D'oh ho ho
D'oh ho ho
Other urls found in this thread:
>UGH! Why is this place where tons of people sit shoulder to shoulder for 1 to 2 hours closed!?
>sinners getting Corona AIDS
I don't see the issue
But both the abortion clinic and liquor stores are open.
I mean, if you really wanted to complain about this sort of this, fucking Florida declared WWE pro wrestling an “essential service.”
Abortion is a medical procedure, so yes, it is an essential service. Liquor at least I can see why some people would find reasons to complain about that, but complaining about not being allowed to congregate in a large space just to hear a sermon is stupid, especially when every other country in the world has churches telling people to stay home and look at sermons being live streamed instead.
Liquor contains alcohol, and when you don't have access to cleaning alcohol...
You're also not in a large group sitting shoulder to shoulder. Do you just not understand what the actual issue is?
Liquor stores also provide more than just alcohol as well.
There is a family liquor store that sits in the middle of a neighborhood close to where I live and they even serve homemade pizzas and other foods.
Comfy shit.
>Florida declared WWE pro wrestling an “essential service.”
Why doesn't Obama like Kevin Feige again?
Why should churches be considered essential services?
>i've never been to an abortion clinic or liquor store
You have to be 18 or older to post here
>murder is an essential service
The only time there's a large gathering at an abortion clinic is when the fundies are out protesting
>>i've never been to an abortion clinic or liquor store
you are aware that there is obligation to respect distance, in those current times, right?
well the police still go to work so...
For me, it's Trick or Treason.
Pregnancy always constitute a risk for the potential mother. It's therefore up to her to decide to carry this risk or not.
Nice edge, underagefag
>having brennan hold up a sign that literally says "cia spook"
>don't have him wear a ghost costume
priorities ben
Said risk could have been avoided if the mother kept her legs closed as well.
>fucking Florida declared WWE pro wrestling an “essential service.”
It's times like these that make me wonder: "Maybe we are a second world country?"
An abortion might be necessary and buying booze takes a few minutes.
A church has literally no other purpose than to be a place for gatherings. It's the same reason nobody is going to concerts or conventions. This isn't hard to understand.
Don't have sex. Easy as that. Don't have to kill someone that way either. Funny how that works
Is Ben aware that any churches that have closed have done so voluntarily. Christ's sakes, most of them were open for Easter.
>I want to control other's people pant
Doing something that could have been avoided doesn't justify forcing you into doing something that could put your life at risk, ever.
You are not making a point,there.
I agree with Garrison, churches are a business and need to be properly taxed.
While this is technically true, that's not an argument why abortion clinics shouldn't be considered an essential service.
Plus many liquor stores are offering delivery or curbside pick-up now
seeyou are not allowed to control other people's pant either.
Funny how you want to force chastity on other. Ahah, you are a funny guy.
Dont abortion clinic provide other services?
It takes two user. Be sure to rag on the dad too.
Even easier. The invention of birth control and adoption made abortions obsolete.
They are in control of themselves. They made stupid choices and are using murder to get out of them instead of taking necessary procaution. You're trying to be Pro murder while acting like you have the superior moral stance, its hilarious
america is a third-world country with tiny pockets of extreme wealth. It's like Nigeria except all our politicians are also pedophiles.
You haven't been to shit, kid. Any service can easily make you wait 2 meters apart from another person. Church isn't a service and it actively encourages close contact. Everywhere else in the world are able to have church services over the internet but Americans apparently think they're too good for common sense.
Go #LiberateMichigan and see how that ends for you.
Replace left and center closed and right open and you'll get Europe.
Clearly I'm not, edgelord they can still fuck
You mean services other places can provide that DON'T try to convince people to murder to profit? Murder isn't essential, they can go to a normal hosptial
McMahon featured Trump in a fuckin Wrestlemania, I'm sure Trump and McMahon are buddy buddy being the businessmen they are and would explain the decision.
I remember like the first month into trumps presidency, there was the president with entire McMahon family in a big group photo all smiling.
Sure is comics & cartoons in here...
