Wtf i love china now?

wtf i love china now?

Attached: chinks.png (519x793, 347.84K)

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Basketball Americans are the most spoiled niggers in the entire world.
And it’s only because white people allow it to happen.
No other race in the world gives a fuck about what niggers think. Everyone literally hates them. Except whites.

this is very true

China is making enemies with literally every nation in the world, including their own people, at the same time.

I think that's what the Jews framed Germany to be doing between 1914 and 1945

Not true at all, the gooks have helped many countries while your government steals masks to give them to Israel.

This guys twitter. Note that when he says relentlessness + tenacity = success he means blacks relentlessly and tenaciously hating whites, he doesn't like it when chinks and other races are relentlessly and tenaciously hating him though. Typical niggerism.

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HAHHAAHAHA i still hate those fucking chinks but HHAHAHAHAHA

Only white people can be racist.

guys we gotta stop being so racist or we'll never beat china, we need as many brown people in our countries as possible or the chinks are gonna win guys

The Government is to launch a review into why people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds appear to be disproportionately affected by coronavirus.


Thanks for the link newfags

I wonder why chinks hate them.

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Dammit, every time I start hating China they do something like this and become based again.

Stop it. You can’t troll with such low energy.

Fucking racist pigs. The Chinese and all of you. Black people have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CORONAVIRUS.

Black people are the cause of AIDS tho

Never ask an oldfag to spoonfeed you newfag.

Either this is low effort or ironic. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but Im on to you user.

>Posts something without source
>Its your job to prove im not lying!
For all we know this thread is as fake and gay as you

Is the European DNA typically Cucked?

Masks off 2020 everyone is allowed to openly hate niggers now.

>sells used masks to European countries
Go back Chinkoid and take your small pp with you.

You think the chinks should give everybody free masks? Like the US did for Israel?

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Didn't they get like a million chinese masks?

1x black american > 10,000,000x native gooks. chinese get less respect than sand niggers, mass murderes and pedophiles. cope.

US gave Israel a million masks then told your own military to cover their faces with sweaters, miga.

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Lol niggers btfo

You're completely ignoring the part that they came from china.

Everything comes from China where the fuck have you been?

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Yup, whites are the root issue. Whites have compassion and are week. Whites need to become de programmed

>defective chinese ventilators were shipped out everywhere
>israel gets chinese ventilators

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Based China.

Fuck, i've been hearing "ventilator" so fucking much I keep getting them mixed up.

>Black people are the cause of AIDS tho

No. I choose the side of african blacks over china.