Why are most pedos white?

Why are most pedos white?

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Lower religiosity and family values.

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Because Mexicans are classified as white for some reason.

have you seen how cute white boys are?

Meanwhile in Africa they be raping everyone regardless of age or sex because monkey brains and rhino tusks make their dickies hard or something. Arabs marry their first cousins at the ages of 7 and 8 because Alla or something tells them they can. (((White)))

Nice source.
Also (((whites)))

That ass has to be from a 30+ it’s falling down.

Because convicting niggers of pedophilia would be racist

Most you meet online are black actually. A lot of nigger porn pretty much plays with the idea of raping a kid. It's always some petite girl. Niggers also flirt in online games with 13 year olds and don't care at all.

Also pajeets aren't white.

Just becuase it doesnt get reported as much in africa and India doesnt mean they dont do it more. We just are civilised enough that we report it and want to stop it. Street shitters and black cunts dont even blink at it happening around them.


They’re not. Most pedos are Latino. And their incestual. Every Latina loses her virginity to their adult uncle or cousin at 14.

Because nigger child fuckers are too stupid to formant any kind of organization.

White cocks are too small to properly satisfy an adult.

Because I rather fuck a goat than a little black girl. Both look identical but one is still a virgin by 5 years old

Y'all white folks are fuck up, y'all need help for real though

Call me crazy, but I love me an ass like that. It’s natural at its core, they way it should be and still looks good. I wish I could grab that woman and appreciate the nice ass.

cause they don't show the non whites in the news

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Small dicks

propaganda from too much jewish comedy shows and movies, jews project their own insecurities on on the masses thereby normalizing them... normalizing... sound familiar ?

Only homos don't like an ass like that

Every Wednesday in the mugshots section of the local newspaper, you will see at least 3 niggers charged with "Sexual Enticement of a Minor".

Why are most pedos fags?

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Nigger wtf did i just read?!
Indians from Poondia or Native american indians?

jews aren't White.

Most pedos are muzloids. The main reason why whites are considered pedos is because most western countries classify pedophilia as a crime

Permitted by the Talmud.

Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

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Sorry bro but niggers rape little kids all the fucking time. It's just "on the down low"

.tfw my brother was a cop in a big city and told me nigger stories every week

jews rape kids

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The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg CpqQw7b
Get in here before we close the invites
We have a interview set up with the infamous Ben Shapiro tomorrow

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you really think vice would call natives indians? lmao

negro children are sexually abused at 4x the rate of white children.

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Street shitter country. The full article was a real eye opener about the amount of child rape in India that goes unpunished

Because they’re actually jewish. White people ar the only people who explicitly reject pedophilia. All other people don’t seem to have limits which can be seen within the biology of different races and the rates at which they mature to puberty. Also, jews have passages in their holy books condoning the rape and killing of children

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is coffee real? I heard it tastes like salty coins.

Cause blacks are taught not to rat.

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just go read some statistics, goy.
if you don't know how to search these things, we can't help you.
>popculture lingo
at least you cant be >1 post from this id
im sleepy user, how about you

The Kalergi Plan will be the best and greatest plan there is, and will unite the world under one unitarian race, the eurasian negroid race, which will lead to a one world government, eliminating the tribal instinct of man replacing it with the joyful service for our creator.

God's chosen people, the Jews, will be leading the entire world under a millennial kingdom by a messianic figure that was promised in biblical times.

The third temple will be in placd for the new messianic figure, and will rule this new world order. The ideas of a republic, democracy and monarchy would be seen as products of their time.

Join GloboGang and help bring it into fruition in the year 2239 AD !!!

Good post, subhuman.

Why are jews the only ‘people’ who suck bloody, mutilated infant genitals?


kikes are not white.

Who's that? Is that Selina Kyle?

[Citation needed]

Because you just made that up?

Because shitskins don't consider it wrong so they don't report it.


The black perpetrator rate is more than twice the white rate, per capita.

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why is op a faggot

Meme flaggot, shows no data, fuck off.

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Anyone can fake a word search like that.

Unless you're actually retarded enough to believe those 5 countries are searching in English.


Also, it's so commonplace among niggers that no one thinks of it as wrong/strange.

Because other races just call them “uncles”

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> kikes are not white

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isn't it 15? when they have that party for the girl that signifies she's ready to start popping out goblins.

They're not niggers, poos, likes and sandniggers are 100x more likely to be one

Nigger families have a lot of incest and molestation but they don't tell the police because they don't trust Whitey.

This. It's a secret to everyone.

Not faked, be room temp elsewhere

whites have the biggest cocks on record in the entire world.

Search johnny falcon

Per capita most pedos are black. They also have a higher per capita incidence of homosexuality and rape of all kinds.

I miss him bros

Cuz dat ass says 18.

They’re all Hispanic in my area

Why do Jews always pretend to be white?

The Quinceanera.

The father takes off her little girl shoes and puts heels on her symbolizing her becoming a woman. Then they dance.

It involves my three favorite fetishes:

Incest, Lolis and Feets.

Define “most”, per-capita? Don’t think so, homo. Blacks molest children like it’s going out of style, and that’s what we know of. You fags yourself say that blacks don’t have relationships with law enforcement so crimes as such would go underreported by a significant amount.

Pedo is a huge problem in Latino culture and families. Also obviously a big deal in Asia with their school girl fixation and low ages of consent. Africans have villages where the man is supposed to sleep with young girls and take their virginity in order to make them prepared for marriage. Blacks could have huge problems in their community, which they do, but they still wouldn't call the cops because they don't want light to be shed on those issues in their homes. Also, this is a shill thread from social engineers and you are trying to cause trouble but those that glow seldom truly know.

they aren't, they just report it more often than black and hispanic people. no joke.