Which anime shaped your political views the most?

For me it was Neon Genesis Evangelion

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You fucking homosexual faggot

Pawn stars

Anime is for retards, if you let your political views be swayed by a media for children and young adults you're mentally handicapped.

Kiss x Sis

>Cartoon shaped my political views
c r i n g e

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Anime sucks


>Cartoons can't have deep meaning but Bible stories can

Yas Forums.

Attached: 4chan is an anime imageboard so gtfo.jpg (960x720, 178.51K)

when did Yas Forums turn to shit?

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Separate cultures, Separate nations

When you posted "Which anime shaped your political views the most?"

checked and based. shitty slide thread or some wimpy weeb cringe fest. sage in all fields

probably around the same time anime turned into moeshit.
no need to give them the benefit of the doubt fren

you do realize that Japan isn't like your retarded dreams, right?
Most people stop watching anime and dramas when they get to college/universities. Only disgusting otakufags (nerds and consoomers) are into anime past that age.
Don't let a media meant to make you buy figurines control your political views and ideals.

that is kind of a weird question. If there was an anime who has influenced my political views, it was probably Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'd say that my appreciation of NGE was dependent on me having read Nietzsche first tho & in comparison, Nietzsche has influenced my political views far more than NGE.

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>same user who wants mouth breathers on pol to like him and anime
You make anime look bad with your appeal to pol

Fuck off you faggot

>Yas Forums
Go to the anime boards newfag

this. thats the real redpill

>basement-dwelling mutt who larps as japanese gets insecure over anime on an anime imageboard #49166254

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maybe GTO changed my mind a bit on how to think of rough youth. But generally I don't watch animu for intellectual stimulation.

Corey's in the house

Tanya the Evil

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Get your facts straight libtard

How the fuck a show shapes your political views? Are you a moron?
Shows are tailored. One needs to research true information and use his fucking understanding to comprehend.

Fucking weeabos.

Yas Forums is an Anime website. Fuck off.

>faggot MC going for a granny teacher while having an option of two dedicated step sisters

Urusei yatsura

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No because I'm not a faggot

Newfags. I’m not a huge fan of anime myself anymorr, but not realizing that Yas Forums oldfags are almost all weebs is a huuuge redflag to me that most people here are newfags 100%

Boku no piku


>a blatantly Luciferian-Gnostic cartoon shaped my political views

Truly the best of goys.


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>Japan isn't like Japanese fiction
No shit. What's your point? And why should I give a fuck what Japanese normies think?

Based user