Why did US stop Japan from slaying the chinks?
Why did US stop Japan from slaying the chinks?
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>US stop Japan from slaying the chinks
>stop Japan
Learn the history, stupid retard.
Japan was never wanting to kill Chinese. Japan just wanted to colonize and modernize East Asia. Same thing Hitler wanted to do with Europe.
Americans got angry because it needed slaves
a) Japan was THE only non-white at the time to reach empire status.
b) They brought the war upon themselves when US cut the flow of oil to Japan. And they know they were cornering Japan to attack by cutting oil.
Japs are cross eyed sub humans. Anime weebs have been brainwashed to think they are our equals.
The USA and UK had business dealings with China. They didn't want all that to end.
We stopped Japan from taking comfort wives in Korea as well.
Isn't it weird how the Good Guys have won EVERY-SINGLE-WAR in the history of always?
If only both the jews and chink menace were wiped out. I'm cooming thinking about it.
because of japan being in the nazi german military alliance known as the axis
>Americans got angry because it needed slaves
This, they wanted cheep labour and to protect there red dragon.
Racism obviously. White countries didn't like the idea of a non-white country becoming an imperialist power. Only whites are allowed to colonize and subjugate other countries.
It was a coincidence.
This. If China was in the axis powers, mainland China would be greater Japan today
We haven’t though. The south didn’t win.
Winners write the history books
we made a mistake, and the first step is admitting it.
the next step is financing the nips so that they can build roads out Chinese skulls.
>This. If China was in the axis powers, mainland China would be greater Japan today
if china had some free market policies right from the beginning and not real communist then yes
The chinks were the based non commies who now hold out in Taiwan, the legitimate Republic of China.
We now should support Japan annexing Manchuria and the Chinese coast, liberating Tibet, Sinkiang, Hong Kong and Macau, and returning the rest of the Chinese mainland to its legitimate government.
Because both are kiked
So we could kill them later in Korea.
Nature warned us
Because jews are more important than anything for burgers and the japs were with the nazis so they were automatically your enemies.
Great satan?
Because of Pearl Harbor remember?
Kys you fucking weabo
Oh, the r34 project :D
stfu, weeb. the US crunched the oil supply because the imperial family fetishized war and thought terrorizing the rest of asia would be "fun." Japan had literally ZERO reason to do this, unlike Hitler who was pushing back against the atrocious Treaty of Versailles
I support all of this. Unfortunately European powers didn't show Japan the respect it deserved after WW1 as a colonial power. Can't say I blame them for swallowing up territories in south east Asia to support their growing dominion. The rape and death marches were not called for. I really wish humane treatment of captives was more prevalent because it would make it a lot easier to defend in my point of view.
After Lend Lease Act and U.S. strangling Japan of oil supply.
No, the legitimately conquered much of mainland China and occupied it for a few decades. Western Empires became fat and stagnant and didn't like competition.
pick up a fucking history book before you speak again, yellow fever simp
Because the Japanese attacked us.
The Chinese government was invaded by Japanese who were trying to conquer them.
why did japan attack America? It couldn't be because America decided to strangle japans supply of oil could it?
Read Japan's Imperial Conspiracy and Embracing Defeat. The imperial family are psychopaths and wanted to play wargames continuing after WWI. Japanese are the most racist fucks on the entire planet (look at how they treated POWs). in the midst of this, a joint US/Japanese/Russian railroad operation fell through because of Japanese insanity, causing US to withdraw... Japanese became even more militaristic... US then needed to contain Japan. only way was through baiting the US population. US leadeeship crunched jap oil supply, and allowed Pearl Harbor to happen as a response. both nations got what they wanted. Japanese imperial family got full on war, and US government got the military industrial complex rolling to get out of the depression, as well as oppress domestic freedoms with the OSS. ZOG/kike takeover was complete.
whoa... makes you think
lol fuck you. You got swindled by jews to enter the war and you don't even know it. Faggy mutt.
>t. english teacher who realizes anime isnt real and lashes out at the truth
FDR needed a way to get into WWII without actually declaring war. That's literally all there is to it.