Thanks for those gun laws, Canada :^)

Thanks for those gun laws, Canada :^)

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If ordinary Canadians had guns and were allowed to return fire, somebody could have been harmed.

Yeah, his victims would've had a fighting chance if they had a G43 in their pocket, but the guy was dressed up as a cop, driving a cop car and everything. The aggressor always has the upper hand in this kind of situation even without the confusion that caused.
Roughly 1/14 Canadians has a firearm license, though many families just have one person get theirs (since it can cost like 300 bucks all said and done) and then everyone else in the family just borrows theirs (Lawful as long as the license holder is within arm's reach).

what happened?

Canada desperately trying to stay relevant (which it isn’t) during the lockdown. Nobody cares about your shitty chink infested peat moss country.

Denturist goes postal, cosplaying as an RCMP officer, driving over 100 km over ~13 hours, killing people in their homes and then lighting them on fire.
Was shot and killed in front of a gas station. Death toll last I checked was 17, but may be higher.

Bitch on the news this morning said, "mass shootings are not as common in Canada because of the stricter gun law.

Gun laws have fuckall to do with rates of criminality.

Attached: Canada Usa Suicide 1970-2017 method.png (572x617, 76.84K)

What was his motive?

Derp, wrong one.

Attached: Canada Homicide Gang Firearm 1996 2016.png (677x502, 44.64K)

problem is people use them for hunting so they are pretty bad shots when it come to shooting anything but partridge and moose. Also pulling out a long rifle from our secured locked equiped with 2 locks and a safety as well as the bullets in another secured compartment makes it pretty hard to fire back when necessary

wait a minute

shooting people is illegal isn't it? How was he able to do that?

he's a fucking kike that drove around killing white essential worker people in a pandemic

Attached: gun murders2.jpg (1170x875, 82.32K)

IPSC, IDPA, 3Gun and all sorts of shit is commonplace across the nation.
Having a pistol safe and an empty pistol sitting next to loaded mags is 100% legal.

Attached: handgun safe.png (2000x1559, 3.5M)

Attached: Homicide vs gun ownership per capita.jpg (960x694, 67.21K)

Not having a gun in your home for protection makes you a sitting duck for these psychos.

Not in Quebec dude. Yo Montreal is looking to outright ban handguns and rifles in the city region.

The liberals were chilling this sort of power delegation in the elections

Considering how often this happens compared t the US, yeah you are right, gun laws are working.

Canadians deserve to be disarmed. Ideally more Canadians kill themselves

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How reliable are those safes, anyway? I dont trust them.

Solution is a restricted weapons license - with it, you can get a handgun or restricted long gun.
The gun safe/trigger lock aspect does indeed hamper quick access, and sure as fuck doesn't allow you to take it on the road with you, however, in the situation like we had yesterday I'd be damned if I wasn't sitting in my house with loaded weapons should I have lived anywhere near there.

It's funny - half the shitbag lefties on my social media feed are all about TAKING THEIR GUNS!
The other half....are talking about getting their own for self defense....

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Criminal law is federal jurisdiction. Montreal can't ban a fucking thing.
Pretty sure CRAFM do the high speed low drag oper8or sports, too, and they're in Montreal.
Locks only keep out the honest.

Let's break that down according to the real issue, shal we user?
It's not guns, motherfucker....but I agree, we should remove the things causing all those murders....

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That's a good tactic though, dressing up as a cop or something and shoot as many foreigners as possible

Oh yeah, they work so well even licensed gun owners prefer to kill people using things other than their guns.
Fucking retard.

Attached: Homicide In Canada All Gang Pal 2007 2016_Number.png (473x535, 11.14K)

Good thing Chairman Trudeau is here for Canada's great leap forward! Save us from the licensed gun owners!!!

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the solution is a constitutional crisis and having our own second amendment as well as another declaring economic activity, which should be included in our property rights, a human right the gov is not allowed to simply stop at will when they believe something is happening

>property rights
Trudeau (senior) "forgot" to include property rights in the Charter. It had nothing to do with him being a communist or anything, though. Fuddle duddle.

>Criminal law is federal jurisdiction.

I know but Trudeaun wanted to change the law to delegate it to municipalities.


The opposition in municipal politics were against it but they have no democratic weight right now. But it is still an issue and a problem from Montrealers and pretty much all Canadians since municipal politics have been completely infiltrated

short of a revolution, that ain't happening.
We're not the US, for better or worse, and I don't foresee the populace rising up to defend our gun rights.
Not that I don't welcome it, but the zeitgeist hasn't existed for such a thing here...perhaps ever.

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yerah lets procde a document that says that you have rights until we choose you don't.

Oh and yeah lets create exceptions because thats how ethics happen right?

Yeah, well Trudeau can come knocking himself if he wants mine. Pussy won't even go to parliament.

The fucking notwithstanding clause is the biggest joke in Canadian law.