>Even easier. The invention of birth control
Birth control don't alway work, so no, it didn't. And adoption means the baby was worn, when the initial point was that carrying a baby to its term always put the person at risk.
>They are in control of themselves.
My point exactly, they decide what they do with their body, not you.
>they can go to a normal hospital
And if the hospitals are full of COVID patients?
>uh oh you hurt MY feelings, THAT'S not allowed! i'm too based and redpilled! noooooo
I get that abortion and liquor shops can stay open but the one that confuses me are weed shops
Isnt corona's symptoms worsened by smoking? So why are they still essential services?
seeThere is of course also rape and the fact that it's statistically impossible it always be careful. It doesn't mean anyone should be forced to be exposed to the risk of pregnancy.
Any liquor store sells food. Those protesting and church going faggots acting like their not drinking is absurd. Anyone wanting to be outside and risking to catch the sick doesn't want to think about their actual puny existence.Your life sucks, get over it.
Places that ban abortion tend to strongly limit birth control because religious beliefs tend to tie the two together. Places that allow for birth control and sex education report less abortion. It's really your dogma that's fucking everything up.
It help with staying enclosed inside.
1. Places that have pot as medicinal medicine are allowed to stay open because they're providing a service for people with perscriptions
2. There are other ways of consuming other than smoking.
I agree with this point, but this Yas Forums. So you know what that means... GO BACK TO Yas Forums GET THE FUCK OFF MY BORD!! GOD FUCKING DAMN!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Marijuana is medical for a lot of people. I don't know why you bring up its effects on people with corona - essential services are open for anyone, not just corona patients.
Dude wrestling is fake
Same reason why WWE was considered essential business because they donate to election campaigns
Could you imagine this old fucking cunt finally biting the boomer dust from corona? Never to be heard from ever again? Obviously anyone outside the right leaning spectrum wouldn't give a shit, but everyone on the otherside would be furious.
Chinks in america are already getting discriminated against, if the right loses an old coot like him, because of the chink flu, they'd go fucking mental. Probably another shooting or some similar violent event, done by some retarded, inbred redneck, which of course, solves or proves fucking nothing, will be ultimately pointless (due to the sheer population of chinks) but of course, the media will lap it up; the right once again playing unto the lizards' hands... I'd fucking clap over that I tell hwat.
How fucking based would that be? Honestly after that, no matter who dies, Corona-chan would always be in my heart. The most based fucking disease ever. Kills worthless fucking codgers like this shitcunt. It'd be the best.
He is a pretty old feller right? How old exactly? Does anyone know? Where does he live anyway? I swear I'd just fly out to the other side of the world, and pay for fucking everything just so I could infect him.
>inb4 get this schizoposter outta here
Feck off grandpa. Your opinion is worthless. Die.
All contraceptions methods, condom and pill included, work 99% of the time
That's 1% left that often leads to abortion
Also, 40% of abortion are made because of unforseen life changes, making the women/couple reconsider having a child. Causes include loss of job, unexpected medical condition/fees, father dies/turns out to be abusive...
>An abortion might be necessary
>There’s an entity or unknown cretin out there changing my cartoons–adding in offensive Jewish stereotypes–and then spreading them throughout the internet. While leaving MY name on them. Rest assured my target is the elite international banking system and the Federal Reserve. NOT Jews. I apologize to anyone who was offended by the hijacked cartoons. Please help me report these creeps and if you see them on blogs, demand their removal.
>I don't know why you bring up its effects on people with corona
maybe because there's a corona pandemic going on and its really contagious
You shoulkd want Florida Man to be entertained and at home.
cases where the mother's life is in danger so she has to get an abortion or else her and the baby will die
I dont care about what opens or does not open but what I do care is how murrica is trying to paint china as the bad guy in this current pandemic even though there is no hard and substantial evidence that the virus came from china. Even WHO is now reconsidering the origin point to Italy since there was a weird flu-like disease around october. But I guess thats what you expect when you elect a racist leader
How? Liquo stores provide more than alcohol and having as many local shop open as possible is how you avoid concentration of populations.
