No tweets and news from him for 72 hours now. Did they get him? Did niggers mugged him when he was going home back from a pub? I'm worried, Yas Forums.
No tweets and news from him for 72 hours now. Did they get him...
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The gay frogs got him
You're not in control lol
He is just celebrating Easter, bro.
Jason Kessler
social media distancing
look at these LARPing hipfags
Holidays in Agartha, not sure when he will come back
must be visiting the vibrant gay scenes again
Wait, is this real? Isn't this guy a raging homophobe though?
Look at how fucking pale and frail this faggot is. Cumskin probably died of skin cancer or something.
Most traditional, pre-LGBTQLMNOP, faggots were public homophobes. Especially the English ones, the gayest of all gays.
More like a dark room.
He was raped to death by Nicker Nation
he's rosy. nice skin
>He was raped to death by Nicker Nation
Yeah, don't think so.
He was never a target. He tweeted support for Nick.
I'm sure he's hungover in some bathhouse.
I've never seen him saying anything about faggots apart from few tweets alluding that he's ok with faggotry. Which is a huge minus in my book, but apart from that I don't really have much criticism towards him.
Unironically love PJW
He's pro Nick and uses clips of Nick in his videos, and afaik Nick has never mentioned him
Hes probably all strung out on poppers
>Did niggers mugged him when he was going home back from a pub?
Fucking hope so. It’s about time someone put this bottom feeder knuckle dragger crypto kike in his place
I didn't say it wasn't consensual rape.
Probably on a gay bender. Like one of those things Andrew Gillum was on when he took all the drugs then passed out for a day after having a big gay orgy. It’s okay. He will wake up and take his AZT and will be good as new
he looks like such a prick lmao
Spain, the most failed empire of all the empires. Shit is more soluble in water than cum.
Eating black pills for all your waking hours takes its tall. Probably took a few days off to get some fresh air.
he look homosexual.
who cares, fuck the alt-lite
>78.jpg (111 KB, 900x948)
Thanks for that shoop, MI6. Really changed my world view.
lips made for sucking BBC
I'm american btw
he's on the more based side of the alt-lite, arguably closer to Spic Fuentes than faggots like Milo
All the gay clubs are closed, so it wasn't that
Literally who?
Is that some cuck from made in Chelsea or some shit?
And, at least he's providing a kind've better news then you faggots...