... Just, wow.
... Just, wow
Brown if you actually take this shitime espoused on Yas Forums srsly you have real issues. 95% of posters on here have jew friends irl. I just hung out with a jew whose a manual laborer blue collar salt of the earth guy. They aren't all in finance or trying to scheme. Real nazis are stormfags. I've got a few black friends one was extra based veitnam vet. Ive got two friends that are gay as they come and theyre the funniest guys i know. I know some cool Mexicans (fuck central americans though for real) and I love the nips. Don't like chinks though except HKers. Russians are awesome, euros can be cool irl once they get passed the fear of small talk and talking to irl total strangers... etc etc
If your the kind of person I can sit down and have a beer with you're alright with me. If your in my country illegally or if your here but not even making an effort to speak my language you need to bounce.
You gotta realize shit on here is banter and if you've been here since the beginning you should know that. I've seen posters here say "I'm married to a kike so I can usually tell them apart or I'm engaged to a gook that's why I speak the language"
Separate the two everything here is taken to the extreme it's not real life for most of us.
>turning ventilators on to max and turning a patients lungs into Swiss cheese
I'm 30. For the past three years, I've had a casual sexual relationship with an incredibly beautiful German woman living in Berlin (I split my time between the US and Berlin for work) who's in an open relationship. She's 39 turning 40 but looks 30 at most. She's not interested in marriage or a family, but is very close with her longtime boyfriend. Even though she has had other partners (she's had sex with 10 people in her life, I've had sex with nearly 30 and I'm over 9 years younger), she considers her boyfriend to be the love of her life. He doesn't have other partners—he is only interested in her. She prefers younger men, it seems. That said, she's beautiful and successful, and is totally satisfied with her life. I don't like whores and roasties like Alice Hines, so I think my german lover is unique in that she's respectable and knows what she wants.
wut. shut the hell up nobody ask u
1 nurse held back hundreds of libertardians, saving countless lives in the process
The people in masks and scrubs aren't even in the medical field. They are just random "counter protesters."
They really memed this situation up quick. The left is so desperate
That's most probably the worst post we all read all day. Thanx for your input.
It’s science
Crossing guards are scientists?
Fuck off jew.
SOOOOO many people dying… got to stand in the street!!!! Then back to ticktocking
Why is this fucking faggot blocking traffic? He should be working in a hospital not playing in traffic.
You faggots need to lurk for 3 months before you post
Good for you
But I don't see how that relates to this thread
Losing respect for nurses
Who would win, 1 nurse or an astroturfed army of Trumptards
Fuck off faggot
Wtf happened here then?
spinning the fidget spinner too fast
>'I'm sharing a woman with another man, a who's probably shagged countless other women and hence exposing myself to std's. I' M OK with this'.
Neck yourself.
this cunt has been spamming threads with his pasta.
All it will take is one hero to shoot one fag wearing scrubs and Trump wins. Do it for Trump.
What a fuckin cunt ay? I wonder if he felt the pain as it went boring into his skin, the hot metal slicing the skin, the pulsating. Haha owchee
McDonald's wooooo
So busy with science and abandoning “the overwhelming amount of patients” that the scrub fag has time to stand in traffic and make tiktok videos and virtue signaling tweet
Suck my dick
Really affirms my formerly programmed biases. I will share this with my associates so they too will not have to spend time thinking or looking deeper into this and many other situations for themselves. Perhaps this may even be featured on the nightly news and we will feel together as one.