
How can Americans walk around looking like this?

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Oof. That looks like my boomer mom

Whats the opposite of self awareness?

addicted to junk food and soda

How can Candians walk around looking like this?

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I ask myself such thing too. I also ask myself, why are their so many fat people in the 3%er movement? People who think they’re gonna pop shit but can’t even run for a minute straight without fainting. I’m sick of seeing fat people everywhere, they’re a fucking eyesore. I for one have room in this conversation considering I lost 80 pounds.

Was this taken at universal studios?


Disney I think, also hinting off the fat lady to the right’s shirt

I don't fucking know leaf. It's disgusting and I hate them

That shirt the girl on the right used to be my favorite when I was a kid! Got it from the animal park in Disney World. It's Pooh talking to a real tiger saying 'Tigger, is that you?'
Anyways, on topic, I always wondered that myself, OP. Like, at some point you have to realize you're getting to an unacceptable weight, and... you just don't care?

That looks like Disney.

Those are 10/10 in America

Nice photo of your autistic brother faggot. Now learn how to spell “Canadian”

marry kill fuck

Because white people.

You should see the mexicans, they're like those people of walmart photos except 24/7 outside of walmart & 2 ft shorter but just as much weight so it goes horizontal.
Some of them it all goes to their ass & their face looks swollen, I'm okay with that in women because you can ram your dick in their face & do doggystyle with extreme force. That squash face really lets you go ham & it's funny watching the little mexican women waddle after you really got all up in their guts & just fucked em like an animal. Like no one knows so you really just get dirty with it, like a guilty pleasure, it's awesome.

The answer is contained in the image itself. They're carrying sodas.

Is coffee good for you?

With their legs you fucking retard

white people are the ugliest fat people

Thought the whale on the right was carrying nunchucks.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Listen skinnys. When you run out of food I'll have fat reserves. Not only that I'm fat because I am successful. So when you waste away, I'll be laughing with my superior metabolic efficiency while you bitch sucks my cock for some crumbs

Looks like someone is butthurt. Nice job admitting that photo stung.

Touche, Monsieur Sixes

Don’t laugh too hard wouldn’t want you to strain that heart fatty

Yes because all Americans look like this. It therefore follows that all Canadians have nigger IQ

Good luck going a day without your 24,000 calories fatso

I honestly don’t understand how one race can be the most beautiful and the most ugly race (white people that is).. fat ugly trailer trash ruin it for the regular whites.


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