Does Trump stand a chance in the election anymore...

Does Trump stand a chance in the election anymore? The coronavirus is gonna make Trump even more unpopular than he has been

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Yes because Biden belongs in a nursing home. No matter how bad Trump fucks up or is perceived to fuck up, he'll always have a chance.

Yep Drumpf is finished. Get on the Biden train now.

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This makes hilary vs trump seem like an actual election

Don’t get cocky
Pray for the best but expect the worst
We are already living in Idiocracy so the chances of drumbf winning are big since retards are the majority

>1 post by this kike
Stop replying to bot threads you fucking morons.

Trump will be even more popular by Friday.


Joe Biden very honorable good man. He much more articulate than Hillary and will destroy Trump in debates. We must vote Biden to make America of United States most optimal. He just like us hard blooded working class people - he put his pants on one arm at a time,

Open your eyes, slant.

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after the whole hillary thing you would expect people to ignore this shit

trump is so stupidly inept that even a senile creep like biden is going to btfo him this november, maga niggers on suicide watch

C'mon, the media was shilling for Hillary too and you saw what happened.

Trumps got this in the bag.he's expressed hope where others screeched impending doom. When the dust.settles he will.come out on top.

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Stolen memes

Is it. I think he's going to landslide it. Trump started a Chinese ban, Pelosi tried to stop the ban. Its not rocket science shill rat.

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You're delusional. Over two-thirds of Americans think Trump responded too slowly to the coronavirus

wow that was really funny why don't you kys now u stupid nigger

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he looks like he's getting pegged HARD by melania that slavic tranny

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LMAO at the assblasted Drumpftards in this thread. It's honestly pathetic how you still support this doofus

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I can hear your chinkness through text

You very based anonymous poster and make me kek much. I wish more people were well-indoctrinated like you unlike stewpid Trump supporters who wear stinky Wal-Mart clothes. Trump supporter think COVID-19 man made virus made from chimera strain Obama sell China in 2015 but based posters like us know truth because we watch CNN and listen to famous rich tv people. Never put party over country and always vote Blue regardless of policy

Vegas odds?

Yeah polls are trustworthy lmao. Trump was criticised by the WHO, democrats, the Chinese government, hell even the Australian media made fun of him for banning flights from China... All of a sudden he hasn't done "enough"? Fuck off lol

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>I can hear your chinkness through text

Me definitely not paid CCP propagandist but very concerned American. I like trucks and beer. We must vote Biden. He most certainly not commie sympathizer like Drumphf

You're delusional if you think Joe can win. They would have had a better chance running the socialist.

>You're delusional. Over two-thirds of Americans think Trump responded too slowly to the coronavirus
You definitely watch the Chink News Network.

only thing he did slowly is drop gates' model. once they stopped using it all of a sudden the deaths were not as bad.

It's over my fellow MAGAtards, we might as well pack it up

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O.o show me some Vegas odds where Trump is + and Joe is - cause right now all I can find is Trump-150 which is hugeeeeeeeeee in the betting world for a favorite.

he did not start earlier!!!

Yeah Biden will win. Drumpf will be jailed for his crime of humanity!

>Yeah Biden will win. Drumpf will be jailed for his crime of humanity!

You also very based anonymous poster who make me kek very alot. Smart people like us watch tv and know Trump is finished. Why no stewpid rednex understand media?

Listen up champ, you're either ridin' with Joe or ridin' with Donny Cornpops, and we all know that's no way to two ways about it. Heck in my day Jack if you didn't have your firm handshake you didn't make it past your first clam bake. And that's no tomfoolery. Hell I knew Tom Foolery back when he was governor of south Michigan, used to play grab-ass with all his nieces and nephews, and boy howdy were there a lot of 'em, Buck.

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Trump will win, my high IQ inference was never wrong.

Sure thing shill rat.

Trump cant win. Very famous rich people say so and you need to put trust in very good popular people.

Dumb nigger need to use bias polls and not betting lined because you're a bunch of faggot ads foolish niggers that can't put your money where your mouth is.

how many times you're going to post this same thread? the poll is old by now

Why are Trumptards so confident when they just lost the House two years ago and they're in a midst of a fucking pandemic that has already killed 40,000 people because Trump is so incompetent