Find somebody images on social media

>find somebody images on social media
>post racist snapchat text over one of their images as if they're saying it
>send it to them, their work, school
>twitter goes into overdrive in like 20 minutes
would it be worth the effort?
I reckon it might be an effective strategy.

Attached: jfk.jpg (520x519, 76.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

useful only if they already have some online following. seen it used by cyberbullies against other teenage e-girls before but now its not so convincing.

We need a name for this operation

Got any ideas?

Right click>Inspect Element>Ctrl+F>Edit

How about we call it. “Stupid GermanAnon tipped her off”. Fucking retard

operation reichstagram

operation father's day was better in that it provoked woke retards into actually saying the dumb shit that got them dunked on

Fuck off burger

best thing is to use it against woke asians and sjw whites who participated in doxing of white kids. o have couple of them saved and when i come home i will make some snaps. There is no point doing it to niggers, they have pass for everything and we need nigger twitter to spread our disinfo so we can destroy this twitter dox culture

Cohesion is the key to success.

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Nah man. Your heart was/is in the right place. But you know you fucked up sending her that link to the thread you dumb bastard

It was a screenshot of that leaf saying he reported her you idiot, not a link

check her twitter she didnt tweet about it, she is probablx little bit scared. also some user spamming her phone with forget password shit.

Oh I’m sorry I stand corrected, screenshot not a link. You still fucked up and you know it. I’m willing to forgive you

K then lets fuck her up

Aye. An Eye for an Eye

btw someone knows if i can force twitter to delete my phone number from acc which is blocked? i got perma ban on my identity, i can create twitter accs on my phone, pc or ip adress. but in eu i think they cant keep your phone number without consent. just dont know how to force them

Unlike the retards who tried it last time, DON'T link it where the person you're trying to shit on can see it. Them disavowing it, contrary to what low IQ niglets would believe, does not make them look bad to normalfags.

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>i can create twitter accs on my phone, pc or ip adress
* cant :)

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ah thats my screen i have her saved, she has personal pics on her account

Ah I forgot that one. Back to that liberal hellhole for some reporting

imagine if fujoshits like this got outed as female to everyone at their workplace

If you really want to start shit just say on black twitter 'The holocaust was far worse than slavery. Don't @ me.'

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Alright here is what we know about her

- she seems to know that white girl
- maybe attends the same school
- other people from the same school tweeted too about it

Lets get this started from one of these points

Attached: 9A1510A3-E188-4928-A3F6-E06F285C1E8C.png (828x1792, 354.94K)

>- other people from the same school tweeted too about it
its that chink sophie

now she is crying because someone did it

I think she is only one desu and they are likely not even classmates just trying to deflect her guilt of doxx. i rly did some nice reddit spacing i guess.

Lol this is funny

I am going to try and contact the white girl. She might know some of these chinks

She deleted her insta, dont get her involved tho it might make shit worse for her

We have an opscord yet?

I contacted her other instagram account. Not going to post it here tho. Waiting for her to reply

She is going to know them for sure

Imagine going to this school and thinking you’re gonna have a good time

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niggering so liberals won’t repeat it

The High School Reagan attented is Tompkins High School and the town is Katy, Texas

Why didnt we do this earlier? All those woke bitches having this shit on internet

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Ok lads give me a quick rundown wtf is going on?