Why? Just because she's wearing a man's costume?
17 people got killed but they're only talking about her?
IDK man cuz cops are the last people anyone should care about getting shot. I mean, shooting people it literally what cops do. It's like their whole schtick. Then when one of them gets shot it's like "oh my god! Who ever could have predicted this!"
Did he hate this village because they only had one cop and it was a middle aged woman? I read she rammed his car and he shot her. That's not very smart.
Why am I a retard, bootlickeranon?
Is this shit actually world wide news?
cause shes a qt
Well maybe she should have just minded her own business rather than poking her nose in to other people's affairs.
"Oh my god I rammed my car into another guy who was going around shooting people and then he shot me, who could have predicted this!"
I mean, I always focus on the "who could have predicted this!" aspect of it because any fucking normal person would see someone acting like a cop does and realize that obviously eventually someone is going to try to shoot them.
It shouldn't be when a thousand times more people are dying daily of Coronavirus
Cause she's hot and had she not died I would have liked to have had sex with her in various positions.
>jew kills 17 people
>gotta slide fast
Honestly I think it's making world news because of the female cop.
Is he confirmed jew? From what Iread he went and killed his ex wife and new bf and then went on killing randomly. female cop has the bad idea of stopping him by ramming his car.
After 23 years of fucking service, would anybody else think that she could have survive at least by being prepared upon arrival on the scene between the suspect and herself.. 23 YEARS of service. Must’ve been a desk whore.
...because it's Trump ...and he's raping female reporters now. Nobody can stop him!!!!!!
Yeah it was on the news when I lunched like 30 minutes ago
newfag, every white person that commits any crime is a jew on pol, please go to a different forum or image board.
I dunno man if you think about how we gotta listen to your news whenever an incel shoots up a school it only makes sense that you gotta listen to our story of an eccentric millionaire impersonating a police officer executing 16 people.
Shit we famous now
I think it's making world news because (((they))) expected it to be islamic terrorism.
you still could
Denture guy was one of the first victims. The shooter was RCMP. RCMP used the first victim as the fall guy to cover their ass.
he was an angry boomer incel
killed mostly women
Feminsits will certainly turn this into violence against women despite him shooting several couples.
Your a literal retarded nigger
yeah, i heard about it on the AP. deadliest shooting in Canadian history.
truly the day of the rake. truly sorry for you lots.
She wouldn't have been shot if she was taking care of her kids,at home,in the kitchen.
Nope I'm a genius brainiac high IQ white
Same reason you see news reports like, "Two people were injured, including a woman." Basically click-bait. Triggers men's protective white-knight impulse and women's 'what the fuck did this bitch do to deserve it?' cunt nature.
No one really cares when people die, unless it's a cute 12 year old girl.
If it had been a real coo instead of a female larping, then perhaps only three people would be dead right now
it must be like myspace where 1 girl follower was worth 20 boy followers.