modern normie white male is fine with foreign men fucking their women and most of them even encourage it. modern normie white males is fine with their women being massive roastie sluts who has been gangbanged by 10 guys and whatever the fuck not before marrying them. white male routinly bring up interracial sex and cuckolding or some other sexual degenerate fetish out of no where and if you object in any way you are not cool bro. WTF is wrong with white males. how can you say the white race dosnt deserve what it get when its males acts like this?
Why are modern white male such pathetic degenerates?
jews and niggers
The cuckold shit is fucking disgusting. It revolts me and I don't get why so many retards on here are obsessed with bringing it up. Sick degenerates.
When looking for examples of behavior that will work socially, most white men study the laugh box on TV.
They'll do dumb, betrayal, evil, destructive shit because it got a laugh on TV. There are no examples of proper conduct and any that exist are cast in a negative light.
Combine that with non-stop marijuana and you have a person who makes zero positive efforts in their life so the only ambition and energy they emit is waspy peanut gallery schlock
Let me guess OP is a shitskin poojet who can't get white women so he has to lash out because he sees some hoopball nigger on instagram getting one.
What efforts have YOU made in life? Obviously not a whole lot, or you wouldn't be wasting your life on Yas Forums.
I'm a wagey.
The (((media))) has been systematically undermining conservative ideals for decades, while (((progressive))) scholars have injected their own ideals into public education
Enjoy your early onset erectile dysfunction, receding hairline, and permanent celibacy.
>Let me guess OP is a shitskin poojet who can't get white women
why the fuck would I want a white women? a degenerate roastie whose men are simps and allow her to be slut. cause they are so pathetic that they end up marrying her no matter if she fucks niggers or is a single mom. white men need to get their fucking act together cause this shit is getting gross desu
Yas Forums in moderation is fine. Coming here every day is for the people with no lives. Why are you here? To point fingers? Every day I talk to people about how eugenics has been turned into a dirty word and that we need to bring it back. Most people agree with me when I frame the topic correctly. That’s what I’m doing, what about you?
Trying to distract us from talking about the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus, Wong?
>WTF is wrong with white males. how can you say the white race dosnt deserve what it get when its males acts like this?
My problem is with the whole of humanity. But yes. I've turned my eyes onto white people as well. Its hard to want to do anything to better your own country,when it seems like its full of cucks who open the gates,lower the draw bridge,and escort the fucking niggers right in.
My strategy, from trying to inspire people and proud of them selfs. To "You're worthless fucking shit, I hope you all get raped to death infront of your families. And you all deserve it, Don't like it? Than make something of your self."
When the Super Civil World War breaks out, I'll be over here, Raking leafs
But but but...
If I get an extra $200 I can have some top tier beauty like this scornfully touch my peepee!
you mad that your crush would rather fuck jamal than your sorry ass.
So I was spot on after all. Guess what we don't need to do anything. Anyone who willingly fucks niggers is out of our bloodline and not our concern anymore. White people will always exist. The mid to upper classes will always be white.
You misspelled JEWISH
Whine whine whine
We need to cull the underclass. The bottom drags down all of society no matter how hard the top tries to lift them. I think compensation for low iq people is the best way to go. Pay them not to have kids, revoke all benefits if they do.
hmm maybe it's because white people took pity on a certain tribe that has been kicked out of 109 countries and who are well known for being traitorous subverters
We’re going to nuke you chang
>always blaming other people
This is why you fail at life.
How come I could tell this was a memeflag before even opening the thread?
Is this the power of ultra instinct?
These are slide threads and bait threads aimed at demoralizing and acting like degenerate behavior is exclusive to one race only.
the perfect example of what the fuck im talking about
>jews created feminism
>jews created left wing though (marx, lenin, trotsky)
>jews flooded white countries with nonwhites
>jews run white countries through secret societies like freemasonry
They fully deserve the blame and more.
white men will defend this and even encourage what is going on in pic related
Very good point
They train their own families to be successful in life while subverting others.
They have a strong culture of reinforcing personal success.
They have a strong culture of perpetual victimhood used as their witche's hammer against any society they visit their evil upon.
I'm not okay with it, but I can't do anything about it.
I've learnt to consider niggers the same as fire and coalburners the same as disease. You can protect yourself from disease and mitigate the damage fire will do if you understand them and treat them as the wild, natural phenomena they are. If you're extra good, you can cleanse infected areas with the fire. It's about perspective and being prepared
You go try defend against any of this, you go to court.
Even defending against getting assaulted by people will land in jail.
Happened to me and my answer is to NEET and not go out anymore. That's also cuckoldry, but the best thing i can do...
Hey at least you're not prepping the bull.
If they get brainwashed so easly, they fucking deserve it.
The answer is simple. White men don't have any political protection and they will be ostracized for saying politically incorrect things because of their sex and race. Being kicked out of college or fired for having colonizer energy is a real threat to white men.
It didn't happen overnight. Jews took played the long game and slowly took over every institution, academia, media, and infected young children's minds. It really came to a head and became noticable during the hippie free love bullshit in the 60's. The jew media relentlessly attacked anyone against and supported cultural marxism. Then by the 70's and 80's american tv was full of sitcoms of happy nigger families that were just like whites. The slippery slope started.