PUTIN: "With God’s Help, Everything Will Be Fine"
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Look at this faggot trying to pretend he's just like the working class.
We should ally with Russia against China.
russia sucks balls but fuck those bug people, nuke em off the map - im with you all the way
this nigga got some nice cakes
Why does he look so jewish? Do you think this is related to his mother and grandmother being jewish? And his Chabad friends being jewish?
We all know he worships Moloch, Satan or whatever you want to call it. Hes part of the global elite.
why does he always look like he's being filmed at some shitty porn set? do people want him dead?
>don't do anything or ever take action, put your faith in a jewish god and jewish messiah
Wew, chabbad dickriding jewtin is really laying on the bullshit today! He just outdid zion don!
Based poutine
seething kike
No one's seething here except for you MIGAmorons when your delusional biases are confronted with reality.
i thought this was gods punishment for homosexuality, or was it earths punishment for pollution?
I know Putin is a ruthless asshole.
But I do kinda like the guy, for some reason.
Based Putin
Because he is part of your (((famiglia))).
He’s a godless commie bastard
He look and is Russian.
You know neither his mother nor grandmother were Jewish. Unlike your ancestors, kike.
Info with lots of pictures. For those who don't know, Chabad is a Jewish sect who worships the Jewish Messiah (not Jesus) and think non-Jews are subhuman.
Stop watching porn
Seething jew. There's nobody Jews hate more than Christ
You're retarded. Trump doesn't pretend to be working class he's just a billionaire you'd have a beer with because he's a genuinely funny person. Putin is a fake piece of shit mobster.
>russia and china act correctly, offering help and support
>the west are crying and acting like idiots
wtf kind of timeline is this?
BRICS (with Russia and China = NWO.
>Half oligarchs are literal jews with multiple homes in israel
>”kike shill, based pootin”
KYS mutt
I don't think he's an evil enemy. I think we only paint him as evil from what the media tells is and the fact that he puts Russia's interest ahead of everyone else's. Kinda like a couple neighbors always talking shit about the guy at the end of block but that guy is only doing what you're doing.
he is probably corrupt but hes the same reason the best government is a king or dictator. he gets to live a kings lifestyle and in return he does right by the people. he is 100% for russias success because that keeps him on the throne and living the high life. why would he want degeneracy when all that does is dysfunction society and breed discontent?
nwo is the kikes, retard. aka, the west under americas control
russia and china put national interest first. the west puts kike and every third world nation/citizens interest first.
Reminder that David Ben-Gurion (nb4 who?) said in 1962 to Look Magazine that "Russia" would be the only body isolated from Israel's supreme law and NWO, whereby the US would be reduced to a socialist nation of workers. This is exactly what is occurring. Putin is thought to be the richest man in the world, only a few sheiks and the Rothschild dynasty is wealthier. He uses Christianity to create the illusion of czar era romanticism and to shove it in the US' face as degeneracy eats away by design.