Abortion clinic is a medical service some people need. Getting pregnant put your life at risk and affect your body greatly, this is an essential service.
In both case, it can be managed so that social distancing remain respected.
Church congregations, on the other hand have people in close cotnact with each other in great numbers, which goes straight against what need to be done.
>Liquor stores open
>Clinics open
>Churces closed
So like any day that's not Sunday?
>Any service can easily make you wait 2 meters apart from another person.
I actually work in a grocer and that's exactly what we do on top of limiting the number of occupants.
good times. And then he became exactly what he was being edited into.
>I apologize to anyone who was offended by the hijacked cartoons
> Please help me report these creeps and if you see them on blogs, demand their removal.
But it's not their body as evidenced by DNA.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Fuck off, Chang.
>he still thinks state sanctioned shills are not exempted from the firewall
literal kek
>even though there is no hard and substantial evidence that the virus came from china
The virus came from China. the issue is how badly the US government managed the propagation of it.
>Even WHO is now reconsidering the origin point to Italy since there was a weird flu-like disease around october.
It's their body that i the host of an other one. and they have the right to decide what to do with something putting your life at risk, the same way no one will blame you if you shoot a dog that was attacking you.
dont worry user unlike Yas Forums, Yas Forums is actually more reasonable and knows that the US under trump is the one to blame for the worldwide pandemic
disregard the Yas Forums shills here
The "baby" is dependent on the mother to survive. Why should she be forced to give up her body, health, and possibly her life for the sake of someone she does not want to support?
would that count as flanderization?
>and knows that the US under trump is the one to blame for the worldwide pandemic
Nobody on Yas Forums believe this. Most here know that Trump managed it very badly.
Everyone knows a real man prays at the liquor store and forces his pregnant mistress to abortion every week. Is Zyclon Ben some kind of pinko pussy?
You know what? Yes.
>trump caused the worldwide pandemic
before this thread gets baleeted does anyone have that gif of ben with the marching ss guards and stukas flying in his background?
Ah yes, the abortion clinics where 200 people sit close to each other ready for abortion
>Sent sick U.S. troops to china on october
>Mysterious disease suddenly appears
>Bribe the medical community to blame it somehow on a bat
>Try to blame innocent low income Chinese farmers and markets
Trump is an asshole
I literally said he didn't cause it. He is responsible for it turning so bad in several states. Especially NY.
One of the worst of offence is hoarding the respirator, then selling them to private company instead of delivering them to the states that need it the most directly, then out-bidding the those states that needed them hen those private companies put them on the market.
>Nobody on Yas Forums believe this.
I meant to say "nobody on Yas Forums beleive this. My bad.
nigga you fuckin what
Since you put it so nicely,
Matthew 26:64
>largest population remain white no matter what
I think you have difficulty with words, user.
I'm tired of people constantly rooting for the virus to kill old people or some political people. I'm younger than most of these millennial twitter fucks saying this and it infuriates me. They deserve very long and lonely lives.
>Mexicans taking back the land that was originally theirs
Sounds like justice to me
Liquor stores are open because otherwise the drunkards would get violent, and with their kids stuck at home cases of domestic violence would skyrocket
i miss the brief moment in time when within seconds of a ben garrison comic coming out, a social democrat would create a crazy edit like this one.
i won't say they're good, but the crazy attempts to turn garrison's straightforward conservative libertarianism into something old, boring and dead like keynesian social democracy amuse me.
this, death is a mercy for those old fucks they deserve to see their world crumble around them for all the shit they have caused over the years.
you reap what you sow.
>growing population is "Hispanic"
>biggest identifier is speaking Spanish over racial features
This basically is just a measure of Americans picking up a second language.
"Simply don't have sex", says the incel, secure in the fact that it's a risk he'll never have the opportunity to take
How about you read the entire sentence, dumbass?
He's probably in his 50s and live in Montana.
>that time Yas Forums mindbreaked Ben Garrison
People don't gather all at once in droves to Liquor stores and Abortion clinics.
And some churches and other religious institutions that remained opened had their goers either fined or arrested. It happened relatively recently in New Jersey because their governor is freaking the fuck out since Jersey has the second highest number of cases in the US.
