Nations considered friends

Nations considered friends
China 52% (+42%)
Russia 32% (+17%)
USA 17% (-12%)

Nations considered enemy:
Germany 45%
France 38%
Uk 17%
USA 16%

For 54% of Italians, globalisation is destroying our economy.
For 58% of Italians, globalisation is destroying our culture.

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Vaffanculo l'europa di merda, maledetta e barbara troia subumana col culo rotto a furia di cazzi negri immerdati

Yes we will switch side again to see disgusting euroshit shattered in pieces.

Why are southrons siding with slant-eyes?

>get chinkaids
>decide chinkland is your new friend

I'm sure the million chinks working in sweatshops in northern italy will be a boon though.

>italy unironically allows itself to be colonized by china, africa-style

Attached: laugh.gif (244x248, 113.56K)

You lie, chang. Go eat a bat. Everybody hates your shitty weak "country".

This is just cucked max. I know no Italian that likes China, especially not after causing this.

OP is the chink with an Italian VPN. He's been posting fakes and lies every day for weeks now.

Chinks have a vested interested in undermining the EU, as does Russia. I'm not sure about the USA, I feel like the EU is liked by our oligarchs as it provides a convenient market to sell to but the unified product standards might get in their way. It's sad because the EU clearly scares third world countries like Putinstan but the EU is also a shitheap that fucks over Europeans. Imagine if it was actually great.

People were very pleased when they saw china helping Italy. This pleasure will not last when the world will discover chinks were hiding datas and probably the virus was leaked from a lab.
But the hatred for europe, that will be eternal.

I have an Italian vpn because I'm Italian, grandissimo figlio di bocchinara con una palla sola perché l'altra tua madre te la tolse da piccolo per farcisi un tappo anale

Not gonna lie, Europe has left Italy on its own in this crisis to a shameful degree but one has to realize that this is the government and not the people. We are of the same ethnic group and share much more with Italians than Chinks ever will.

I like how they consider the source of the Wuhan Flu their friend just because they were shipped some cheap shitty garbage to "combat" it.

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Europe =/ European union.

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I think it had something to do with Italy wanting unlimited gibs that would just have been free money for the mafia and not actually help the country.

You are lowIQ if you think any union can be great.
US doesn't sell shit to EU, is EU (Germany) exploiting USA to sell its own shit, to USA expense ofc.
Everybody that want to undermine EU is Italy friend.

Flies in the face of "WORLD against China" narrative, right?

Attached: 笑笑.jpg (1136x749, 114.61K)

Yeah, the gibs part is ridiculous, I was more talking about supply and medical aid.

Germany has a superior economic model. We never wanted the EU.

Fake and gay

When different ethnicities are clustered together in the name of a fake ideology, different interests will clash and hatred and animosity between those ethnicities will rise. This is what is happening now. I don't hate germans because they don't want to aid us, becuase I wouldn't either if it was an opposite situation, I hate the fact you don't want to exit euro. That would be the solution to all the problems.

countries I love: germany, austria, italy, japan
countries I hate: india, usa, china, south korea

Attached: 369CA618-A143-4B79-8319-306CCC60364A.png (700x385, 496.63K)

Europe is no more. Who loves europe in the 2020s is suffering from necrophilia

> I hate the fact you don't want to exit euro. That would be the solution to all the problems.
Imagine actually believing this. What's next? You claiming Italians aren't White and of dramatically different genetic background? Please.

If EU was racist, Europe would be paradise.

Ignorance, mostly.
Chinks are literally buying our entire economy... but they've sent the masks!!!!

Attached: Giusto_così.gif (297x229, 2.22M)

European Union /= Europe. They really Jewed your brain with their shit.

So which chink funded media outlet took this survey I wonder?

Your superior economic model is just 1700s mercantilism that is based on exporting debts and euro is your biggest instrument in order to do so. You're just a bluepilled people that can't understand that.

Again with this gibs bullshit.

Why the fuck would we mean Greenland

Lmao imagine believing "white identity" bullshit. Fuck off.

and they will change again once it is publicized that china hid their true numbers on purpose and thus indirectly caused the covid19 shitstorm in italy

You know it's true, chang. You lie, like always. China lied, people died. When is Italy going to send a bill to Winnie the pooh for corona damages?

>china helping italy

You mean China SELLING (for profit) shitty, low quality medical equipment and PPE after giving you THEIR virus?

How fucking retarded are you?

> Euro is our instrument
It was literally made by the allies to curb Germany's power post WW2. The EU doesn't even accept German as a recognized language in it's statutes.

>China considered freinds

How fucking retarded/cucked do you have to be to think this? Italy needs a nuke for being this stupid.

Cope harder. You are a White European whether you like it or not.

>How fucking retarded are you?
He's a chink, that's all you need to know.

>Get killed by Chink AIDS
>China is my new best friend
Damn you guys are a special kind of stupid.

Yeah, there's this italian spammer who constantly pushes for the "italians aren't white" trope. Why does he do it? I think it's because he hates german, and therefore hates the concept of whiteness itself.
You'll see how many posts by his ID there will be ITT

This information is literally all over the internet already. How do people NOT know this yet????


All my buisness friends received free masks and things by their chinese suplliers.
Whatever I don't give a fuck about China, I just hate the EU.

Not the German people, the German elites. Which are very low IQ

>weeb loves Japan

Sauce Kameraden?

Actually theres many saying so.

Yeah, one schizo AND Yas Forums trolls.
Speaking of them, they'll be here any second now.

Ok, who eat the German diet, cheap sausages and low values proteins, cannot be White

Italians are decent people and they are getting Jewed hard by the EU, that's perfectly true but so are we. It's just in different ways. We need more unity between the people, not the EU that creates disparity and systemic rivalries. EU is NOT Europe.


This. I don't attribute my hate for your elite to you like the Italian flag or possible Chink does.

Are we your friends desu?

Just go in the city ghetto and see the rivalries between different African tribes/races. A lot of negroes have gang fights or similar shit.


Mamma mia che cuck ritardato, prima o poi imparerai che bianco non significa un cazzo, se ovviamente hai un QI superiore a 80, cosa che giudico improbabile.

Yeah wow cool, China gave free paper face masks at the cost of thousands of dead Italians, a draconian lockdown and your country's entire economy going down the shitter thanks to their virus. Cool friends bro, you two morons deserve each other. I hate the EU too, but Im certainly not siding with a bunch of fucking peasent backwards chinks.

I recommend reading this as well:


>EU is NOT Europe.
People are blinded by hate...


Zitto, terrone.

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>China 52% (+42%)
Expected nothing less of you cucks

>Nations considered friends
>China 52% (+42%)
Did the virus kill all of the intelligent Italians?


Ok Wang.

> Imagine arguing with another European over an undemocratic system neither wanted and becoming a race-traitor over it

I can't.

>not doing the old knotty in the rotty potty

I love German music, science and arts

Because Greenland is rightful American clay