The narrative we are fed doesn't add up. I've taken a new angle on the virus, a birds eye view.
Here in this thread we can research and catalogue these particular sightings of Arial Surveillance/Mapping/Flight Training and find correlations between flight times/days and outbreaks of the 'virus'.
This picture was taken late March in the North of Italy a little north-northeast Milan, in the Lombardy region. This region is one of the hardest hit areas in Italy for the virus.
The latest picture taken over Sydney, Australia, approximately six hours ago (4/20/20). I will report back when the next 'outbreak' has occurred in this city. Today's weather in Sydney was overcast with a chance to rain overnight. The origin of this picture can be found here; Searching for the plane's callsign/registration/flight details brought zero results back, where as they should be available for at least a week to free users of Flightradar24.
While typing up this thread, I actually found another plane doing this kind of suspicious route above Legnica, Poland. The flight has another two hours on it's journey and I will try to keep information up to date. I will also keep an ear out for the next outbreak over and around it's flight path.
If Anons from other cities are interested, I would love for you to participate, locate planes, observe and record any seeding, etc and find out if these routes do indeed correlate to viral outbreaks as time goes on.
Bump, i doubt they are spraying it. Its already highly transmisibke among the population and late action by gov of the world prove they want it to spread. Thats why they want to open muh economies and make it seem that people demand it...they want more death
Elijah Russell
Jason Hughes
This is some new kind of chemtrails/poison they are dumping on us.
Juan Allen
This guy doesn't seem to know what he's doing and they aren't the small planes, but interesting enough I had to share.
Now why did this one start out in the middle of nowhere between towns? NSW, Australia. It's night here by the way; can't be taking pretty pictures for maps.
>The cities are first put on lockdown, neighborhoods with undesirables fumigated with COVID-19, they die like FLEAS…voila most of the urban USELESS EATER problem and antisemitic attacks against our Israeli cousins are eliminated. Troops move in to restore order after the viral genocide. Can you imagine African Americans realizing that the CDC, Johns Hopkins, CNN, MSNBC, NYTIMES, WAPO are participating in viral genocide against the urban black populations in Detroit, New Orleans NY and NJ etc and marching down to their HQs? >If you are black or a poor white and you live in pockets of urban poverty surrounded by high value real estate like New York, New Orleans, Detroit etc….or if you are in a PRISON you are most likely going to be continuously fumigated with COVID-19 until you either die or you are sick and you die by treatment at the hospital. This also includes white conservative christian Trump voting boomers living in retirement homes throughout the USA similar to Italy. While culling the undesirables and useless eaters, the cities like NY, New Orleans etc are placed under FULL LOCK DOWN with ZERO coverage on the streets even in hazmat suits. Remember these reporters brave hurricanes, cholera and other disease ridden places like Haiti with no running water after earth quakes, radioactive Fukushima….. Where are they now? >The reason it is really dangerous for journalists is because the streets of NY, Detroit, New Orleans or rather specific neighborhoods are being sprayed every other day with highly virulent strains of COVID-19. Above applies to London, UK and EU countries as well.
The Royal Australian Navy performing some form of training south of Sydney. This, like the two jet fighters posted here is only interesting because once I click off the aircraft, it disappears from the radar. Probably just flight training. There are at least two other choppers with lost visuals nearby. My method to find planes that are doing this? sorry I'm not sure exactly what you mean, a little tired. I just click randomly on planes until I find ones with this pattern. I'm recording the location, and counting the days til the next 'outbreak' occurs.
The trails like the one in your pic, i've witness come out of the big commercial passenger planes if i'm outside. Contrails are real, but they hardly exist anymore. They are supposed to disappear within a minute, these chemtrails last forever.
Also. Go and watch an old timey movie, like a western. You won't see any long stiff chemtrails, just the big fluffy white fuckers.