Redpill me on waco

How did the US government get away with this clear violation of human rights? Where there Americans protesting in the streets like they are now?

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>they were just cultists, LOL

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Timothy McVeigh got revenge for Waco.

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waco is pretty much at the center of everything in modern politics. It practically spawned an entire industry of crazies. It gave us Bill Cooper and Alex Jones. This feverish anti govt sentiment just exploded after Y2K and 9-11. prior you had a hard time finding a person that didn't trust the nightly news or newspaper.

People used to say shit like the federal govt would never do x, y, and z ,but then when unelected bureaucrats went mad with power and killed all those people, then everyone was like
>maybe they would do x,y and z
and that's where we are now and it's probably a large reason why Trump made it to the WH. Like all these pundits who seem to be so out of touch, they grew up with this reverence for the news. Now no one trusts them because we don't trust the govt.

holy shit, how have i not heard more about this until now

in school they only taught us that it was some crazy cult

Sounds like they'll just burn you and your family alive if you mess with them. Best to just shoot first and ask questions later seems like.

You got taught about waco in school? I'm in my 30s and not a word was spoken about it at any point in time.

And 27 years from now you'll still be using this to post slide threads.

We did a unit on cults in a humanities class, don't remember which. So I guess its not part of the standardized curriculum or anything

ive asked by dad about it once, and i said that it seems the gov. just murdered everyone..

he told me they were a bunch of pedos in a cult.

I just got finished watching it with my son. He said,"That's why you don't join a cult." I told him it matters not who you are, but if you have wrong think against the govt/they don't like what you're doing even if it hurts no one and what they want you to think, that they could come in and kill us or anyone and just spout lies after and the populace would believe it. I'm not one for cults in the least, but Waco is a good lesson about what we think the govt will or won't do and what they WILL ACTUALLY do. They have never had our best interests at heart.

>that ID


Your father is a good goy. Big daddy govt is proud of him. Jokes aside, koresh likely did sleep with little 12 year old girls. Tbh if they have already went through puberty I don't see anything wrong with a teen boy laying with her, but that's me.

"Waco - Rules of Engagement"
"Waco - A New Revelation"

Yup. Definitely not standard.

This was also on April 19th...

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Fire is the Devil's only friend.

im watching a new rev right now and that hook nose jew schumer was just shown, listening to a survivor defend the people who were murdered

That looks like a French soldier of the Ancien Régime, faggot.

one of my dads highschool friends was a spook that got killed at waco, he prob did some bad shit idk. my dad brings him up whenever i mention waco lol so thats a topic i cant reach him on.

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Was he a branch dividian?

The 4 dead ATF agents are listed on their site.


Because despite yanks LARPing as free people they aren't.

My understanding was the feds pulled a dorner's last stand before dorner but they couldn't/wouldn't evacuate

Honestly the "Waco" miniseries reanactment was pretty based. It made the Feds look like a bunch of blood thirsty authoritarians who murdered a bunch of peaceful weirdos for more funding.

Americans are all talk and no action. Every time you see one bragging about their guns on here just remember that the day the cops show up he will not only hand them over but try to sneak a kiss on the brave officers hand as he does.

Thank you. Searched jewtube and didn't find it.

Yes but David Koresh was still a fucked up dude.

I mean that's pretty much exactly what it was.

Some cops got shot and killed with a rifle in a city not too far away from me. What are you talking about?

It was what it appeared to be. The ATF locked a bunch of Christians in a Church and burned it down.

maybe atf but i didnt think so, none of those names ring a bell. I'll have to get that story from him again without pissing him off lol thanks user.

Okay socialists defend this one.

>How did the US government get away with this clear violation of human rights? Where there Americans protesting in the streets like they are now?
hillary clinton ordered florida swamp thing janet reno to murder 80 men women and children at waco.
Chuck schumer was the chair of the committee investigating clinton's actions and let her off
the hook by not admitting into evidence the branch davidians front door which showed the
feds were not fired on first but actually the feds fired into their compound outside in.
They then shot flammable gas into the building and burned everyone to death.
schumer covered the arch criminal clinton's crimes up,
and hillary's reason for murdering 80 americans?..she "didn't like the optics" of the legal standoff.

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Holy Christ. If all this is true, that’s pretty crazy. And I can imagine it’s true.

>September 1, 1999 Federal Marshals raid FBI, seize evidence.
This should happen a lot more often.

The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg CpqQw7b
Get in here before we close the invites
We have a interview set up with the infamous Ben Shapiro tomorrow.

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Far out. 25 year anniversary

Actually they were not Americans they refused to be part of American culture and integrate within our community. We having balls showed them who’s boss. Our land has rules, we can’t just let everyone form their own little cult in the woods then we would be a fractured group of competing tribes instead of AMERICANS!

Who wants to know the absolute truth about Waco?
It has not been said yet.
>It is earth shattering.
I will tell you.
Who wants to know?


i'll bite

sounds based but I bet it wasn't some brave patriot making his last stand and if it was, well why didnt a militia join him?

Hurry up, fagnuts

fuck the ATF

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Democrats are above the law

Reminder that zogbot feds are not your friends.

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it was 80+ men women and children and the government had fire shooting tanks.