>I think you have difficulty with words, user.
I never mentioned the word
ever, you wh*teoid c uck. When every white girl is abandoned by their men because they became "stacies" or whatever, the halfbreeds will outnumber you. Until you will be no more.
>I swear I'd just fly out to the other side of the world, and pay for fucking everything just so I could infect him
Nice confession, dipshit.
>I never mentioned the word
Never said you did say it. you, however, posted a screencap of something you made seem rather clear you agreed with.
Cheer up, Ben. There will be a million deaths in USA and most of them will go to Hell.
So how badly did Trump fuck up with handling the Kung Flu and will it hurt his election chances at all, or will it be a non-issue for his core voters?
McMahon has a Super PAC donating to Trump's re-election campaign.
>haha gotcha, never said the word "minortiy"
and then goes with
>When every white girl is abandoned by their men because they became "stacies" or whatever, the halfbreeds will outnumber you. Until you will be no more.
actually showing you do actually think it anyway. And then there is the part where the pic here thatoutright display that not only will white not be extinct but no even be outnumbered.
I think you should check your two neurones of yours. they might not be working properly.
not him but: you're thinking of plurality, not majority. to have a majority you need 50%+1, if whites are below 50% but still the largest they're a plurality, not a majority. (and if you're just going "white/non white" then whites are in the minority.)
Having sex is fine, but a baby is the natural consequence of sex and if your attempts to trick nature through birth control don't pan out, you have an obligation to care for who you created instead of murdering them. This was once widely understood.
>thatoutright display that not only will white not be extinct but no even be outnumbered.
That's what the immigrants are for silly! Muslims! You LOVE those guys! The lizards said so, it must be true!
It wasn't that bad so far (his bragging about ratings for COVID press conferences was weird though) but if he reopens the economy too soon and a ton of people die as a result, he's screwed.
>god is wide awake and alert on mondays through saturdays
>asleep on sunday
>followers choose the one day he is not around to enjoy it to honor him
That's fucked up when you think about it.
Vince McMahon's wife Linda works for Trump's administration you ding dong diddly dopes hit the showers and have sex
If the baby is a girl, then is abortion okay?
He really has no choice. I'm no Trumper but reopening the economy is a much better option than global depression.
>not him but: you're thinking of plurality, not majority
Except, no, I was talking about minority. And having the biggest plurality outright means you are not a minority.
>and if you're just going "white/non white" then whites are in the minority.
But this is not how the different group were displayed in that graph, so that doe not apply. Additionally that make every group in a group/not-part-of-this-group a minority, making the word meaningless. especially if it is used to denominate the biggest plurality.
God doesn't sleep on Sundays. Well, he supposedly rested on the sabbath after creating the world but that would have been Saturday and was a one time thing.
Even if you're right, lots of people will die and the Dems will use that against him.
>And having the biggest plurality outright means you are not a minority.
if this was true the US wouldn't adopt the awkward designation "majority minority area"
>This was once widely understood.
And it was called dumping the child at the church's doorstep because I can't have a child out of wedlock.
Do you honestly think they'll bother to track me down? Bro wacky american teenagers call the FBI on each other alredy, for fun. I think they're far too busy.
What really shows is that SOMEONE in this thread is fuckin DEATHLY afraid of even just a mild threat.
God you fucking wh*teoids really are hopeless aren't you.
>but reopening the economy is a much better option than global depression.
Global depression is already inevitable.
>if this was true the US wouldn't adopt the awkward designation "majority minority area"
Incorrect, there is no contradiction.
COVID is really not that horrible a virus, the death rate isn't going to skyrocket if people start going back to work. If anything it'll plateau that much faster and herd immunity will kick in in about a month.
>you have an obligation to care for who you created
No. No one has the obligation to put their life at risk for someone else.
>Do you honestly think they'll bother to track me down
Yes idiot, bioterrorism threats are taken seriously and dealt with accordingly.
the only way to resolve the contradiction is to say the US is wrong to use such a designation.
which you're welcome do to, but then we're just in the realm of prescriptive vs descriptive language use
>the only way to resolve the contradiction is to say the US is wrong to use such a designation.
