is this life in the 20th century? score social credit points online by virtue signaling. attempt every day to go viral somehow. waste your life clicking and subbing and liking. god help us.
Kek I actually came across this retard earlier today. First words that came to mind were dunning and kruger
Is that a joke video or is that what zoomers think is cool?
>Fridge body
you just described Yas Forums just without the foreveralone incel anime posters
>GOT EM. now let me just post this to reddit for upboats...
Check mate bigot
Yas Forums doesn't have any subbing or likes though
Damn, Trump is gonna win isn't he
Yas Forums is anonymous dumb ass, you don't get "social points" here.
Care for a dance m'lady?
found this in the comments, fucking based.
Trump;s finished now.
>20th century
The state of mutt education...
this girl is actually unhinged, I hope she has been taking the medication her psychiatrist prescribed.
youre an ai
>Over the waist pants.
Disgusting. Probably to contain her FUPA
webm pls
When will bitches stop wearing Steve Urkel pants?
It has been this way since the days of YouTube being owned by Google. Believe it or not there use to be a time people did things without having to shill patreon or having to hold their terrible streams hostage "Bros if we don't reach 200$ on this stream then I will be only streaming for this hour and if we do we will stream one more hour". Zoomers and younger Millennials are use to having to pay for shit that should be free especially from not so talented hacks.
no, i dont think i am. u might be a schizo though
That's literally a "The daily shows" Twitter bot. No lie. It's a late night show Bot. That's not based. That's Jewey.
When they arent all fat anymore.
What's Trump dance?
kek, she literally believes she's in some michael jackson music video where dancing will make the worlds problems go away somehow.
That is true and we do shame namefags that do.
She has a huge nose, a fat forehead and at the same time 8lb of makeup. Almost all white female whores have this.
is this supposed to make him more likeable or something? dailyshow is always pro-liberal surely they want this guy to win and not CLUMFPPT
She’s got mitt Romney’s mom jeans on.
not to mention, dances like a retard and probably fucks niggers
>not to mention, dances like a retard and probably fucks niggers
Almost always is this. They care more about status and see everyone as accessories. Will more than likely marry a nigger and will pay the toll.
for those of you who saw the video and thought she was a brainwashed cute young college girl
Yes but I'm here for you user, don't worry
>Will more than likely marry a nigger and will pay the toll.