The dems are stoking the fires by astroturfing anti lockdown protests to make President Trump and his supporters look bad. Don't buy this. This is not what real republicans are like. This is a democratic hoax to steal the election.
The dems are stoking the fires by astroturfing anti lockdown protests to make President Trump and his supporters look...
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Yes they are
I do think it’s pretty funny. Trump voters take to the streets with guns and suddenly there are no counter protestors. Just eerie quiet and Twatter Bitches whining about how they shouldn’t be allowed to do that. Funny as hell.
I hate living in this country with both types of these people. Retards v faggots: the final showdown.
>one special needs class stayed inside while the other sperged out in the play ground
That woman in the truck wasn't even moving, they were intentionally parking in the road to block traffic
implying i want to catch anything from those literal mouth breathers stfu nigger
technically the nurse is a counter protester, this is as the dems planned, have the "heros" defend against the evil republicans. and the masses are just gullible enough to buy it ...
Exactly! All as the dems wanted, to make republicans look bad.
My God they are astroturfing? Isn't that something?
Why do people make up their own terminolgy? Is it because they can't write plain English?
Do something about Americas lack of education will you. Astroturfing.
It's a common term user.
I forgive all you guys for being upset. Hope you find happiness!
But there are a hundred fucking million of them, and on top of that abreviations, these people are writing gobblydegook.
Deliberate destruction of the education system.
100 million what? protesters? lol
Grugspeak is America's Newspeak?
corona bad america good must block road
Anyone who intentionally blocks traffic deserves to be turned into road pizza, I don't give a fuck what their politics are.
How is it possible for anyone to still belive this apocalyptic bullshit?
2 days ago I fell with my bike, temprraily dislocated my shoulder...
Yesterday I went to the ER, it was mostly empty and the guy at the entrance said to me:" you shoulder looks already are you sure ypu want to enter you know it's dangerous, it's at you own risk"
Wanted to punch that guy, I simply answered I know and that I do not care.
Thy simply checked my temperature and I got put into the non-Corona waiting room.
What a fucking joke, I could have had it and they didn't even test me...
That was the moment it was clear to me it's all just a fucking hoax...
Republican voters are the biggest hypocrites imaginable on earth:
People cannot go outside because they might spread the chinese flu
On the other hand we have
Lesbian/gay couples going oustide being themselves
9/11 happens and Bush fucks liberty with the Patriot act
We no they aren't Yas Forums these are teabaggers trying to be relevant again and it's destroying the board.
The only thing I hate is that these protest are getting jacked by miga supporters. Just like the occupy movement did with socialist hippies.
Maybe if you faggots stopped diddling kids we wouldn't be against your lifestyle homo.
Thats the guy wheel chair surfing
Why are you in denial about the fact that this is actually what the a Trump base is truly like??
I think it makes Nazis look worse
Staged af
Really overburdened by the catastrophe levels of patients.
I don't give a rat's ass what the jew parties or their golem supporters do to discredit or defeat one another. Why do you?
Drive over the faggots
>Trumpniggers are looking retarded
>This is a false flag on Trumpniggers who are usually known as based chads
>Indian flag
Dems think freedom and liberties are retarded and dumb anyway. They are literally a religion of boot licking slaves who want to be controlled. Why would they act any differently? Stop playing by their idiotic rules, this is why republicans lose so often. You let the left dictate EVERYTHING YOU DO OR SAY.
this shit does seem kind of suspicious
it came out of nowhere and was spontaneous
trump in his conferences was starting to take the virus more seriously and support lockdowns then all of a sudden these protests pop up in michigan then everywhere else and now trump is egging them on