There is no need to, because there i no contradiction to begin with.
Being the biggest plurality means you are not a minority and this being true doesn't make the US wrong for using the term "majority minority area".
a majority minority area will still have a biggest plurality, often one that isn't white.
In the first world the risk is low, and besides, you incurred on yourself a moral obligation to care for any resulting child by having sex.
It still remain a minority in regard to the whole US population. and this is that leaning the word minority carry in that context. It is therefore not incorrect to use that term.
booooooooo snitch
nobody likes snitch
wouldnt that happen in a hospital?
>In the first world the risk is low
Not low enough.
If you see someone drowning but you are afraid you will drown yourself if you try to rescue him, even if you know how to swim, making the risk low, then you are not to be blamed.
Maybe not under the law but it's still a fucked up and shitty thing to do.
Is Ben Garrison, a libertarian, suggesting that these independent premises should be closed down by the government? What a tyrant!
I would be scared too if I had just made a bioterrorism threat and was about to be under FBI investigation.
>but it's still a fucked up and shitty thing to do.
If you were afraid the guy would sink you down with you, you are not to be blamed.
This is why people who risk their own lives to save other are called hero and those who don't are called regular people. It wouldn't be remarkable or heroic if there wasn't a risk. and that there is a risk justify that most prefer not to take it.
>t. trust me I know a guy that knows a guy that dropped out of med school
Listen here you fucking cunt. You call it murder. Because every life is precious yada yada ya. The most important part of this, and the positive message that you are *supposed* to preach here, is that the nuclear family model is the ONLY way of making MEN out of sissyboys, putting women back where they belong, and saving human civilization. Or at least the whites.
But here's the thing: your cracka ass ancestors, when they weren't shamelessly fucking each other, had already tried that formula for hundreds of years. And in each of them there was suffering a plenty. You know that's why assholes like John K. have a pathological issue with 'perfectionism'. It all stems from his father. It's the reason why his coworkers hated him, and I would say, his hypersexuality is also because of this.
Your model is far from perfect. It was described as such because nobody would DARE go against Father's wishes lest he beats the whole family into a fucking pulp. No joke. And you want to propagate this further. Silent suffering. At least, on the surface you are fucking perfect you might think. But you're a fucknig hive of scum and villainy.
I'm not saying that ANY of the liberal models could bear fruit, or could achieve productivity on the same level as those families. But you see we don't have to do that, grandpa. You and your fellow shitheads have bred the human race where the possibility of overpopulation is basicalyl inevitable. We are actually helping our overall survival by being sissyfags. Putting a stop to this fucking model that will force EVERYONE underground to eat bugs eventually.
So fuck you. Fuck the nuclear family. And fuck the past. You'll be dead and gone, and nobody will care. All you will be is a plaque that says 'I've told you so!'. What a fucking joke.
It's literal reptilian agenda. Create disease that makes common mammals ill, blame it on another mammal. And you just know blaming it on bats is revenge on the ones that eat lizards, same with bird flu and evil nasty lizard eating birds that bite off our tails.
God, I fucking love this state so much. Lefties are seething on Twitter because our governor just opened the beaches again.
I've seen too many videos of someone trying to save a drowning person, only for them to panic and drag the poor soul down with them, resulting in two deaths. Sometimes you have to make tough calls to avoid bigger tragedies.
and here we have a perfect example of poes law. is this a right winger trying to troll as a psycho lefty or is it a real psycho lefty? the world may never know.
The FBI is investigating this guy lmao
stop some shitty parent from having a kid and giving it a shitty life
don't worry, 'sex' will never include YOU
I'm shaking in my fucking boots. Just shut the fuck up and die already grandpa.
All I want is for this virus to be over, or at least manageable. The left wants us to pay reparations to china for "evil white racism" while the right wants us to slave away to our corporate overlords until we die (safety and health guidelines are socialism, by the way, so no masks allowed in the workplace). It feels like both political parties want me dead and there's no hope of reconciliation. Why do you all hate me and my family so much?
