Why Jews always win?

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Because they sacrifice goyim babies to the dark lord Moloch and he grants them victory in return

Given the same manpower and equipment, having 13 nations in your coalition is actually a disadvantage compared to having a single nation fight Israel.

>ww2 era tanks and airplanes vs. the most modern things jewry could afford

They sent t34's against the most modern tanks america had at the time.


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It was a war designed to lose. if they had any intention to win at all they would have just shelled the whole country until there was nothing left but rubble.

Not included: All of Europe and the US and the fact that all the Gulf arabs and Jordan were actually on the opposite team
>6 day war
>Not just a surprise attack using intelligence assets

Old giveaway tanks couldn't aim high enough to hit the israeli tanks on the hills.

Because the MENA are grossly incompetent in modern warfare.

Israel even used fucking shermans in that war.
No, the real reason is arab incompetence at war.
Their command structures are built around nepotism and a culture of never being able to admit youre wrong leads to this kinda thing in modern warfare.

Basically this

They rig the game in their favor.

The war was won pretty much on the first day. The Israeli bombed the shit out of the arab airfields destroying pretty much the whole Egyptian airforce. The Israelis owned the airspace after that.

The Arab army lacked leadership and basic understanding of tactics. This is because in the arab nations the officers are choosen by social status rather then by competence.

It was a turkeyshoot for Israel.

OP got his answer. SAGE this thread

That's the combined power of 13 nations? Against one? The kikes always make this out as if it was against all odds wtf.

Why isn't USA on the right since you tri d to sink the USS Liberty and murdered like 34 sailors?

It was a preemptive strike on parked airplanes, tanks and personal.
Try it again with modern radar systems, and there wont be much left of Israel.

>in 1967
ok retard

Can u give some examples?

based american tax payers

>They sent t34's against the most modern tanks america had at the time.

Sandnigger cope

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Jews are God's chosen people. They will continue to dominate the world until the end of times when the Mahdi and Christ shall come and destroy them.

They got their shit pushed in by Hezbollah so bad that they left Lebanon with their tail between their legs. A partisan group was more than a match for Israel's army and their American allies

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>in 1967
the past 35 years you polack.

It wasn't a war it was a strike on stationary vehicles.
Showing the utter cowidice of kikes

It's because they're the Chosen People.

Because arabs have no fucking clue how to wage a largescale war due to incredibly shitty military leadership

>Pakistani markings on F-16s
Trash image.

It's almost like a wealthy, well-trained group in a strategic defensive positions can hold it down against a bunch of unorganized flunkies.

Because we are the best

Because all their opponents were/are pussies. Look how fast these fuck'n faggots fold when the U.S. comes at them...gently even.

>Withdrawing from the borders of a sovereign nation after PLO got BTFO'd in 1st Lebanon war
>literally no reason to still be there


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They honestly play dirty

>attacked by
Literally hebrew lies:
>On June 5 Egypt, supported by the USSR, charged Israel with aggression. Israel claimed that Egypt had struck first, telling the council that "in the early hours of this morning Egyptian armoured columns moved in an offensive thrust against Israel’s borders. At the same time Egyptian planes took off from airfields in Sinai and struck out towards Israel. Egyptian artillery in the Gaza strip shelled the Israel villages of Kissufim, Nahal-Oz and Ein Hashelosha..." In fact, this was not the case,[4] The US Office of Current Intelligence "...soon concluded that the Israelis – contrary to their claims – had fired first"[5] and it is now known the war started by a surprise Israeli attack against Egypt's air forces that left its ground troops vulnerable to further Israeli air strikes.
source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_relating_to_the_Six-Day_War#Preemptive_strike_v._unjustified_attack

The only thing about a jew you can trust is that they are untrustworthy.

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>sucker punch without warning like a little bitch
>thinks he won a war

>what is preemptive strikes
Go surrender somewhere else, frog

Arabs are hilarious bad at war.

>W-We don't need to be here anymore goy, that's why we're leaving!
Khazar cope

Imagine rooting for your kinsman from across the pond. Just fly over and help out, Muhammed. I'm sure you have a bright future ahead of you in the rank and file

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The arab allies and support front awas full of backstabbers (saudi arabia, morocco, and we know how many jews were in leading positions in the URSS)

>The Axis of the resistance horewer is a different thing

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