What is the best way to assimilate Africans into Western Europe?

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Shoot them.
Use as fertilizer

Killing them, and remembering to sage the thread.

Compost. Indeed.

Mandatory white wife

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>LARPing wignats

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by sending them back to africa

Hang them in fields to frighten the crows.

Funnel them into a crematorium.

Morning, Tenda.

No, everyone hates niggers.

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In chains

For that you'd need to make blacks respectable. And that won't happen as long as Africa stays the way it is.

Why? Why are you doing this? It's not good bud.

White girls don't like manlets.

implying balkanians arent the most racist

Oh honey, African Americans in the US are much taller on average than the normal white male. That's why they dominate basketball

True. Even the gypsies here regard themselves higher than niggers and I honestly can't argue with that. You can always reason with a gyppo one way or another which was definitely not true even in my limited exposure to niggers.

Toppest of Keks

First Post Based Post..

They're a half inch shorter, actually.

You are collapsing under a dictatorship and your priority is bashing black people?

Marry white girls that’s how
Kill off the faggy white guys
No unathletic or derby types

What's that supposed to mean?

You a nigger loving faggot or something user?

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They were discriminated against and saved by the US. You would think they would reflect on this and learn that racism is always bad and irrational

IQ too low, just eradicate them.

Bosniaks and Serbs are the same race and pretty much even the same ethnicity.

This. We could try to make some argument about keeping only the highest IQ ones, but we know they just regress back to the mean, will congregate into their own communities and Europe gets their own little version of Chicago in every major city. Its just a disaster. The only humane thing to do is send them all home.

Darker than white? Yes. But not as dark as niggers

just split their communities and tax them to hell

have them marry one of their good, trad African women and work in our factories. seriously i don't see this nigger-craze in Europe as it seems to exist in America. most African men i see here are actual manlets with insanely high voices. mixed couples are a very rare sight, and if a german woman is with a black or brown man, she usually is very young and doesn't have a father to teach her how to estimate a mans' value or she is so worthless a german man wouldn't want her anyway. as for the African women, to me, they are ugly. so after all, ugly, worthless women still get some piece of the happiness cake by getting a black manlet, and i get to breed beautiful blonde women. good deal come on over labour force!

what dictatorship? Common sense?

The nigger opened the box backwards kek

how can you assimilate an endless flow?

We've been a dictatorship since 2010 and we've been doing increasingly better ever since.
Don't let your tranny media confuse you!


Abort all white male babies. In a generation the problems will work themselves out.

Put them in camps

The slave traders only picked the best of them. The overwhelming majority of them still remaining in Africa are not physically impressive at all.

that's what im saying, American niggers were bred to be stupid and strong so they could pick cotton efficiently and not think of ideas how to overwhelm the overseer. once set free they don't know what to do and become criminals shooting, raping etc. the ones originating from Africa are ok to me. can'T say anything bad about them, the arabs and Indians are a bigger problem of course!

I wouldn't call them "ok" at all. They're just as stupid but they're also smaller and weaker.
At least the ameri-niggers have their size going for them. Native africans are just useless.
But at least for the most part they're very religious and better behaved because of that, so they're not that much of a problem. But they'll also lose that religion in a generation or two if they come to Europe, so that doesn't matter too much.

As ground-up paste.