Yeah it's a bit fucked up, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do to get by. Hence abortions.
Abortion clinics and liquor stores, other than the fact they are not nearly as packed as churches or any house of worship for that matter, can enforce safe distance by doing things like only letting 2 customers in at the time.
You can't really do anything with this kind of limitation in churches.
Especially since these sort of things can be done through the internet with relative ease.
You know what? I can get behind it assuming they only do the wrestling without the live audience, I don't actually know if they do or don't, I don't watch "pro"-wrestling.
I think a big (if not the biggest) factor that contributes to the success of this quarantine as opposed to past ones is because people find it easier to entertain themselves at home.
If people didn't have TV, netflix or the internet they'd just break quarantine, if only out of boredom.
So for that reason I'd argue that entertainment that can be provided through television, radio or streaming should be allowed to operate.
>alt-right manbabies doing anything
You really think the dad beating the shit out of everyone in a nuclear family was the norm and not the exception? You're brainwashed. Enjoy your alternative lifestyle though.
>The left wants us to pay reparations to china for "evil white racism"
false. Don't believe stupid meme.
>was about to be under FBI investigation.
Oh no. They're gonna find out I play videogames and watch twitch streams while munching on doritos and jacking off to cartoon porn. Not to mention absolutely no fucking money to take the fucking bus let alone fly to the states. In the middle of a fucking worldwide quarantine.
Nah man. I think you're more scared of old dickheads catching the 'rona than anything else.
>A man who featured as one of the four male partners in a polyamorous relationship with a pregnant woman that received media attention in December has been charged with aggravated child abuse after the 5-week-old baby suffered multiple severe injuries. 22-year-old Ethan Baucom was one of the individuals shown in a Barcroft TV production which told the story of 20-year-old Tory Ojeda sharing her Jacksonville, Fla. with three of her four partners, including Baucom. Ojeda revealed that she was marrying one of the men in the house, Travis, but that the father of her baby was another partner called Christopher. Christopher said he was looking forward to sharing father responsibilities with the other men in the house, commenting, “There is a lot of support between all of us dads and it’s something we can tag team.” It has now been revealed that one of those men, Ethan Baucom, admitted to physically abusing the 5-week-old baby while babysitting the infant. According to reports, the baby suffered a “broken leg, arm, ribs and skull fractures.” The police report also reveals that Baucom, who told officers he needed to tell the truth,” heard a “pop” during the incident, which occurred on March 12th.
What the fuck
It's a sign of how all-encompassing the culture war has become when American Churches consider abortion clinics like rival places of worship.
and this is when the thread go to shit (and I mean that in more than one way)
Abort all non-white babies.
And what do you gonna do huh? Jerk off at your home like Varg, shouting "stop being christian, c uck" at every incel right winger you come across, while looking *so* fucking stern and angry? Bet your "aryan" ancestors are clapping at you for that. It's nothing. It's jerking yourself off.
That's all he does. Fucking hot air. Nothing. Worthless.
>was the norm and not the exception?
I KNOW it wasn't an exception because the boomers' kids (my parents) are ALL fucked in the head. Without exception. They have even less idea about what the fuck they're doing than the millenials.
Who was it calling trump a racist for wanting stricter immigration? Calling him xenophobic for wanting to shut down travel to and from china? Bernie AND Biden have both said that, if they were president, no quarantines or travel bans would've been put in place because, as they put it, "fighting racism is more important than any virus".
This is America. The government explicitly DOES NOT have the right to close churches, or otherwise dictate how churches operate for ANY reason. There is not an asterisk next to the bill of rights that says (* = unless China virus). The first amendment to the bill of rights states, and I quote:
> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
When these governors passed these “lockdown” laws, they were in clear violation by “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. They’re not allowed to do that, so violating these “orders” is the sworn duty of every American Christian patriot.
Fuck off, boomer
you're probably the basedest poster on Yas Forums right now
>American Christian patriot.
reckless levels of cringe
>murder isn’t essential
Fuck off you brainlet triggered faggot. Abortion isn’t murder, retard.