobody respects you, you are constantly in a fish bowl with a target on your back, getting anything done is impossible because nobody cooperates, cutthroat leadership, any woman you ever date will try to get you fired by saying you beat them if you break up with them (happens all the fucking time). Stay away.

Minority removal crew

I wish to become an SEC attorney. When they reject my application, ill try to commission in the jad. When that fails ill take up sex work.

Starship captain

He’s not talking about policing in a third world country like yours



Abortion doctor in Detroit

I would hunt runaway niggers.



Xdd thats not me


Fighter pilot, i think everyone agrees that fighter pilot must be the most awesome job in the world

Yas Forums moderator

Not niggering you. US Air Force.
Stargate made me extremely pro military and american for the longest time. And I still have a major raging hard on for tomboys

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>Starship captain
Better to be the starship. You probably are not, and wouldn't necessarily know it if you were, but you might already be a remote encounter instance of a Starship consciousness. Still, in principle, ... +1

Hit the lottery nigga

Truckdriver, especially on long routes.

Fuck working. My dream is to not have a job but still have money

Designing ethnostate uniforms after the revolution.

Debt collector/Repo man

it's a delicious bio-financial weapon, better than max security debtors prisons... youtu.be/5QNdJuHZv5E youtu.be/WVW_ojMziNY youtu.be/3JS8CW6dq1I youtu.be/s_UNtWPS8dc


It's not a lifelong job, though. They drum you out after a certain age.

Anything with a fat paycheck and minimal-to-no interaction with people.

your country doesnt even exist faggot

night janitor

Leader of the Fourth Reich.

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Oh I see. What would you do with your time?

Might we know approximately where? City? Small town? West coast? East Coast? Landlocked fly-over country? NE? SE? SW? NW?

how the fuck do you decide on what is your dream job ?
i mean you have a crude image of what it would be as a police officer or teacher
but have you thought about the downsides ?
what if you prepare your whole life to become something just to find out tha this occupation is hell ?
what you are is what you ever wanted to be
everything in your life has led to this point where you are now
are you seeing yourself becoming a police officer and or (later on) a teacher ?
everything in my lfie has led me to this point becoming a shitposter on this tibetan knitting pattern exchange forum
what about you ?

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Member of Parliament.

>I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel.
>And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle.

But of course she has to "handle" someone elses. I still don't know if that was deliberate or I just have a dirty mind.

To the thread though, airforce officer can't be that interesting when all the wars at the moment are fighting non-peer powers with pathetic air forces and in any case you use boring missiles all the time. Dull.

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Unironically this too. Night guard at a museum or some shit would be pretty great too.

Government bureaucrat, law enforcement, kindergarten teacher, office manger at a mid sized office supply company, nurse, actor, porn industry, athlete, the guy who programs local broadcast cable commercials, a CNN reporter, liberal arts university professor, militant prog feminist, antifa leader, the pope

>having a dream job unironically
Do wage slaves really...?

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Stop watching stargate, start lurking /sg/.

Bruv i would become a poloce offiser for the thrill fuck do i care if its imoral, teatcher becouse then i would have a forced audiance for my wery own show, the best part of teacher is i could be a complete wacko and get away whit it


80% do 100%?

I want to open a bar.

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>nobody respects you, you are constantly in a fish bowl with a target on your back, getting anything done is impossible because nobody cooperates, cutthroat leadership,

this part is like teaching

What they tell you:
>You can be anything you want, even President! All you gotta do is go to college! All good girls and boys go to college!
>Getting a job will be a sinch with a degree! Then you can buy a house, a couple cars, work that job until you don't have to work at all anymore, then you retire and experience the golden years!
>Debt debt and more debt.
>Everything is owned by the bank.
>Better off learning a trade
>THERE IS NO RETIREMENT, it doesn't exist.

thats based and actually a nice life goal in pursuit of happiness
very inspirational
i hope you have a nice day
maybe i will know someday what i want to do with my lifetime
take care

Homemaker :3

I'd have a small hobby farm. I make enough to sell at the farmer's market. That money would be put back into the community for other supplies I need as we help each other.

[spoiler]And I could fuck all the horse pussy I want.[/spoiler]

You want to rape kids, o p?


Test firing missiles is fun though.


My dream job is to be a southern police officer in the 1930s

Human toilet to women

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Bikini inspector

Best of luck senpai, if i become a teacher you will probably see my classes here some time


COP here AMA.

Post tits or gtfo

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>nobody respects you
Aw he's a sensitive pig

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PMC here.


gonna need some cop stories user

>dream job?

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Based. This and a dad are all I wanna be.
Or start travelling to collect oddities and rarities to sell in a corner store

Do please tell me some best and worst moments

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